Windows of opportunity


WHEN WINDOWS Phone 7 was unveiled in 2010, it seemed as if Microsoft was competing in a market where it could never hope to catch up. Its predecessor, Windows Mobile, had never really captured the attention of the average consumer – and now there was the twin threat of Google's Android and Apple's iPhone to deal with, essentially turning the smartphone market into a two-horse race.

It hasn't been all bad for Microsoft; more than five million handsets running Windows Phone have been shipped. But its global market share in 2011 was just 1.9 per cent. That is a far cry from Android's 47.4 per cent and Apple's 18 per cent with iOS.

If the research firms are to be believed, however, things will change within a few years. While Windows Phone will still trail Android, iSuppli expects its market share to rise to 9 per cent globally this year, and to 15 per cent in 2013. By 2015, the firm says, Windows Phone will be marginally ahead of Apple, with 16.7 per cent of the smartphone shipments.

They're not the only ones predicting a sharp rise in popularity for Microsoft's operating system. Last April, Gartner predicted Android would surge ahead in the mobile market, to almost 50 per cent by 2015. Microsoft, it said, would have a 19.5 per cent share of the market, pushing Apple to third in the global rankings, with 17.2 per cent.

But there is still some ground to make up. Windows Phone 7 is languishing far behind its Apple and Google rivals, but an increasing number of manufacturers are adopting it for their mobile devices. This week's launch of the Nokia Lumia 800 on the Irish market is the first time most Irish consumers will be exposed to Windows Phone.

With such a crowded marketplace, Microsoft has tried to do a few things differently to help it stand out, for example, the live tiles that update with text and images, and the fact that it has hubs instead of apps that stay completely separate from each other. This allows users to integrate social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, with Windows Messenger and LinkedIn.

For newcomers to smartphones, Windows Phone has the added benefit of familiarity for many users; the operating system brings elements from the desktop version of Windows – a mobile version of Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office software – along with Xbox Live integration.

At the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas last month, Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer was keen to push the benefits of the operating system to attendees and point out Microsoft's different approach to smartphones.

"I think with Windows Phone we're clearly on the right track," Ballmer said. "Windows Phone is the first phone that I think puts people first."

The first major update for Windows Phone 7, Mango, addressed some of the software's shortcomings and delivered many of the functions that might have been expected to be present in the OS from the beginning. Multitasking is a basic Windows function that was closed off to mobile users until the update was rolled out last year.

At CES this year, there were plenty of Windows Phone devices on display, with Nokia, and HTC showing off 4G phones and even a Fujitsu Toshiba Windows Phone to be seen.

Nokia is the first major manufacturer to commit itself in such a big way to Microsoft's mobile operating system. While HTC, LG, Samsung and others have also opted to produce Android handsets, Nokia's primary smartphone operating system will be Windows Phone, with Symbian taking a back seat.

For other manufacturers, there may be an element of hedging their bets. When Google bought Motorola Mobility last year, there was more than a little nervousness in the market. Gloomy predictions abounded that some manufacturers would pull back from Android for fear that Motorola would get preferential treatment from Google.

That was something the Android developer was quick to deny would happen, and so far it has been true to its word. Its new Ice Cream Sandwich operating system was first released on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. But Nokia has decided to commit itself, setting up a partnership that may give both companies a significant boost in smartphone market share. Nokia has already shipped more than one million of the devices since the launch last November.

From the beginning, Nokia promised to bring its skills in hardware design to the platform. Microsoft has certain criteria handsets must meet to use its operating system. The processor has to be at least 1Ghz, with a minimum of 8GB of flash memory and a capacitive touch screen. In the early days, there was also a requirement for a camera and gyroscope, although these are now considered optional, paving the way for cheaper devices.

It helps Microsoft set a standard for its hardware, but it also resulted in an early crop of Windows Phone 7 handsets that all looked rather similar, regardless of manufacturer.

But now things have broadened slightly, something Microsoft was keen to demonstrate at CES. On stage at Ballmer's keynote address, Windows Phone executive Derek Snyder said the breadth of choice" was one of Windows Phone's attractions, before going on to show off a range of phones from different manufacturers in different colours, with different screen technologies, but all running the same software.

Hardware will only get you so far, however. A large part of growing Microsoft's market share will be convincing consumers that there are the applications on the platform which they need. In its second annual developer survey, technology analyst Ovum said there was growing interest in Windows Phone among developers.

"The growing momentum behind Windows Phone indicates that Microsoft has managed to convince developers that its platform is worthy of investment; its challenge now is to persuade consumers," it said.

"A smartphone platform's success is dictated not only by the pull of consumers and the push of handset vendors and mobile operators, but also by a healthy economy of applications delivered by third-party developers."

One thing that could help is Windows 8, the new desktop operating system that is based on the same style interface as the mobile device software. The Metro interface is the future, according to Ballmer. Microsoft plans to use the graphical interface, based on tiles such as Windows Phone 7 across all its operating systems – tablet, mobile and desktop.

With Windows 8 set to become a feature of everyday life, it could be the weapon in Microsoft's arsenal that boosts Windows Phone in the mobile market.

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Technology-Driven Trends for 2012

No matter what industry you're in, your company can't survive without technology. And these days, even non-technical employees know that technology goes way beyond desktop computers and networks. From smart phones and tablet computers to mobile apps and cloud-based technology, there's a plethora of technological advancements to not only keep track of, but also to profit from. To stay competitive, your organization needs to anticipate the future technology trends that are shaping your business and then develop innovative ways to implement them in your organization.

Now that 2012 is well underway, be ready for the following 20 technology-driven trends to continue to create both disruption and opportunity in the business world. But rather than just react to them, be pro-active to future known events and plan how your company will profit from them now. That's the only way you'll gain competitive advantage in the coming years.

1) Rapid Growth of Big Data. Big Data is a term used to describe the technologies and techniques used to capture and utilize the exponentially increasing streams of data with the goal of bringing enterprise-wide visibility and insights to make rapid critical decisions. High-speed analytics using advanced cloud services will increasingly be used as a complement to existing information management systems and programs to tame the massive data explosion. This new level of data integration and analytics will require many new skills and cross-functional buy-in in order to break down the many data and organizational silos that still exist. The rapid increase in data makes this a fast growing hard trend that cannot be ignored.

