『名歌名句辞典』(佐々木幸綱・復本一郎/三省 堂)より選句
阿波野青畝 Awano-Seiha
Slugs and snails are both land snails and are closely related species. They are about as closely related as squids without shells and ammonites with shells (just guessing).
飯田蛇笏 おどけたる尼の操(みさお)や蛞蝓(なめくじり)
Hmm. I don't get it. Is the author trying to say something he shouldn't? If this work is based on the circumstances surrounding her becoming a Nun, then the comment is, "What an arrogant person to say! Get sent off with a straight red card."
嵐雪 なめくじり這て光るや古具足
He restored my old armor to a shiny new condition.
凡兆 五月雨に家ふり捨ててなめくじり
In the Edo period, "carrying the weight of one's family (clan)" seemed to have a heavier meaning than it does today. The metaphor of throwing away one's family (shell) is the height of lightness.
三橋鷹女 なめくぢを罵るこころ主婦となり
ナメクジとゴキブリに対峙できてこそ一人前の主婦?Is it only when you can face slugs and cockroaches that you're a real housewife?