"A Chinese proverb says an invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, despite the time, the place, despite the circumstances. The thread can be tightened or tangled, but never be broken."






 著作集 9(i)
パラグラフ 62

画像:  ジョン・ストラドウィック

Archetypes are complexes of experience that come upon us like fate, and their effects are felt in our most personal life.
The anima no longer crosses our path as a goddess, but, it may be, as an intimately personal misadventure, or perhaps as our best venture.
When, for instance, a highly esteemed professor in his seventies abandons his family and runs off with a young red-headed actress, we know that the gods have claimed another victim.

 Collected Works 9(i)
Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
Paragraph 62

Image:  John Strudwick


カール・ユング "金の糸 "について

彼は、"私は、自分では、それを金の糸と呼んでいる "と言った。

そうでなければ、絶えず幻想が入り込んできて、自分がどこにいるのかわからなくなるからです。~E. ハーディング、ユングとの対話、10-11ページ。

Carl Jung on the "Golden Thread"
Dr. Jung talked about the various forms of relationship, about sexuality, about friendship (which is mitigated desire, with its obligations to write frequently and so on.).
There is a third kind of relationship, the only lasting one in which it is as though there were an invisible telegraph wire between two humans.

He said, “I call it, to myself, the Golden Thread.”
This may be masked by other forms of relationship.
And other forms may be present without any such thread in them.
It is only when the veil of maya, of illusion, is rent for us that we can begin to recognize the Golden Thread.
He went on to speak of the three realities that make up the individuated state; God; the Self; and Relatedness.
Or in Christian terms: God, Father, and Son; the Spirit, or Self; and the Kingdom of Heaven.

And just as it is impossible to individuate without relatedness, so it is impossible to have real relationships without individuation.
For otherwise illusion comes in continually, and you don’t know where you are. ~E. Harding, Conversations with Jung, Pages 10-11.


「出会う人は皆、あなたが知らないけれど知っておくべきことを知っています。彼らから学びなさい。」― CG ユング

“Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research.”
― Carl Jung










何度も何度も、「神々の変容」の中で、彼は預言者として、あるいは新世代の最初に生まれた者として立ち上がり、最も思いもよらない場所(石、木、溝、水などから湧き出たもの)に予期せず現れます。 .) および曖昧な形 (親指トム、小人、子供、動物など)。

We can never legitimately cut loose from our archetypal foundations unless we are prepared to pay the price of a neurosis, any more than we can rid ourselves of our body and its organs without committing suicide.

If we cannot deny the archetypes or otherwise neutralize them, we are confronted, at every new stage in the differentiation of consciousness to which civilization attains, with the task of finding a new interpretation appropriate to this stage, in order to connect the life of the past that still exists in us with the life of the present, which threatens to slip away from it.

If this link-up does not take place, a kind of rootless consciousness comes into being no longer oriented to the past, a consciousness which succumbs helplessly to all matters of suggestion, and in practice, is susceptible to psychic epidemics.

With the loss of the past, now become insignificant, devalued, and incapable of re-evaluation, the savior is lost too, for the savior is either the insignificant thing itself, or arises out of it.

Over and over again, in the “metamorphosis of the gods” he rises up as the prophet, or first-born of a new generation, and appears unexpectedly in the unlikeliest of places (sprung from a stone, tree, furrow, water, etc.) and in ambiguous form (Tom Thumb, dwarf, child,a animal and so on).

