Review des Monats (Januar): Was ich suchte

Mit den Ferien in vollem Gange, hat der Monat Januar war ziemlich ruhig um Meinungen, sondern müssen nicht mehr ausgezeichnete Kommentare zu den Programmen freigegeben schreiben, Wiegen ihre Vor-und Nachteile und mit möglichen Alternativen.

Der Gewinner des Januar, LeuchtendeGezeigt, in seiner Stellungnahme zum Cobian Backup, Ich suchteWer hat denn sorgfältig anderen Backup-Programme analysiert, wobei das einfachste zu verwenden. Wir mochten zu erklären, was eine inkrementelle und ihren Standpunkt mit der Objektivität und Ausgewogenheit.

Zu Beginn der Ihren Kommentar, Leuchtende wird das Ziel Ihrer Suche mit Klarheit, dann erklären die Stärken der Cobian und eine der wichtigsten Funktionen angesehen, um Zeit zu sparen:

Die Wahrheit ist, dass in der Elektronenrechner, Backups von wesentlicher Bedeutung sind, und finden Sie ein gutes Programm ist schwierig. Ich habe versucht, andere Programme und manchmal nicht alles, was ich wollte und zu anderen Zeiten waren zu schwer zu bedienen. Endlich finde ich dieses kleine Programm, das auch frei ist, also versuche ich zu überzeugen, mich überhaupt nicht. [...]

Ebenso nützlich ist die Möglichkeit, einen Ordner oder eine Datei in dem Ordner für die Sicherung ausgewählt auszuschließen. Ich sage, es ist nützlich, denn normalerweise in anderen Programmen, sollten Sie die Auswahl alles, was Sie wollen, dabei nicht in den Ordner Sie nicht möchten, wählen Sie, dies ist jedoch einfacher, wählen Sie einfach den Ordner Allgemeines und löschen anderer Stelle im Programm, die Unterordner oder Dateien, die nicht wollen kopiert. Das macht eine Menge Zeit. Lesen Sie die vollständige Rezension

Was die beiden anderen Finalisten Meinungen, zeigen Sie können Kommentare Super mit sehr unterschiedlichen Töne zu schreiben. Mit tadellosen Stil und ein großes Wissen über das Feld, PRGZ erklärt die Vorteile der Kexi in Kexi, eine Cross-Plattform-DatenbankIm Vergleich zu seinen bekannteren Konkurrenten, Zugriff:

Auch wenn Access ist auch eine reifere Kexi, mit fast 20 Jahren Arbeit auf den Schultern von ihren Entwicklern, Kexi mit kaum ein paar Jahre arbeiten, übersteigt es in einigen Bereichen, wie etwa die Fähigkeit Speicher pro Datensatz, und dass, während Access bietet Strafen Kapazität 2.000 Bytes pro Datensatz Kexi, wobei auf SQLite, diese Kapazität erhöht sich auf einen Auftritt auf … und wir sind um eine relationale Datenbank, befreit, wie Access, dass die Vorteile einer Tabellenkalkulation verbindet reden. Lesen Sie die vollständige Stellungnahme.

Wir konnten nicht verpassen eine Stellungnahme zu einem der heißesten Themen heute die Einführung von Windows 7 und Vergleich mit Vista. pvttrevor bietet seiner Meinung nach mit einem Titel, hat entwurzelte mehr als ein Lächeln Hasta la vista, Vista …

Die Redmonder hat auch auf Anfragen und Beschwerden von Vista-Benutzer hören umgesetzt und das Resultat ist Windows 7. Die Verbesserungen, die viele sind, machte der Nachfolger von Vista haben den Weg für eine differenziertere Betriebssystem auf allen Ebenen gegeben und angenehmer zu bedienen, deshalb haben wir beschlossen, den Namen in Entwicklung hatte Phase zu halten 7, zum Ausdruck seiner Einfachheit. Lesen Sie die vollständige Rezension

Winning Review:

* "Ich suchte"| Von Leuchtende

Beiträge Finalisten:

* "Kexi, eine Cross-Plattform-Datenbank"| Von PRGZ

* "Hasta la vista, Vista …"| Von pvttrevor

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Dell Inspiron 1501 Laptop Review, @ Blog


Dell Inspiron 1501 notebook measures 14 x 10.4 x 1.4 cm and speakers on the panel vents left and right side of the chassis, large integrated touchpad scroll areas, 80 GB hard drive and offensive, not silvery white. And in 1501 weighs a little less, the absence of special CD / DVD control is a glaring omission, even in a spring cleaning of the press. If we increase or decrease the volume or skip DVD chapters, we had the software is much less intuitive controls.