2) Cloud Computing and Advanced Cloud Services will be increasingly embraced by business of all sizes, as this represents a major shift in how organizations obtain and maintain software, hardware, and computing capacity. As consumers, we first experienced public clouds (think about when you use Google or Apple's MobileMe and now iCloud). Then we saw more private clouds and hybrid clouds from businesses such as Flextronics, Siemens, Accenture, and many others, all using the cloud to cut costs in human resources and sales management functions. This was only the beginning, as cloud services enable the rapid transformation all business processes.

3) On Demand Services will increasingly be offered to companies needing to rapidly deploy new services. Hardware as a Service (HaaS) joins Software as a Service (SaaS), creating what some have called "IT as a service." All will grow rapidly for small as well as large companies, with many new players in a multitude of business process categories. These services will help companies cut costs as they provide access to powerful software programs and the latest technology without having the expense of a large IT staff and time-consuming, expensive upgrades. As a result, IT departments in all industries will be increasingly freed to focus on enabling business process transformation, which will allow organizations to maximize their return on their technology investments.

4) Virtualization of Storage, Desktops, Applications, and Networking will see continued acceptance and growth by both large and small businesses as virtualization security improves. We will continue to see the virtualization of processing power, allowing mobile devices to access supercomputer capabilities and apply it to processes such as purchasing and logistics, to name a few.

5) Consumerization of IT Increases as the source for innovation and technology continues to be driven by the consumer thanks to rapid advances in processing power, storage, and bandwidth. Smart companies have recognized that this is a hard tend that will continue and have stopped fighting consumerization. Instead, they are turning it into a competitive advantage by consumerizing their applications, such as recommending safe and secure third party hardware and apps. Encouraging employees to share productivity enhancing consumer technology will become a wise strategy.

6) Gamification of Training and Education will fuel a fast moving hard trend using advanced simulations and skill-based learning systems that are self-diagnostic, interactive, game-like, and competitive, all focused on giving the user an immersive experience thanks to a photo-realistic 3D interface. Some will develop software using these gaming techniques to work on existing hardware systems such as the Xbox and PlayStation. A social component that includes sharing will drive success.

7) Social Business takes on a new level of urgency as organizations shift from an information age "informing" model to a communication age "communicating and engaging" model. Social Software for business will reach a new level of adoption with applications to enhance relationships, collaboration, networking, social validation, and more. Social search will increasingly be used by marketers and researchers, not to mention Wall Street, to tap into millions of daily tweets and Facebook conversations, providing real-time analysis of many key consumer metrics.

8) Smart Phones & Tablets Become Our Primary Personal Computers, and the Mobile Web becomes a must-have capability. An Enterprise Mobility Strategy becomes mandatory for all size organizations as we see mobile data, mobile media, mobile sales, mobile marketing, mobile commerce, mobile finance, mobile payments, mobile health, and many more explode. The vast majority of mobile phones sold globally will have a browser, making the smart phone our primary computer that is with us 24/7 and signaling a profound shift in global computing. This new level of mobility will allow any size business to transform how they market, sell, communicate, collaborate, educate, train, and innovate using mobility.

9) Tablet Computers with Enterprise-Level Web Apps will be used to transform sales and service support and then move to purchasing, logistics, just-in-time training, and much more.

10) Intelligent Electronic Agents using natural language voice commands takes off with Apple's Siri, rapidly followed by Android, Microsoft, and others all offering what will become a mobile electronic concierge on your smart devices including your phone, tablet, and television. Soon retailers will have a Siri-like sales assistant, and maintenance workers will have a Siri-like assistant. The possibilities are endless.

11) Digital Identity Management will become increasingly important to both organizations and individuals as new software allows users to better manage their multiple identities across business and personal networks. Next generation biometrics will play a key role in both identity management and security.

12) Visual Communications takes video conferencing to a new level with programs like Skype, FaceTime, and others giving us video communication on phones, tablets, and home televisions. Visual communications will be integrated with current video conferencing systems, fueling this as a main relationship-building tool for businesses of all sizes.

13) Enhanced Location Awareness will accelerate the number of business-to-consumer apps for smart phones and tablets that will take geo-social marketing and sales to a new level of creative application, driving rapid growth.

14) Geo-Spatial Visualization combines geographic information systems (GIS) with location-aware data, RFID (radio frequency identification), and other location-aware sensors (including the current location of users from the use of their mobile devices) to create new insights and competitive advantage. Early applications include logistics and supply chain to name a few.

15) Smart TV Using Apps will get a major boost in the marketplace, fueling a major shift in home viewing. Ever wonder how you could have over 500 cable or satellite channels and nothing to watch? You didn't have apps on your TV allowing you to personalize the experience. This is the beginning of a major shift that will take place in living rooms globally. Look for Apple to introduce the iTV (living room size iPad).

16) Multiple App Stores for all smart phone, tablet, and television operating systems (Android, Blackberry, Windows, and others) will take off, creating an abundant distribution and sales ecosystem for all. This will cement the revolution versus evolution that apps software represents. We will see business app stores for the enterprise starting this year.

17) 3D Displays for Smart Phones and Tablets will be the breakthrough that will drive wide-scale consumer acceptance of 3D computing. 3D computing for the enterprise will grow rapidly for military, medicine, fashion, architecture, and entertainment applications.

18) eBooks, eNewspapers, and eMagazines Pass the Tipping Point due to the abundance of smartphones with readable displays, tablets that provide a full color experience, and publishers providing apps that give a better than paper experience by including cut, copy, paste, print, and multimedia capabilities. In addition, eBook readers will have high quality with a low enough price to bring in the masses.

19) Interactive Multimedia eTextbooks will finally take off thanks to Apple's iBook Author and other competing tools, freeing new publishers to create compelling and engaging content, and freeing students from a static, expensive, and literally heavy experience.

20) Wireless Machine-to-Machine applications such as two-way meter reading, surveillance, vending machine, and point-of-sale solutions take off thanks to faster wireless data networks.