Collected Works 9i
The Psychology of the Child Archetype 
Paragraph 267



私たちは、元型が最終的に説明され、処分されることができるという幻想に屈する勇気は一瞬たりともありません。 最善の説明を試みたとしても、多かれ少なかれ別の比喩的な言語に翻訳できただけです。 (実際、言語自体は単なるイメージにすぎません。)私たちにできることは、せいぜい神話を夢見て、それに現代的な装いを与えることです。 そして、説明や解釈がそれに対して何をするとしても、私たちは私たち自身の魂に対しても同様に行い、それに応じて私たち自身の幸福に結果をもたらします。 元型は私たち全員の中に存在する精神的な器官です。これを決して忘れないでください。 説明が悪いということは、この器官に対する態度も相応に悪く、したがって傷ついている可能性があることを意味します。 しかし、最終的な被害者は悪い通訳者自身です。

『子どもの元型の心理学』(1941年)、1963年翻訳、II, 1 : 過去とのつながりとしての元型;『全集』第9巻、第1部、160頁にも収録。


Not for a moment dare we succumb to the illusion that an archetype can be finally explained and disposed of. Even the best attempts at explanation are only more or less successful translations into another metaphorical language. (Indeed, language itself is only an image.) The most we can do is dream the myth onwards and give it a modern dress. And whatever explanation or interpretation does to it, we do to our own souls as well, with corresponding results for our own well-being. The archetype — let us never forget this — is a psychic organ present in all of us. A bad explanation means a correspondingly bad attitude toward this organ, which may thus be injured. But the ultimate sufferer is the bad interpreter himself.
Carl Jung

The Psychology of the Child Archetype [Das göttliche Kind] (1941), 1963 translation, II, 1 : The Archetype as a Link with the Past; also in Collected Works, Vol. 9, Part I, p. 160



「私たちが何をしようと、外で創造しようと、私たちがこの世界で目に見えるものにしようと、それは常に私たち自身であり、私たち自身の仕事であり、それを終わらせなければ、私たちは自分自身を終わらせることはありません. ですから、彼はいつもその重荷を背負っています。彼が積み上げて残したすべての未完成の状況は彼自身の中にあります。彼は果たされていない約束です。そして彼が人生で遭遇するのは彼自身でもあり、それはいわゆる直感的な人だけでなく、すべての人に当てはまります。

私たちの運命が何であれ、私たちが出会うどんな呪いも、私たちが接触する人々はすべて、私たち自身を表しています - 私たちに来るものはすべて私たち自身の運命です。それをあきらめたり、裏切ったりするなら、私たちは自分自身を裏切ったことになります。

― CG Jung, CG JungPsychology and Religionの作品集


“For whatever we do and whatever we create outside, whatever we make visible in this world, is always ourselves, our own work, and when we do not finish it, we don't finish ourselves. So he carries that burden all the time with him; every unfinished situation which he has built up and left is in himself. He is an unfulfilled promise. And what he encounters in life is also himself, and that is true for everybody, not only the so-called intuitive.

Whatever our fate or whatever curse we meet, whatever people we come into contact with, they all represent ourselves – whatever comes to us is our own fate and so it is ourselves. If we give it up, if we betray it, we have betrayed ourselves, and whatever we split off which belongs to us, will follow and eventually overtake us.”

― C. G. Jung, The collected works of C. G. JungPsychology and Religion


ニーチェのツァラトゥストラに関するユングのセミナー: 要約版
James L. Jarrett編集


1937 年 6 月 9 日









Jung's Seminar on Nietzsche's Zarathustra: Abridged Edition
James L. Jarrett 編集


9 JUNE 1937
Respectable do ye there stand, and stiff, and with straight backs, ye famous wise ones!-no strong wind or will impelleth you.
These wise ones are the people who have resisted the hurricane to such an extent that even the hurricane gave up, and then they think that they have mastered the hurricane.

Have ye ne'er seen a sail crossing the sea, rounded and inflated, and trembling with the violence of the wind?

Here he himself uses the term inflation. But that ship with the inflated sails thinks that she has a very big belly—thinks that she is sailing, no- body else, and she doesn't think of the wind that is pushing her. In- flated people never reckon with the fact that that increase of size is really due to an inflating spirit, and of course nobody else would think that they had any particular spirit. Yet they have, otherwise they could not be inflated. Naturally, this conception of the spirit is utterly inappli- cable to the Christian idea of the spirit. But if you have a conception of the spirit such as Zarathustra hints at, you can understand the true nature of inflation; there is something visibly negative in it and some- thing very positive.