:: Processor

AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-50 1.6 GHz 2 x 256 KB L2 cache


ATI Radeon RS480

:: Memory

1024 MB DDR2-533 SDRAM, max. 2048MB, 2×512MB

:: Graphics Adapter

ATI Mobility Radeon Xpress 1150 - 128 MB 256 MB Hyper Memory, GPU / Frequency: 400/400 MHz

:: Show

15/04 16:10, 1280×800 pixel, WXGA TrueLife TFT, glossy: yes

:: Hard Disk Drives

Samsung 80GB 5400 HM080II

:: Sound Card

ATI SB600 HD Audio

:: Links

Express Card, microphone, headphones, 4x USB 2.0, VGA out, Kensington Lock, LAN, modem

: Red

Dell Wireless 1390 802.11g, 10/100 LAN, 56K modem

:: Optical drive

DVD + /-R (DL) TSST TS-L632D

:: Size

Height x Width x (mm): 37×356x265

: Weight:

3.3 kg

:: Battery

7600 mAh (85 Wh) Lithium-ion

:: More options

Card Reader 3in1


It was and is straight from the box and very friendly. The display has excellent color quality, everything looks clear. The speakers are great, everything seems very clear to them. Very good everything. very good speakers, very fast.

High performance and not stop once froze or not. Internet and other windows open simultaneously, and the computer will slow down at all. The screen is very bright and clear, are the ports is very good. basic computer with far more power than expected. You get a little more than what you paid.

improve their capabilities to wireless devices affordable for its basic operation. This team is definitely worth the money.

This machine has everything you need in a laptop that is used for lighting. It has a large, bright and clear. Very lively. It is very fast too. Our Internet e-mail appears immediately and without hesitation. The presentation is very easy to fix and the camera is very good too.


No reliable, always hard freezes, the system periodically close on themselves, are not really impressed by Anthlon or Vista. It is the fact that Anthlon.

With the AMD Athlon Processor could not handle more than two or three windows open at once after the problems increasingly not know if it was just the beginning Processor. It has an AMD processor, which is good and bad. The system is so funky with XP and install Windows Vista on it.

Play music files with the factory installed Windows Media Player is often interrupted without parallel processes. In built-in speakers do not use after two weeks. Disappointed that Windows XP is not available.

The Inspiron has been a little slow, but if you upgrade the store and go to a bigger hard drive to be ineffective. If you’ve tried a few programs at the same time, it freezes, use a little.


dell inspiron 1501 battery

6-cell dell inspiron 1501 battery, which could get 3 hours and 25 minutes remaining. This was at half screen brightness and Wi-Fi off. More than 3.5 hours, I leave it idle was at about half the time, and half the time I rip things like a CD, run benchmarks and tested various programs. Overall, I was sufficiently impressed to get the battery life, for example. As a portable 15.4 “is probably not a ton and do not want 4 + hours battery life. However, there is an option to upgrade a battery of nine cells must be 4 + hours battery life. The 9-cell battery is flushed with the back of the laptop and not exceed. The tester is equipped with a 85 WH (7600 mAh), 9-cell lithium-ion laptop battery, which is available to provide an additional. The investment is worth it, because this battery has a long 50%.


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Digital Tuning your USB memory

USB drives are storage devices very practical. Through them you can take a lot of documents and portable versions of the most popular. However, Windows does not facilitate its administration and customization. To make matters worse, the default security of the data is virtually nil.

The increasingly frequent use of these memory sticks has encouraged the emergence of many tools designed to improve everyday. The range of functions ranging from menus will run to a safe shutdown, to customizing the look and data encryption. Together, they make using a flash drive much more satisfactory result.


Pimp My USBAfter organizing your files in folders sorted and copied to your pendrive portable programs, you may want to give a more personal touch. Tools like USB Personalizer, Pimp My USB or Customize My Drive let you change the drive icon, the background of your folders or even the color of the labels and add items in the boot menu.

A further step involves the use of a boot menu to run automatically when you connect the device. This can contain shortcuts to your programs or your portable document files, greatly facilitating navigation through the files. A classic is PStart, But you can try the menu PortableApps, SyMenu or Portable Start Menu. If you prefer something simpler, we recommend APO USB Autorun and USB Runner, Which simply modify the file autorun.inf.

SyMenu SyMenu includes an Instant Search box

A more radical type of change is what enabled PeToUSB or MKBT: Both generate a boot sector on your USB drive so you can boot from it. If you want to change the drive letter you have USBDLM. It is recommended that you back up before trying.