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Smartphone Security: Keeping your personal information safe

Syracuse (WSYR-TV) - You call it a smartphone. A hacker calls it a computer, or an opportunity to steal your personal information.

For many people, a smartphone is a must-have, whether it's an iPhone, a BlackBerry, or an Android phone.

With a smartphone, you can text, play games, access the Internet, or make calls.

Rule 1: Treat your smartphone like a computer

Users need to be aware that a smartphone is more than a phone. A general rule of thumb is to treat the device like a computer – and experts say that rule should apply whether you're an iPhone user, or an Android user.

Apple users might be under the impression that they don't need to worry about security on their devices because hackers are more likely to author malware for PC-based devices. Information security engineer Griffin Reid makes his money testing environments for data security. He warns that iPhone users should exercise the same caution that Android users have become accustomed to.

"That right there is a huge misconception," said Griffin Reid, an information security engineer. "The fact that Apple users think they're not susceptible to viruses and malware, it's completely false."

Rule 2: Do not connect to open WiFi

Free WiFi is not your friend. What might appear to be secure connection, could be a front.

A WiFi hotspot can be called whatever its creator wants to call it. What appears to be Starbucks, may not be. If you are browsing on one of these connections shopping using a smartphone app can be a dangerous. Each time you enter a password or credit card number, you may be exposing it to hackers.

Rule 3: Never save passwords in a text document

You should never save sensitive data or passwords to a text document on your phone.

Reid recommends an app called 1Password, which is available for purchase on most platforms.

1Password stores your passwords and confidential information - including web accounts, credit card data, and personal data - in one secure place and protects it with one strong password -- the only one you need to remember.

Rule 4: Know your app

Before you download an app, you should know what you're getting into.

You should always download apps from trusted sources. One way to research an app is to read reviews on it before downloading.

Rule 5: Equip your smartphone with protection

Tim Kirk of the US Secret Service also suggests that smartphone users contact their provider to download free or low-cost malware and virus protection. He also says that the customer should utilize passwords to protect their networks. That said, password users should not assume a password cannot be guessed or bypassed.

Finally, you should always leave your smartphone someplace safe. The simplest form of data theft isn't done by hacking, but by simply turning on your phone.

Hackers should be warned that criminal use of smartphones can lead to Federal charges of wire fraud, computer fraud, identity theft, or other violations that can lead to fines and considerable Federal prison sentences.

Copyright 2012 Newport Television LLC All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Angelic "Steve Jobs" loves Android in Taiwan TV ad

By Jonathan Standing

(Reuters) - He may have derided Android devices in real life but in the afterlife Apple Inc founder Steve Jobs is glad he can use one -- or at least that's the story a Jobs look-alike tells in a recent TV commercial for a Taiwanese electronics company's new product.

In the ad, Taiwanese comedian and impersonator Ah-Ken, dressed in Jobs' trademark black turtle neck sweater and blue jeans and sporting white angel's wings and a halo, extols the virtues of Action Electronics Co.'s combined tablet PC and multi-language dictionary, which runs on Google Inc's Android.

"Introducing the new generation of the pad," says the "Jobs" character, whipping the Action Pad out of his back jeans pocket, wings flapping as he shows off the dictionary functions on a giant screen behind a darkened stage furnished with a sofa and small table.

"Thank God I finally get to play other tablets," the character adds in the 20-second commercial's final scene, a broad grin on his face as he taps away on the device on the sofa. The ad is subtitled in English throughout, a nod to the device's dictionary function.

Jobs, who died in October 2011, famously referred to Android as "shit," according to his biography, and was quoted in the book as saying he was going to "destroy" Android and was prepared to go to "thermonuclear war" over the product.

"Steve Jobs always promoted things that were good for people, Apple products, so his image can also promote other things that are good," said Chelsea Chen, a spokeswoman for Action Electronics, a maker of electronic gadgets including portable DVD players and Internet devices.

The commercial does not use Jobs' name or refer to him or Apple in any way, but has drawn some sharp reactions on YouTube,

with some branding it distasteful and disgusting and one even calling for a boycott of the company. The video is at: (here)

Chen didn't see any adverse reaction from Apple.

"It's just an impersonator, not Jobs," she said.

"We have no choice but to use Android, we can't use iOS," she added, referring to Apple's mobile device operating system.

It's not the first time Jobs' image has been used in Taiwan to promote products, a measure of his fame in the wired, tech-exporting island whose companies make most of Apple's products. Last year a drinks company had a Jobs look-alike promoting a green tea drink.

Jobs has also been featured by Taiwanese satirical news video maker Next Media Animation, which once portrayed him knocking the helmet off "Darth Vader" Bill Gates of Microsoft with a light saber and then wearing it himself and ruling the tech universe from an office in a Death Star.

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Suzhou-made high-performance amorphous silicon solar cells

Development of green and marked a new low-carbon energy technology industry, economic transformation and upgrading of Suzhou is undoubtedly an important part. The new energy industry, inexhaustible solar energy, new energy industry is aiming good focus.

Some people say that solar energy solar energy, with the sun, there can be no sun on the incompetent.

This is only half right - before it does, now is not right, even in rainy days under fluorescent light, a solar cell can still generate electricity. This battery is also used to promote fruits and vegetables grown in greenhouses, very broad application prospects.

This solar cell is the high-performance amorphous silicon solar cells. Recently, the production of this battery of common photovoltaic energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. has been in Weiting within the foundation, a completed, will form a 50-100 megawatt amorphous silicon thin film solar cell production capacity, long-term production size of around 200 MW, while the establishment of advanced technology research and development, testing and building integrated and efficient agricultural development center three centers, become the leading enterprise in the field of solar energy industry.

Launched under the electric lamp

Universal Solar Energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Dr. Liu Youhai introduced into the 21st century, global demand for solar cells, are more than 40% annually.

The current silicon solar cells can be divided into three categories: single crystal silicon solar cells, polycrystalline silicon thin-film amorphous silicon thin film solar cells and solar cells. Among them, a dark look of polysilicon thin-film solar cell market share of 90%. However, polycrystalline silicon thin-film solar cell production requires large amounts of high-purity silicon, and high purity silicon in short supply in recent years, there is no market price were even seriously affected the development of the industry. In addition, the production of polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cell itself is energy consumption, to produce a polycrystalline silicon thin-film solar photovoltaic module components (1 × 1.5 米 specifications), you need to consume 40 kg of coal, but also pollution.