Like the sail trembling with the violence of the spirit, doth my wisdom cross the sea-my wild wisdom!

This wild wisdom is the wisdom of nature, of the unconscious that is the wind, and anybody driven by the unconscious is in a state of savage natural wisdom which is not human.

But ye servants of the people, ye famous wise ones-how could ye go with me!
Inasmuch as he is the wind, they naturally resist him, so there is no reconciliation between the two. But sometimes the wind is so strong that those famous wise ones are blown away like dry leaves.

Now in this chapter, Nietzsche is really reaching the point where he becomes confronted with the true nature of the spirit; and since this was for his time an entirely new discovery, he is quite justified in feeling that it is an important discovery. Yet we have seen the signs of his hesi- tation, his shyness in touching that thing; as usual, he just gives a hint and disappears again. That is the way in which the intuitive generally deals, not only with his problems but also with his life; he creates a situation and as soon as it is more or less established, then off he goes because it threatens to become a prison to him, so his life consists chiefly in movement, in discovering new possibilities. And that goes down into every detail, so we are not at all astonished to find Nietzsche



And that goes down into every detail,  so we are not at all astonished to find Nietzsche in exactly the same condition when it comes to his confrontation with the true nature of the spirit.



in exactly the same condition when it comes to his confrontation with the true nature of the spirit.
You see, whenever an intuitive escapes a self-created situation, he is only apparently rid of it. That unfinished thing clings to him and will in time lame him; he carries it with him and it has a paralysing effect. For instance, he oversteps the reality of his body, time and again, and the body takes its revenge after a while: it gets out of order and makes him sick. Many intuitives are particularly troubled with all sorts of ill- nesses which arise chiefly from neglect. Or he may be troubled by his banal situation; always at cross purposes with his surroundings, he loses opportunities and is never settled. He never gets rooted, in spite of the fact that he has a marvelous ability to worm himself into new situations, to make friends and acquaintances and to be well spoken of for a while. Then it becomes a prison to him and he escapes-thank heaven that chance has come! And he forgets that he carries the old situation with him, but it is no longer outside of him, it is inside; and it will go on living as an unfinished thing in himself. For whatever we do and whatever we create outside, whatever we make visible in this world, is always ourselves, our own work, and when we do not finish it, we don't finish ourselves. So he carries that burden all the time with him; every unfinished situation which he has built up and left is in himself. He is an unfulfilled promise. And what he encounters in life is also himself, and that is true for everybody, not only the so-called intuitive. Whatever fate or whatever curse we meet, whatever people we come into contact with, they all represent ourselves-whatever comes to us is our own fate and so it is ourselves. If we give it up, if we betray it, we have betrayed ourselves, and whatever we split off which belongs to us, will follow and eventually overtake us. Therefore, if Nietzsche tries here to avoid the contact of the spirit, we can be sure that the spirit will catch hold of him: he will get into that out of which he thinks he has es- caped. You see, this is the introduction to the next chapter. Zarathustra is the confession of one who has been overtaken by the spirit.
Nietzsche himself handled all that people then called spirit and still call spirit. In a most brilliant way, he wrote in the style of the best aphorists. He was brilliant in his formulation and expression, and the mind or the intellect was in his hands like a sword handled by a master. But just that turned against him. Because he handled it so brilliantly, he was convinced that it was his own mind and overlooked the fact entirely that the wind was pushing his vessel. The motor power of his craft was not himself and his ability, but was the spirit, at first invisible or only visible as if it were his own brilliant mind. Then more and more it became clear to him that it was not himself. He even felt when he

He even felt when he wrote Zarathustra that Zarathustra was not himself, and therefore coined that famous formula, Da wurde eins zu zwei und Zarathustra ging an mir vorbei. In that formula he confessed his conviction that he and the spirit were two. 