The management of removable devices in Windows has improved, but still disappointing. One of the most common problems is the quick and safe disconnection of the memories plugged to the computer.

The magnificent USB Safely Remove completely replaces the menu ‘Safely Remove Hardware’, offering shortcuts and options for each unit. EjectUSBMore specific process or close any document initiated in the unit, then removing it. On the other hand, if your problem is to forget about turning the computer flash drive, Flash Drive Reminder is a good solution, showing a warning to turn off the computer to remove the device in time.

USB Safe Remove Safe to Remove USB device can reconnect a new standing

In a more technical side, you have Advanced USB Port Monitor and HHD USB MonitorIdeal for controlling the activity of ports to detail, capturing useful data to verify proper operation. USBDeviewSomething more forensic shows all devices that have passed through your computer.


USB LockThe small size of USB drives is also a problem, as it is easier to be lost or stolen. To protect your sensitive data there are several specific programs, such as the excellent Rohos Mini Drive, You can create a hidden, encrypted at 256 bits, allowing to store encrypted data in the other. Similar options are TrueCrypt, USB Vault or VaultletSuite, Portable, general purpose natively.

To synchronize data, and general programs GoodSync, Some designed for USB flash drives. Two examples are USBImport or MyPendrive, Which copies all the files to a new folder just connect the drive, something really comfortable. If you want to avoid the opposite, ie someone plug a USB stick and carry your computer files, test MyUSBOnly, A program that acts as a "customs" of your USB ports.

Finally, you can convert your USB drive into a security key (or dongle.) With Rohos Logon Key, ID USB Lock Key or USB PC Lock Pro can take the USB key metaphor to its logical conclusion, using a portable device instead of the traditional password. As in real life, however, lose the key equals to stay out of your digital home, which is better tread carefully.

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Bloatware, fattening programs

If we could travel back in time to eighty-tell a programmer in the twenty-first century applications come to occupy more than two gigabytes ... is likely to cry out in terror.

The days when entire programs fit into a low density floppy, although have not gone entirely, Are in full decline. Booting operating systems is extended, applications become unmanageable and the code is not optimized. Is Wirth's Law :

The software is slowing faster than hardware speeds up.

More aggressive marketing dams, utilities have become outstanding bloatwareApplications, oversized, full of extra modules and functions, in most cases, not used. Is there someone who spends his day designing CD covers?

This paradigm shift from the utility to obesity, in purely computer, eventually damaging the medium and long term reputation once held names. There are programs such as Netscape NavigatorDie of success and excess.

Iconos de la suite NeroTake the case of burning suite Nero. Eight years ago, version 5.0 occupied twelve megabytes. Since version 6, perhaps the most popular, became a hundred. The current version 8 eats 1.2 gigabytes hard disk for standard installation, with more than a dozen sub. Only needs a module to control the microwave oven and one for the saw. Maybe Nero 9 correct this unstoppable trend, but if things continue the current road map is likely that within a few years will witness the birth of the first operating system based on optical recording media, Nero X.

Joking aside, the issue of some importance. The ordinary user does not want to complicate your life. Run the installer and instead of following the tedious steps of a custom configuration, falls victim to "Next Next". Four clicks and a monstrous amount of code is poured on your hard drive in an irreversible manner. Yes, irreversible: some programs become integrated with the system so deeply that no efficient uninstall options. Have emerged, thus uninstallers unofficial and official even as Nero CleanTool or Norton Removal Tool.

A common solution has been to maintaining ‘light' version of the same programs to avoid paying for excess accessories. Nero Express, ACDSee Classic, Standard Office or Photoshop Essentials lower system requirements without sacrificing functionality over the original. These versions are often not treated equally by their authors, who prefer to foist the entire package at a higher price. Although as a business tactic is understandable, remove the old version light hurts the end user, who sees his options dwindling.

Somewhat satisfied 80:20 rule applied to the computer: 80% of users use 20% of the functions of a program. And although some experts disagree with that, the opinions of the users are very different, so much to influence the teams of programmers. This is the case Adobe Reader, Which has greatly relieved after watching the success of PDF readers as Foxit. This shows that the software houses still have time to make their programs regime.

Will they? Let's make our voices heard.

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Canon BG-E2N Battery Grip Review, @ Blog

Pros & Cons

  • improves camera balance feel, doubles battery life, fine piece of kit, also doubles battery life, nice added grip

  • on function for 40d, right just do it, could use an af, added weight, makes the camera bulky

The Canon BG-E2N Vertical Grip/Battery Holder adds a vertical shutter release, and is compatible with up to two BP-511, 511A, 512, 514 Lithium-ion battery packs, or six AA batteries with included BGM-E2 battery holder.