Amorphous silicon thin film solar cells do not exist these constraints. Of course, before the battery is also not high energy conversion rate of the shortcomings. Liuyou Hai said that the general polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cells, energy conversion rate of 16%, while the amorphous silicon thin film solar cell conversion rate of only 7% of the world's advanced level of only 10%. Conversion rate is low, so many people are reluctant to choose this cell.

However, after the Chinese team of independent research and development, General Solar Energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd can produce energy conversion rate of 14%. Listen to less than polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cells, but the scientific tests proved that the same conversion rate of thin film solar cells, amorphous silicon of the electricity is 1.2 times that of polysilicon. Liu Youhai explained that this is because the amorphous silicon cell in the case of relatively weak light can generate electricity, such as the rainy day (with a little light), even under fluorescent light can also generate electricity.

Sure enough, the reporter in the general solar energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. for temporary office point to witness this: Here's a light in the corner stood a near-adult height of the plate, the surface looks like a glass plate, close to the top sheet of paper to tell people that this is the amorphous silicon thin film solar cell components. Qi is the entire component connected with the outside world without wires, but also shine a trace of the sun, but even the top of a small lamp lit. Accompanied by the companies interviewed Yan One project manager explained before, a small electric light power is absorbed by the interior components of energy conversion from the fluorescent lamp.

Unlimited prospects

Liu Youhai not without pride, 14% by 1.2 to 16.8%, so their battery power, the actual conversion rate is higher than ordinary silicon cells. This battery can be used for power plant power generation, can also be used to help energy efficiency in buildings, but also for home use, such as used in water heaters, and for lighting. Components by a 100-120 watt power, ordinary people generally coupled with a board with six battery unit is sufficient.

In addition, the battery can be used in greenhouses, the wavelength is not so certain generation, and used to greenhouse warming, promote fruit and vegetable production, which is the normal silicon cells can not. Liu Youhai, at present they have other places in Rugao established several demonstration studio, model studio is not installed on a plastic film holder, but fitted with amorphous silicon thin film solar modules. Because there is no sun can still generate electricity, so cold, when fruits and vegetables grow much faster rate than other greenhouses.

Liu Youhai said, is optimistic about the bright prospects, coupled with a favorable investment environment in Suzhou, so the total investment of $ 300 million, covers an area of 253 acres of foreign-funded projects in Suzhou, the foundation, a project is expected to put into operation next year . In addition to the construction of thin-film PV production base and the control group production equipment manufacturing base, there will also set up three R & D centers, 30,000 square meters of advanced technology research and development center, 15,000 square meters of high-efficiency agriculture test center and 15,000 square meters of building integration and development center.

Ambitious new energy industry development

As a high-performance products, amorphous silicon thin film solar cells is certainly leading the development of a new energy industry, beach-goers, but by no means the only beach-goers.

To the park, for example, here have been aimed at this new energy photovoltaic nanotechnology industry. Nano-optical semiconductor lighting and new energy is the main direction of solar photovoltaic cells, to general lighting, large screen LCD LED backlight and battery equipment as a breakthrough independent film.

And General Photovoltaic Energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. founded in the park the same day over bright electronic items, is one example. The company from Taiwan BenQ Group Electronics Co., Ltd. a subsidiary of Lunda investment, total investment of about $ 500 million dollars. The project covers about 363 acres, will be moved to the first quarter of next year and production equipment to provide domestic and international markets LED backlight LCD panel and LED lighting applications. After the completion of up to bright electronic LED industry will become only the wafer from the upstream, midstream chip, downstream packaging to stop production of business applications, the formation of the mainland's largest LED industry base.

Settled on poly-Chan Loufeng Optoelectronics Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., is one example. The company by Gu Xin Photoelectric Co., Ltd. on April 8, 2010 funded the establishment, mainly engaged in high-power semiconductor lighting (LED) epitaxy and chip design industry. Companies registered capital of 250 million yuan, total investment of 750 billion yuan.

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Yingli Group's solar technology deep into the American Campus

According to Bloomberg, China's second largest domestic manufacturer of solar panels - Yingli Green Energy Holding Company Limited (Yingli Green Energy Holding Co.) Rutgers University has for the United States (Rutgers University) supplied the 7600 solar panels, by the light energy conversion power generation, $ 10 million this year, this project can save the school $ 200,000 in energy costs. Rutgers University has become the nation's largest campus solar one.

It is reported, including British interests in China, including several solar panel manufacturers to slash production costs due to successful make a template of international solar cell prices declined by 50% within two years. Affected by this trend, the global solar power applications are also within the scope has been further promoted.

SunDurance Energy CEO Buckman (Al Bucknam), said: "Compared with other companies, Yingli Group more price advantage."

At present, solar PV panels company cut the price move has also been supported by the Chinese government. Some analysts have pointed out that the Chinese government's move to support the Japanese government with decades ago, the practice of the domestic electronics industry is very similar, and in that period, the rapid development of electronics industry in Japan, Japanese companies have now become a major international power electronics markets. Element Partners investment firm Maikejindi (Kathleen A. McGinty), said: "The Chinese government's support of solar energy manufacturers of solar cells is to guide the rapidly falling prices template, the main reason."

Research and consulting firm Pike Research 6 report released Tuesday said that by 2013, there will be a part of the global market situation, that is, the cost of solar energy in conjunction with normal grid electricity as cheaply. European Solar Industry Association (European Photovoltaic Industry Association, EPIA) had also expected in 2010, when parts of southern Italy, in conjunction with grid electricity generation cost of solar flat, followed by Spain in 2012, some areas can reach this goal .

Bloomberg's New Energy Finance Consulting (Bloomberg New Energy Finance) said that, because of price advantage, in the past six years, the Chinese manufacturer of photovoltaic panels in the international market share has gradually increased to the current 43%.

Negative impact on

Consulting firm New Energy Finance analyst Deni chief solar Chase (Jenny Chase) said: "The large number of solar manufacturers in Asia, this factor will make the international market price of solar panels to further decline."