1937 年 6 月 9 日





9 JUNE 1937
wrote Zarathustra that Zarathustra was not himself, and therefore coined that famous formula, Da wurde eins zu zwei und Zarathustra ging an mir vorbei. In that formula he confessed his conviction that he and the spirit were two. In the part of Zarathustra which we have hitherto dealt with, he was practically identical with that spirit, but we may ex- pect that after a while this must come to a head and then he will be confronted with that power which moves him. Here he comes very close to it; he has here the intuition of the true nature of the spirit. People with a considerable inflation are utterly unable to realize their identity with the driving force. It always needs an exaggeration of the inflation in order to explode it, and so it happened to Nietzsche.

Now in the next chapter called "The Night-Song" he realizes the nature of the spirit profoundly; he is still identical with it, but to such an extent that he begins to become aware of the inhuman or superhu- man nature of the spirit, and he feels his own reaction against it. In other words, he becomes aware of the hammer and the anvil. This is a great experience: it is the apex of a long development and at the same time an end and a beginning. It is a catastrophe and it is what antiquity would have understood as a rencontre with the deity. Whenever that hap- pens in Zarathustra his language becomes, one could say, truly divine; 

it has been sometimes grotesque, often brilliant and intellectual, but then it loses that quality and takes on the quality of music. That is the case here. This is the first place in Zarathustra where his language be- comes truly musical, where it takes on a descriptive quality from the unconscious which the intellect can never produce; 
no matter how bril- liant the mind, no matter how cunning or fitting its formulations, this kind of language is never reached. 

It is of course exceedingly poetic but I should say poetic was almost too feeble a word, because it is of such a musical quality that it expressed something of the nature of the unconscious which is untranslatable. Now, in the English or French translations you simply cannot get this, as, for instance, you cannot translate the second part of Faust. There is no language on God's earth which could render the second part of Faust-the most important part.


つまり、個人が分割されないまま、自分の内側の反対を意識しないとき、世界は強制的に対立を演じ、対立する半分に引き裂かれるに違いない。"~カール・ユング、CW 9ii, パラ126






“Today humanity, as never before, is split into two apparently irreconcilable halves.

The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate.

That is to say, when the individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner opposite, the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposing halves.” ~Carl Jung, CW 9ii, Para 126


Here’s more from Jung on ‘fate’ for further context:

The conscious realization of what is hidden and kept secret certainly confronts us with an insoluble conflict; at least this is how it appears to the conscious mind. But the symbols that rise up out of the unconscious in dreams show it rather as a confrontation of opposites, and the images of the goal represent their successful reconciliation. Something empirically demonstrable comes to our aid from the depths of our unconscious nature. It is the task of the conscious mind to understand these hints. If this does not happen, the process of individuation will nevertheless continue. The only difference is that we become its victims and are dragged along by fate towards that inescapable goal which we might have reached walking upright, if only we had taken the trouble and been patient enough to understand in time the meaning of the numina that cross our path. The only thing that really matters now is whether man can climb up to a higher moral level, to a higher plane of consciousness, in order to be equal to the superhuman powers which the fallen angels have played into his hands. But he can make no progress with himself unless he becomes very much better acquainted with his own nature. Unfortunately, a terrifying ignorance prevails in this respect, and an equally great aversion to increasing the knowledge of his intrinsic character. However, in the most unexpected quarters nowadays we find people who can no longer blink the fact that something ought to be done with man in regard to his psychology. Unfortunately, the little word “ought” tells us that they do not know what to do, and do not know the way that leads to the goal. We can, of course, hope for the undeserved grace of God, who hears our prayers. But God, who also does not hear our prayers, wants to become man, and for that purpose he has chosen, through the Holy Ghost, the creaturely man filled with darkness—the natural man who is tainted with original sin and who learnt the divine arts and sciences from the fallen angels. The guilty man is eminently suitable and is therefore chosen to become the vessel for the continuing incarnation, not the guiltless one who holds aloof from the world and refuses to pay his tribute to life, for in him the dark God would find no room.