The Canon BG-E2N Battery Grip Replacement inbox: battery grip, charger! BG-E2N Battery Grip Replacement AC charger: Input- 100V~240V AC 50/60HZ 0.5A, Output - 12.5V DC 750mA . Product Type : Battery Grip Replacement for CANON EOS 40D/EOS 30D/BG-E2N DSLR cameras. The most attractive point is that the BG-E2N Battery Grip Replacement can use with Lithium Ion battery, which makes more shots actual in one full charge and makes it a dreaming product for professional photographers. The Canon BG-E2N Battery Grip Replacement equipped with a vertical-grip shutter button, command dial, AE lock/FE lock, and AF point selector button to enable shooting in the same fashion as a horizontal grip.

Order Canon BG-E2N Battery Grip Replacement today: Full One year waranty and 30days money back.

Canon BG-E2N Battery Grip

If you are shooting a Canon EOS 50D, Canon EOS 40D, 30D or 20D, the canon bg-e2n battery grip a revaluation account.

Personally, I shoot in the portrait and horizontal and vertical / horizontal. With the vertical grip allows me to take a much more comfortable and stable position - and gives me more control over the major goals. With BG-E2N for long sessions in a vertical position of inestimable value.

With room for two batteries, rechargeable Lithium-Ionen-BP-511/511A/512/514 Canon, Canon BG-E2N Battery Grip gives us the change in twice as many photos without a battery. It is very good with a battery.

The Canon Battery Grip BG-E2N battery in the cabin 40D/30D/20D s’ installed. The door to the original battery is easily removable and fit into BG-E2N The setting is completed by fixing the wires in the BG-E2N Camera Tripod Adapter. The BG-E2N offers his own son tripod adapter - this function is not lost.

The dslr battery grip allows the setting and the shutter to capture the same device. The only exception is that the "AF-ON" is in the new button is missing at the same time, Canon EOS 40D. The BG-E2N grip replaces the Canon BG-E2. adds substantially closing the battery compartment in the original proposal.

The only Canon BG-E2N battery grip comes back to me (except for buying) is the size and adds extra weight to the device. The BG-E2N measures 5.6 x 4.4 x 3.0 inches (142 x 112 x 76mm). Add 2 "(51mm) at the height of the camera when you are connected. It weighs 10.2 ounces (290g) without batteries.

A little comfort when you travel? Simlpy hold the handle and slide the battery compartment. Need to get a long shot, but do not want to buy extra lithium-ion batteries for these needs? Set BGM-E2 AA Battery Holder Grip for Canon BG-E2N battery and the performance of your 40D/30D/20D with 6 AA batteries.

If you have a 40D, 30D and 20D, there is an additional punishment.


Hot Dell Laptop Batteries Replacement:

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Long-term battery-electric vehicles to recharge a battery to a month

"Can not be recharged, this group of lead-acid battery scrap it!" Will be two months before the "injury" of the electric car to be repaired, but found that its core components are aging.

Accidentally turning the original electric car rollover, the wires were broken, the battery can not be directly charged. After the original electric light, electric cars to be set aside. Recently, the electric car to his garage repair, repair master broken wires connected to, the use of a universal test meter, the voltage across the battery is only 2 volts, while the normal value is 12 volts, the battery is the group Basic retirement.

Bicycle repairman said the electric car users should use the correct method of maintenance of the battery to increase its service life. The state can not store the battery power loss, or prone to sulfate, resulting in charge, the battery capacity decline. If long-term electric cars do not, the battery can not "leave", the monthly charge to a full power. In addition, the cleaning of electric car, do not rinse with water body directly, or may lead to coil short circuit burned.

Policy of heavy subsidies to push the domestic market of solar cells in Japan 18% increase in volume

Solar Energy Association of Japan's solar cell market, today announced results showed: January 2009 to March in Japan the amount listed on the basic generating capacity, compared with the same period last year increased by 18% to 73,268 kilowatts. January 2009, the Japanese government to restart the subsidies for household solar power generation equipment, riding the shareholders of wind, solar subsidy payment after the performance of the current policy is abolished prior to the 2006 first quarter level.

It is reported that annual solar cell market volume in 2008 compared with 2007 increased by 23% to 1,120,521 kilowatts. Among them, 13% domestic growth, exports showed a good momentum throughout the year, an increase of 26%..