However, the solar panels price decline will have a negative impact on makers that investors are reluctant to invest, so now most of the solar energy company's stock has not been good.

At present, China's domestic companies, including large-scale solar energy Suntech Power Co., Ltd. (Suntech Power Holdings), Yingli Group and Trina Solar Limited (Trina Solar Ltd.). This year, three companies in the New York Stock Exchange stock prices are different degrees of decline, which Suntech most serious decline of 37%.

Compared with solar energy enterprises in China, foreign manufacturers, such as the German solar giant SolarWorld AG, the U.S. solar panel maker Evergreen Solar Inc.'s Stock devaluation is more serious, the latter's stock price as of July 21 has dropped 56 %.

China's subsidy policy

Deloitte China Research and Insight Director of the Centre Du Zhihao (Kenneth J. DeWoskin) that has been widely believed that China's rapid development of solar energy companies have been able to, mainly because of support by the government. However, this practice was eventually overshadowed the value of PV panels should be.

Yuanta Securities (Yuanta Securities) of the energy industry analyst, said Li Min, China's solar energy business in the international stock market compared to foreign companies, or more attractive. In general terms, the basic analysts believe that China Solar solar energy companies in other countries more than investment potential.

Prior to a Bloomberg News survey of 27 analysts, 14 bits are recommended to purchase Yingli shares, only one analyst thinks the stock should be sold Yingli. In contrast, only three analysts believe that stocks should be purchased Evergreen Solar, and the proposed sale of the company's stock to seven the number of analysts.

China is only the beginning of the development of solar energy companies

Currently, there are some cities in China began the implementation of subsidies for solar energy, and these cities for renewable energy applications to speed up the pace. Baoding subsidies enacted attracted about 200 renewable energy companies to invest.

Earlier, China's State Development Bank (China Development Bank Corp.) Declared during the year will Yingli, Suntech and Trina Solar to provide solar energy totaled 116 billion yuan (about $ 17 billion) in loans. Beijing also plans to install the 2012 contract prices to reach $ 1 billion in solar panels for heating and lighting systems for the city to provide energy.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch (Bank of America-Merrill Lynch) analyst Lu Yeung in Hong Kong, said: "The Chinese Government is carefully reviewing its energy policy and the need for new measures." Vice president Jason Liu Yingli, said: "China to promote the the solar industry is still in the initial stage, the use of renewable energy is the inevitable development.

IEA (International Energy Agency) data released in 2009, China replaced the U.S. as the world's largest energy consumer. Thus, the Chinese government has tried to build more similar to companies like Yingli Group to reduce the country for oil imports and the demand for coal. In addition, in 2009 the Chinese government invested $ 34.6 billion for clean energy projects, almost twice the amount of investment the U.S. government.

Promising solar cell recovery

Photovoltaic industry started to recover from the end of last year. From the fourth quarter of 2009, the PV market has gradually regained consciousness and development. A standard commercial solar PV panels can be 12% -18% of solar energy into usable electrical energy, and high-end model of efficiency up to 20%. The first half of this year, form a good supply and demand constantly.

Solar cell industry sales from the demand for raw materials in the polysilicon can be seen. , The Investment Advisory Industry Research Center, the latest data can tell us, GCL in the January to May this year, 5713 tons polysilicon production and sales, compared with an increase of 300% over the same period last year. Only from January to May, China's total import volume of polysilicon to 1.55 million tons, compared to last year, an increase of 121%. This data can also be known as second only to solar PV production base in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, the first quarter of this year, total exports of solar 4,730,000, an increase of 250%.

The capacity of the global market also continued to expand, not only in some European countries to step up photovoltaic project, European governments also preferential policies to support enterprises to develop solar photovoltaic industry. United States, Japan and other countries are actively layout. China also announced in June this year the second batch of PV tenders, totaling 280MW, more than last year 270MW. It predicts that the global PV installed capacity will double last year. This is also for the country's PV industry has brought new growth points.

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Listed companies running into the field of new energy

The new energy sector is becoming the focus of the market. This section not only in the industrial policy to obtain specific support, in the capital markets also gained the favor of investors. It is in this context, many traditional industries have started to invest in listed companies to enter new energy areas.

New energy industry is currently involved in two major business, one new power generation business, such as solar power, biomass power, wind power, the second is the use of new energy power industry, including lithium batteries, battery cars.

Shares of two listed companies, Jiangxi and Jiangsu special motor Anyuan announced, wishes to enter through the cooperation the field of new energy bus. According to the notice issued by the two companies, the shares owned subsidiary of Anyuan Anyuan bus and river motor, new lithium can Jiangxi, Beijing Shenzhou New Energy giant electric four companies signed the "production of new energy bus Yichun lithium cooperation agreement . " Among them, the body responsible for providing Anyuan bus and vehicle electronic control systems, and vehicle assembly; Jiang responsible for providing special electrical motors and motor control system; Jiangxi new lithium can be responsible for new lithium energy co-ordination of bus manufacturing; Beijing Shenzhou giant new power be responsible for providing batteries and battery management system, while charge the battery and battery management system installation.

Jiang-motor relevant person in charge said that the company can play to the advantages in the field of special motor, the lithium industry, upstream and downstream direction, the auto and electric vehicle drive motor assembly R & D, prototype, but the contract had no effect on the current operating performance . Anyuan shares official said that the implementation of the contract Anyuan bus to enhance R & D capabilities, to promote the company has developed new products to enhance energy buses play a helpful role.

Lithium Battery

Foshan Lighting is a veteran lighting manufacturers, Bell, chairman of the letter was recently shareholder meeting, said that cooperation with Qinghai Salt Lake Group is about to initial production of lithium carbonate project. In addition, the company through the acquisition of Landmark National Hi-Tech 20% stake in the new energy field formed a "lithium development - lithium battery - electric vehicle application" complete industrial chain.

