
When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate. ~Carl G. Jung






 - 神の意志、神の存在、神性を表すラテン語。20世紀初期において、物等に宿る魔法的な力、またはマナの同意語の様に使われることも有る。

^^ [これらのヒントを理解するのは、意識的な心の仕事です。それができなければ、それでも個性化のプロセスは続きます。唯一の違いは、私たちがその犠牲者となり、逃れられないゴールに向かって運命に引きずられていくことです。このゴールは、私たちが直立して歩いていても到達できたかもしれませんが、私たちの行く手を横切るヌーメンの意味を時間内に理解するだけの手間と忍耐力さえあれば。今、本当に重要なのは、人間がより高い道徳レベル、より高い意識レベルに上がれるかどうかということです...」。]



“Today humanity, as never before, is split into two apparently irreconcilable halves.
The psychological rule says that when an inner situation is not made conscious, it happens outside, as fate.
That is to say, when the individual remains undivided and does not become conscious of his inner opposite, the world must perforce act out the conflict and be torn into opposing halves.” ~Carl Jung, CW 9ii, Para 126

Here’s more from Jung on ‘fate’ for further context:
The conscious realization of what is hidden and kept secret certainly confronts us with an insoluble conflict; at least this is how it appears to the conscious mind. But the symbols that rise up out of the unconscious in dreams show it rather as a confrontation of opposites, and the images of the goal represent their successful reconciliation. Something empirically demonstrable comes to our aid from the depths of our unconscious nature. It is the task of the conscious mind to understand these hints. If this does not happen, the process of individuation will nevertheless continue. The only difference is that we become its victims and are dragged along by fate towards that inescapable goal which we might have reached walking upright, if only we had taken the trouble and been patient enough to understand in time the meaning of the numina that cross our path. The only thing that really matters now is whether man can climb up to a higher moral level, to a higher plane of consciousness, in order to be equal to the superhuman powers which the fallen angels have played into his hands. But he can make no progress with himself unless he becomes very much better acquainted with his own nature. Unfortunately, a terrifying ignorance prevails in this respect, and an equally great aversion to increasing the knowledge of his intrinsic character. However, in the most unexpected quarters nowadays we find people who can no longer blink the fact that something ought to be done with man in regard to his psychology. Unfortunately, the little word “ought” tells us that they do not know what to do, and do not know the way that leads to the goal. We can, of course, hope for the undeserved grace of God, who hears our prayers. But God, who also does not hear our prayers, wants to become man, and for that purpose he has chosen, through the Holy Ghost, the creaturely man filled with darkness—the natural man who is tainted with original sin and who learnt the divine arts and sciences from the fallen angels. The guilty man is eminently suitable and is therefore chosen to become the vessel for the continuing incarnation, not the guiltless one who holds aloof from the world and refuses to pay his tribute to life, for in him the dark God would find no room.
~CG Jung, CW 11, Para 746

^^^ [It is the task of the conscious mind to understand these hints. If this does not happen, the process of individuation will nevertheless continue. The only difference is that we become its victims and are dragged along by fate towards that inescapable goal which we might have reached walking upright, if only we had taken the trouble and been patient enough to understand in time the meaning of the numina that cross our path. The only thing that really matters now is whether man can climb up to a higher moral level, to a higher plane of consciousness...]

“Jung said that everyone does their inner work and the only choice there is whether you’re going to do it intelligently or stupidly.
… you can live out your inner life and your inner work by your neurosis which is pure inner work on the stupidest possible level. If you don’t do your inner work it will do you and it will come up as anxiety, it will come up as phobias, as allergies, as accidents in your life, etc. (fate) and this is an incredibly stupid way of doing it.”
~Robert A. Johnson ~ inner work 01, you tube video.