~CG Jung, CW 11, Para 746


^^^ [It is the task of the conscious mind to understand these hints. If this does not happen, the process of individuation will nevertheless continue. The only difference is that we become its victims and are dragged along by fate towards that inescapable goal which we might have reached walking upright, if only we had taken the trouble and been patient enough to understand in time the meaning of the numina that cross our path. The only thing that really matters now is whether man can climb up to a higher moral level, to a higher plane of consciousness...]


“Jung said that everyone does their inner work and the only choice there is whether you’re going to do it intelligently or stupidly.

… you can live out your inner life and your inner work by your neurosis which is pure inner work on the stupidest possible level. If you don’t do your inner work it will do you and it will come up as anxiety, it will come up as phobias, as allergies, as accidents in your life, etc. (fate) and this is an incredibly stupid way of doing it.”

~Robert A. Johnson ~ inner work 01, you tube video.










ニーチェのツァラトゥストラに関するユングのセミナー: 要約版
James L. Jarrett編集




ここで彼自身がインフレという用語を使用しています。 しかし、帆を膨らませたその船は、自分の腹が非常に大きいと考えています。自分は帆走していると考えており、他の誰でもないと考えており、自分を押している風については考えていません。 膨張した人々は、そのサイズの増加が実際に膨張した精神によるものであるという事実を決して考慮しません。もちろん、他の誰も彼らが特定の精神を持っているとは考えません. それでも、そうでなければ膨らませることができませんでした。 当然のことながら、この精神の概念はキリスト教の精神の考えには全く当てはまりません。 しかし、ツァラトゥストラがほのめかしているような精神の概念があれば、インフレーションの本質を理解することができます。 その中には目に見えてネガティブなものと、とてもポジティブなものがあります。



彼が風である限り、彼らは自然に彼に抵抗するので、両者の間に和解はありません. しかし、時には風が強すぎて、それらの有名な賢者が乾いた葉のように吹き飛ばされることがあります。

この章で、ニーチェは本当に精神の本質に直面するところまで来ています。 これは彼にとってまったく新しい発見だったので、これが重要な発見であると彼が感じたのはもっともなことです。 しかし、私たちは彼がその物に触れることをためらったり、内気だったりする兆候を見てきました。 いつものように、彼はヒントを与えるだけで再び姿を消します。 これが、直観者が問題だけでなく人生にも対処する一般的な方法です。 彼は状況を作り出し、それが多かれ少なかれ確立されるとすぐに、それが彼にとって刑務所になる恐れがあるので、彼は去ります。そのため、彼の人生は主に動き、新しい可能性を発見することにあります。 そして、それは細部に至るまで続くので、ニーチェを見つけても私たちはまったく驚かない.