Minutes before the letter said four years ago, Foshan Lighting has been successfully obtained the technology to extract lithium carbonate, the company is expected to be completed within one year 3,000 tons of production capacity. Guoxuan Tech has a lithium iron phosphate cathode material and the battery capacity, and has been successfully used in electric bicycles and storage batteries. Guoxuan Ankai Tech jointly developed with 30 electric buses, when the beginning of trial operation in Hefei. Foshan lighting that can be used upstream of lithium resources, the development of lithium battery project, for the formation of the future to extract lithium from lithium carbonate and lithium battery materials production, and gradually form a new electric car energy chain.


CSG fields in addition to a generous investment in polysilicon, but also invest in a conductive thin film solar cells using TCO glass production line. CSG's first annual production capacity of 460,000 square meters of thin film solar production line of TCO conductive glass was produced in 2010 quarter measure, which allows CSG to become the first thin-film photovoltaic solar cells with conductive glass with TCO production capacity of the enterprise .

TCO glass is a thin film solar cell manufacturing one of the key raw materials, global demand in 2010 will reach 25 million square meters. CSG is actively conducting TCO glass expansion project is expected to total production in 2011 will expand to produce 1.2 million square meters. CSG said, will be closely integrated thin film solar cell technology trends, and constantly develop the characteristics of a differentiated product line.

The Vosges shares into new energy projects is a key area of thin-film solar cell module, Sun's chairman, said on your company for the industrial transformation have high confidence.

Wind Power

Land of the energy transformation of the main direction of the wind power industry in the field. Land of energy through multiple asset sales, from a trade, machinery manufacturing industry, trade, manufacturing-based companies into the wind power industry, new energy-based businesses. Company directed repurchase is completed, Shanghai Hong Chang Sheng Group became the largest shareholder in the Inner Mongolia Wulanchabu 400 square kilometers of wind farms, all put into the formation of the total installed capacity of 1500 MW will be an annual generating capacity of 3.75 billion kWh production scale.

Compass Energy said the company is now focusing on the development of a project ---- Inner Bayinxile 49.5 MW wind farm project was started construction in late 2009, the fan equipment purchase contracts have also been signed in early 2010 Other work is in full swing them. It is understood that Land of energy Bayinxile 49.5 MW wind farm wind power concession projects have been selected by tender to determine the Vestas Wind Technology Co., Ltd. 2 MW wind turbine, the two sides have signed a wind turbine procurement contract .

Industry point of view

New long-term healthy development of the energy industry

Recent decision-makers stressed the need to focus on strengthening the polysilicon, wind power equipment industry guidance, strict market access; of polysilicon and other new industries to establish and improve access standards to address the problem of overcapacity. This is the new energy industry is a major positive. Wind power, photovoltaic industry leading enterprises will directly benefit from this industrial policy, and competitive market environment facing the situation will be greatly improved, leading the industry is expected to take this opportunity to further consolidate its dominant position.

After domestic wind power market in recent years, temper, local wind power companies have to occupy in the global top ten three seats. To the wind as the representative of leading companies, on the one hand to obtain financing through the capital market expansion capital, but also begin the layout of the global wind power capacity market. We think this is the impact of slowing domestic price competition, the global wind power market towards the right course.

On the solar industry, the 2009 global PV installed capacity of new highs to reach 7200MW. With the national PV industry support policies to promote the implementation and continue to lower the cost of electricity can be expected, the global PV market demand in 2014 will reach 30GW, over the next five-year compound growth remains at 30%.

The future of nuclear power industry equipment, the most important feature is overall localization. At present, China has independent intellectual property rights can produce 300,000 kilowatt pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant equipment, the localization rate of 80%; basically have the complete set to produce 60 million kilowatts of PWR nuclear power plant unit capacity, independent of the share to more than 70 %. Next 10 years, China's nuclear power equipment market of approximately 418 billion yuan, $ 38 billion annual market capacity.

800 kwh power plant operation of sodium-sulfur battery breakthrough in smart grid industry

Smart Grid National Grid is currently the focus of building orientation, energy storage and smart grid technology is one of the core technology. The sodium sulfur battery energy storage because of its large capacity, small size, energy storage and conversion efficiency, long life, without geographical restrictions, etc., are used for power storage.

July 25, the Shanghai Municipal Government in Shanghai with the State Grid Corporation signed a "smart grid strategic cooperation agreement." Shanghai Electric Group, Shanghai Electric Power Company, and Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences signed a "sodium-sulfur battery on promoting industrial cooperation letter of intent." Jia Qinglin, Shanghai Party Secretary Yu attended the ceremony. Shanghai Municipal Committee, Mayor Han Zheng, the State Grid Corporation of party secretary, Liu Zhenya, general manager of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Yin and Chun delivered speeches respectively.

Mr Han said that the development of smart grid and other strategic emerging industries, building a strong intelligence network, accelerate the transformation of economic development is an inevitable choice for the implementation of national energy strategy is an important measure. Shanghai will strive to become functional smart grid demonstration base, the key technology R & D base and major equipment manufacturing base. Shanghai has been the development of smart grid as an important aspect of high-tech industries, for smart grid applications, R & D and industrialization to give full support. Shanghai will fully cooperate with the State Grid Corporation of the construction of a strong intelligence network to carry out the work, fully rely on the role of the Chinese Academy of science and technology support, and promote smart grid in the Shanghai R & D and industrialization of key technologies to achieve a breakthrough.

Yin and Jun said, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government and the State Grid Corporation has a long history of friendship and cooperation and has signed a strategic cooperation agreement, carried out good cooperation. The face of national energy security, Chinese Academy of Science and Technology team of the advantages of active play, active deployment in many areas. In the smart grid for the field of technology and development involves extensive, required materials, devices, information, communication, control and management features such as multi-disciplinary participation, Chinese Academy of Sciences to play the comprehensive advantages of multi-disciplinary, forward deployed in large-capacity storage battery and systems, electric vehicles, materials and sensor networking, semiconductor lighting and other fields have achieved some significant results. Strengthen the key technologies in the smart grid research and development, to jointly promote our smart grid construction and technology development, for promoting China's industrial restructuring, accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development and fostering strategic emerging industries is important.

"The use of electric energy storage technologies that can improve the network economy, security and supply reliability, support for new energy development." Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Professor Luo Hongjie, director, told reporters.

"With large-scale energy storage device that can be used to reduce and delay, transmission, transformation and distribution of equipment investment, improve the utilization of existing power equipment and power supply reliability, reduce coal consumption." Shanghai Institute of Silicate The Energy Materials Research Center, Shanghai research and development base of sodium sulfur battery technology engineer researcher Zhao-Yin Wen said.

It is understood, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of positive response to national strategy, with the State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company in advance cooperation in the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission and other departments, in the high-capacity sodium-sulfur battery energy storage for important research areas breakthrough, successfully developed with independent intellectual property rights capacity of 650Ah single sodium-sulfur battery energy storage, making China the world after Japan's second largest capacity to master the core technology of sodium sulfur battery countries. It is reported that 2 MW capacity have been built and sodium sulfur battery demonstration pilot production line, 800 kWh of sodium sulfur storage demonstration plants have been successfully run, marking the sodium sulfur battery energy storage has been the basic conditions of industrial. Transfer to the industrial application stage, the Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation in co-operation, from R & D, production and application, the three unit combination, integrated social quality resources, innovative management, effectively promoting the sodium sulfur battery energy storage to products, practical development.

Yin and Jun said, the CAS Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, technical sources, the State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company continues to apply traction to play, Shanghai Electric has a strong manufacturing and production management, believes that "through triangular cooperation, will be able to play an effective technology for the industry The lead and supporting role for the development of our smart grid make an important contribution. "

It is reported that Shanghai will focus on the development of new energy access and control, power storage, power electronics applications and core devices, intelligent systems and intelligent substation equipment, smart grid and smart clients with high-temperature superconductivity, IT communications and software-related information services and other aspects of industry and technology. By 2012, Shanghai will strive to cultivate 3 to 5 smart grid industry leaders to form a competitive smart grid industry clusters, industry scale reached 500 billion yuan.

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Best of 2009: Articles on the blog

Last year we wrote 336 articles in OnSoftware . Just as we did in 2009 , we wanted to highlight "of them all, the ten articles that have appeared better.

There are those who have more visits, no more comments, nor the most beautiful or having the purest prose. This is a list of ten articles which by their originality, usefulness or content, you should not miss . Or so we think.

Increases the duration of your laptop battery

One of the star of Christmas gifts are laptops. As its name suggests, can be moved from one place to another, while the battery is still alive.

In this article we reviewed a few tips to get the most out of your laptop battery and thereby achieve the greatest possible autonomy.

Lose the fear of Linux with VirtualBox ( II ) ( III )

The mere mention "Linux", many people will put goose bumps (as if it had appointed a fearsome monster.) Partitions, hard disks, data, Windows, boot loader … You can always use a LiveCD, but you can experiment with creating a virtual machine with VirtualBox.

This three-part guide explains the process from start to finish, with great detail. No more fear of penguins.

El YouTube de…

The YouTube concept is extremely simple: a content (in this case varied videos) uploaded by users, and the ability to comment, rate and interact (minimally) with other visitors. No wonder that the huge success of YouTube has led to a proliferation of all types of clones with topics very varied.

Dozens of web pages YouTube-style await.

Manual de up ( II ) ( III )

Are you one of the few members of the resistance who do not yet have an account on Facebook? If so, you know you can not hold forever.

Whether you're going to open your account now, as if you already have, this guide to Facebook in three parts tells you from the most basic elements such as registration, to how to set privacy.

Eliminando virus manualmente ( II )

Safety is a very important issue. This year we gave several tips for maintaining security while chatting , we explain the most common ways to infect a computer and even gave him a look at a concept on the rise: the virus in the cloud .

As if all this fails, this paper divided into two parts you about the world of virus removal in the old way, that is, locate the threat and eradicate it by yourself. If you want something done right …

Top tips for Messenger

You could say that 2009 has not been a good year for Messenger. Microsoft forced to upgrade to the latest version, which featured many computer errors, which causes many people would like to uninstall Messenger 2009 and continue using Messenger 8.1 or 8.5 . Others, however, are content to use a web alternative to connect .

In this article we take a look at options that are still there, many people are unaware, for example hide the tabs, not MSN Today show, and so on.

7 Myths of Windows 7

2009 was a year in which Windows 7 has had a major role. We analyze the compatibility of the operating system, we gave you our first impressions and even 7 reasons to forget about it . If, however, decided to spend a Windows 7, we gave you 7 reasons to do so and 20 programs to start .

As usual, the network is full of myths and rumors about each OS, in this article we test.

Tips for searching music in Spotify

Spotify has been another major player in the past year. What we first saw back in January, recorded his songs , we complain about their advertising and even the silent .

In this article we gave a few clues to find that band that you resist, or which do not know the name for sure.

5 symptoms of laziness and remedies computer

Who has not found a Windows that was worth seeing? Or maybe it's your computer that is so? Here are five symptoms to recognize the computer laziness and simple steps to stop it.

If your computer is still a mess after reading it because you love the chaos ;-)

Programs hard to remove, kill them

Long ago that the programs are ready to be uninstalled in a more or less harmless. Still, it seems that some pretend not to understand the meaning of "removal" leave a trail, do not disappear altogether, giving errors …

This article gives you all the tools you need to completely eliminate any program, much to resist.

And for you, what was the best?

Via: Best of 2009: Articles on the blog

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What can save Windows Mobile 6.5?

On October 6, Microsoft launched the latest version of Windows Mobile intended to rejuvenate its mobile operating system.

Basically, Windows Mobile 6.5 promises to improve the feel of the user when navigating the operating system environment.

But one thing to promise and another to fulfill. You really have gotten? Windows Mobile 6.5 Is it enough to cut the advantage that competitors such as iPhone, Android, Blackberry or WebOS?

To answer these questions, we analyzed 6.5 new features included in Windows Mobile 6.5.

Today Screen

Currently called "Home", the new globalization of information is characterized by simplifying information and maximize the size of their sections to facilitate direct touch with your finger. Now, information is classified by sections, the shortcuts are better sorted and even access to the selected default web browser.

Unlocking Tools

The locking and unlocking system has been greatly improved in Windows Mobile 6.5. The new system uses sliding elements to validate the operation. Very similar method to that used by iPhone and Android phones. It also allows instant access to messages, missed calls and other sections of the system.