直観的な人が自分で作った状況から逃れるときはいつでも、明らかにそれを取り除いているだけです。 その未完成のものは彼にしがみつき、やがて彼を足が不自由にするでしょう。 彼はそれを持ち歩いており、麻痺効果があります。 たとえば、彼は自分の体の現実を何度も踏みにじり、しばらくすると体が復讐を始めます。 多くの直観主義者は、主に怠慢から生じるあらゆる種類の病気に特に悩まされています。 あるいは、平凡な状況に悩まされているかもしれません。 常に周囲と対立し、機会を失い、落ち着くことはありません。 彼は、新しい状況に身を置き、友人や知人を作り、しばらくの間よく話されるという驚くべき能力を持っているという事実にもかかわらず、根付くことは決してありません. それからそれは彼にとって刑務所になり、彼は逃げます-チャンスが来たことを天に感謝します! そして、彼は自分が古い状況を抱えていることを忘れていますが、それはもはや彼の外側ではなく、内側にあります。 そしてそれは自分自身の中で未完成のものとして生き続けます。 私たちが行うこと、外で創造すること、この世界で目に見えるものは、常に私たち自身であり、私たち自身の仕事であり、それを終わらせなければ、私たちは自分自身を終わらせることはありません. ですから、彼はいつもその重荷を背負っています。 彼が積み上げて残したすべての未完成の状況は彼自身の中にあります。 彼は果たされていない約束です。 そして彼が人生で遭遇するのは彼自身でもあり、それはいわゆる直感的な人だけでなく、すべての人に当てはまります。 どんな運命やどんな呪いに遭遇しても、どんな人と接触しても、彼らはすべて自分自身を表しています。 もし私たちがそれをあきらめたり、裏切ったりするなら、私たちは自分自身を裏切ったことになります。 したがって、ニーチェがここで霊との接触を避けようとするなら、霊が彼を捕まえることは確実です。 ほら、これは次の章への導入です。 ツァラトゥストラは霊に侵された者の告白です。
ニーチェ自身は、人々が当時精神と呼び、今でも精神と呼んでいるものすべてを扱いました。 最も素晴らしい方法で、彼は最高のアフォリストのスタイルで書きました。 彼はその構成と表現に優れており、精神または知性は、マスターが扱う剣のように彼の手にありました。 しかし、それだけが彼に背を向けました。 彼はそれを非常に見事に扱ったので、それが彼自身の心であると確信し、風が彼の船を押しているという事実を完全に見落としていました. 彼の技術の動力は、彼自身と彼の能力ではなく、最初は見えないか、彼自身の素晴らしい精神であるかのように見えるだけの精神でした. それから、それが彼自身ではないことがますます明らかになりました。 彼は彼がいつでも感じた



ツァラトゥストラはツァラトゥストラ自身ではないと書いており、それゆえ有名な公式「Da wurde eins zu zwei und Zarathustra ging an mir vorbei」を作り出した。 その式の中で、彼は自分と精神は二つであるという確信を告白した. これまで扱ってきたツァラトゥストラの部分では、彼は実質的にその精神と同一でしたが、しばらくするとこれが頭に浮かび、彼を動かす力に直面することになると予想できます。 ここで彼はそれに非常に近づいています。 彼はここで精神の真の性質の直観を持っています。 インフレが激しい人は、その原動力となる自分のアイデンティティーを完全に理解することができません。 インフレーションを爆発させるためには、常にインフレを誇張する必要があり、それがニーチェに起こりました。

さて、「夜の歌」と呼ばれる次の章で、彼は精神の性質を深く理解します。 彼はまだそれと同じですが、精神の非人道的または超人的な性質に気づき始め、それに対する彼自身の反応を感じるほどです. つまり、ハンマーと金床を意識する。 これは素晴らしい経験です。それは長い発展の頂点であると同時に、終わりと始まりでもあります。 それは大惨事であり、神との再会として古代が理解したであろうものです。 ツァラトゥストラでそれが起こるときはいつでも、彼の言語は真に神聖なものになると言えます。

時にはグロテスクで、しばしば華麗で知的なものでしたが、その後、その品質を失い、音楽の品質を帯びています. それがここにあります。 これはツァラトゥストラで彼の言語が真に音楽的なものになった最初の場所であり、知性では決して生み出せない無意識からの記述的な性質を帯びている。

もちろん非常に詩的ではあるが、詩的という言葉はあまりにも弱々しい言葉であると言わざるを得ない。なぜなら、それは翻訳不可能な無意識の性質の何かを表現するほどの音楽的性質を持っているからである。 さて、英語やフランス語の翻訳では、たとえば、ファウストの第二部を翻訳することができないため、これを取得することはできません. 神の地上には、ファウストの第二部、つまり最も重要な部分を表現できる言語はありません。