Hive-like interface

Without doubt, the most striking in the new version of the operating system is the distribution of the shortcuts in the form of a honeycomb. An interesting enhancement that allows access to the icons without having to use a pointer or stylus. In addition, you can move all the cells.

New Internet Explorer

Finally! A usable version of Internet Explorer for Windows Mobile. May not reach the level of Opera Mobile or Skyfire but is about considerably. Now the browser keeps intact the structure of websites, all functions can be controlled with your finger and includes zoom. Even the new version of Internet Explorer preinstalled promises support for Flash objects.

Windows Marketplace

True, perhaps Microsoft has taken some time to launch his App Store. But better late than never, right? Although somewhat less intuitive and less well organized than other stores, Windows Marketplace has launched a number of important applications.

My Phone

You might have heard Steve Ballmer defended the concept of cloud to manage personal information. My phone is just that, a feature that lets you synchronize your contacts, calendar entries, tasks, messages, photos, videos and other items with an online account. In this way, you can access this data from any terminal or device.

Sensations and general appearance

In Windows Mobile 6.5 has greatly improved the appearance and usability of the environment. Now, everything is better organized and designed to be struck directly with the finger. Still, no longer a simple facelift. Some items just do not get along, such as the Home and the Start menu, the main structure of the environment remains the same and even some research, you can find the typical windows of previous versions.

By the way, if you're curious to try and play with the new version, you can emulator download that Microsoft distributes as part of the programming toolkit for Windows Mobile 6.5.

Via: What can save Windows Mobile 6.5?

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Best of the Month: July 2009

July comes the summer Ecuador and some lucky break, but not left to add new programs on Softonic.

This month we've seen the new features in Skype, Google Earth, MyDefrag and VLC. And we have shown new programs such as boxing or the portable version of FotoSketcher.

The games also have been present, as FUEL, Battlefield Heroes or PokerTH popular.

And to end the month, the popular Nero released a free version of its popular limited something burning suite.

Join us in this summary of the highlights of July.

The month started very strong, with the popular Skype loaded with new features. Improving the quality of picture and sound, and now allows you to display your desktop to the person you talk and tell you the birthday of a friend or relative.

EA gives us Battlefield Heroes , the online free version of the Battlefield warfare saga. In this case the characters have been remodeled in the style of cartoons, but you can make yours in the Second World War.

Along with gifts, Nero offers a free version of its suite of recording a CD / DVD. Nero Essentials creates and erases data disks, but you feel the lack of other features, including support for ISO images and recording music and video. For those cases with alternative accounts as ImgBurn or CDBurnerXP Pro .

For lovers of danger is FUEL , a game that transports you to a future where race will take part in dangerous mountain, facing the other riders and the weather.

VLC Media Player finally reached his first final version 1.0. With it, adds support for new codecs, improve those already present, is better integrated with each operating system supports HD video playback frame by frame. For its part, renamed JkDefrag MyDefrag and integrates a graphical interface more careful and more refined defragmentation.

Another surprise has been Boxee July, the ideal media center for music, video, photos, and access multimedia content from hundreds of web pages using your computer and a remote control.

Celebrating the arrival of man on the moon , Google has added Google Earth material respect, such as satellite maps and information about the Apollo missions.

Best of July 2009

* Wednesday 1: Skype VoIP
* Thursday 2: Battlefield Heroes Video Game
* Friday 3: General Meeting Softonic
* Monday 6: XnView Image Viewer
* Tuesday 7: VLC Media Player Media Player
* Wednesday 8: PokerTH Game
* Thursday 9: Live Messenger Plus MSN Messenger Enhancements
* Friday 10: Boxee Media Center
* Monday 13: Nexus Radio Streaming
* Tuesday 14: Marxio Timer Auto Power Off
* Wednesday 15: RDesc direct download
* Thursday 16: Kantaris Media Player Media Player
* Friday 17: FUEL Game
* Monday 20: MyDefrag Disk Defragmenter
* Tuesday 21: Google Earth Geography
* Wednesday 22: Spotify Streaming
* Thursday 23: CDBurnerXP Pro CD / DVD
* Friday 24: LimeWire Basic P2P
* Monday 27: FotoSketcher Portable Image Effects
* Tuesday 28: ImgBurn CD / DVD
* Wednesday 29: CCleaner Cleaner
* Thursday 30: SuperAntiSpyware Anti-Spyware
* Friday 31: Nero Essentials CD / DVD

What has it been for you the program of the month?

Via: Best of the Month: July 2009

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British government plans for 98 pounds of computer

In the course of the project Online Race 2012 want to ask the British government computers for under 100 pounds are available. The aim is to bring the Olympic Games in London 2012, all adult Britons online.

Be made available to the devices via the IT recycling project E-Cycle the company Remploy, which specializes in jobs for disabled and for people to find difficult to place.

Computers, flat screen monitor, keyboard, mouse and telephone support will be part of the 98-pound package (117 euros), told E-Cycles Marketing Manager John Busby against ZDNet UK. It includes a 2 GHz Pentium 4 processor with 256 MB of RAM and a hard drive with 20 GB of memory and runs on Ubuntu.

A more expensive option will cost about 140 pounds (167 euros). It comes with a Pentium 4 2.8 GHz clock speed, 512 MB RAM and a 40GB hard drive.

The online campaign Race 2012 has Martha Lane Fox conceived, which is in the UK for the "Digital Inclusion" responsible. Currently, some 9.2 million British adults have no access to broadband Internet services. Lane Fox indicates that for many of the hardware costs too high, an estimate of Ranjit Atwal of Gartner According does a laptop in the UK average of 500 pounds (597 euros), a desktop PC around 380 pounds (454 euros).

"We have reached here in the UK the opportunity for Internet use and capabilities, such high rates as in television," said Lane Fox to the Financial Times. "We should get our old computer and use it to close that gap."

The British government is thus the opposite direction as One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), or Intel with his ClassmateProgram. These are specially designed for children and designed for use in schools. OLPC founder Nicholas Negroponte plans to be $ 100 Tablet In mid-February to present official.

Via: British government plans for 98 pounds of computer

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