Jiang Su Yuanyu Chinese Academy of Sciences and co-investment projects of new lithium battery

Jiang Su Yuanyu Electronics Group Changzhou Branch Energy Technology Co., Ltd. to party building and the new lithium-ion battery separator and storage battery project, officially put into operation last week.

The project is far from Chengdu Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences Yu Electronics Co., Ltd. in cooperation crystallization of the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. Currently, the company's new lithium ion battery separator and water-based adhesive, an international initiative, has applied for Japanese, Korean and American patents, they developed a manganese lithium-ion polymer batteries and lithium, are also highly supercapacitor applications prospects. The scale production in Changzhou polymer lithium-ion batteries, lithium batteries have a higher than normal safety and longer life, for communications, home appliances, automobile and other industries.

Back in July 2007, Yu Yuan Electronics Co., Ltd. to cooperate with Chengdu Organic Chemistry, respectively, was set up in Chengdu, Changzhou and to parties in the Energy Technology Division Ltd., Chengdu Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences to undertake a comprehensive in terms of lithium products, technologies and R & D team. Among them, the Chengdu Branch to side in R & D, pilot production after the success of the lead, lithium produced in the first half last year, new materials and new products have entered the domestic market. Subsequently, the company in Changzhou in the Division to undertake a comprehensive production side projects.

"2009-2012 China Li-ion battery industry investment analysis and forecast report" that the financial crisis, Europe and Japan, auto giant suffered heavy losses. To be born again, one hand car prices cut by layoffs, sale of assets such as Brokeback to survive, while sparing no effort in developing new energy vehicles in order to pull the downturn, China's new production vehicles by 2012 that 10% of energy saving and new energy vehicles The goal is clear. The development of new energy vehicles are referred to an unprecedented level of States, as a core component of the power battery is more to be optimistic about the companies and investors, including Li-ion battery has become a hot spot for investment.

The report also pointed out that in the future, with the HEV hybrid electric vehicle, 3G mobile phones and other power tools of development, the domestic lithium battery market share will increase rapidly, the domestic lithium battery company also has a huge market growth.

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Dell Inspiron E1505 Laptop Review, @ Blog


The E1505 is Dell Inspiron with 15.4-inch widescreen display with the impressive new Intel Core Duo CPU. A virtually identical Inspiron 6400 is through its enterprise portal. On the outside, as it replaces the Inspiron 6000 looks like, but the new hardware inside makes for impressive performance. In the traditional style of the Dell E1505 is well rounded, very personal and is available to offer a competitive price, but not all the radicals.

The E1505 has been reviewed here configured as follows:

* Intel Core Duo T2500 2.0 GHz memory.

* 15.4 "SXGA + UltraSharp TrueLife

* 512 MB DDR2 533 MHz RAM in dual channel mode

* Integrated Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950

* 100GB 5400RPM SATA hard drive

* 8x DVD + / - Dual Layer Recording

* 53 Watt-hour battery 6 cell

Construction and Design

The Inspiron E1505 is for most of the Dell lineup white lacquer and covered with a cut to black. I’m not a fan of the painted surfaces, as they seem to be more prone to scratches and chips. The color palette is simple, but I’m not a big fan of the white trim "bumpers."

The notebook is sturdy enough to be comfortable lifting it by one corner. However, I want to create better quality products. Is comparable to Sony and others, but not in the vicinity of the solid (and expensive) IBM ThinkPad line. Like my Inspiron 9300, there is a gap in the bottom of the LCD. This region is also very hot. It is when the backlight or inverter is.

The screen is very sharp with nice saturated colors and high contrast. The performance of the E1505 He was really a surprise. There is no doubt that the Core Duo is fast. The 5400 large disk with a good performance, even if a disk of 7200 rpm would be even better and maintain a level of interest, with the fast CPU and load programs faster.The Dell E1505 is calm notable - the most time. The touchpad is slightly recessed feel so it’s hard to go wrong. The two buttons are quite cheap, but respond well. The Dell Wireless 1390 802.11g signals of good and with a variety of wireless LANs. Yes, also in Fairbanks, Alaska, have hot spots.


dell inspiron e1505 battery

With the smaller option 6 cell battery and a powerful processor, I had high hopes for the life of the battery. However, the Dell lasted longer than expected. At maximum brightness, played a DVD of 2 hours and 30 minutes. Under normal light tasks, with WiFi on and almost maximum brightness, the battery lasted nearly three hours. Attenuation of the screen and open wireless expressed almost four hours of total autonomy. I had the battery in 90 minutes or less to burn, if you really tried. Game likely to burn this fast.

The optional 9-cell dell inspiron e1505 battery, which is the same physical size of the 6-cell should be approximately 50% longer to execute.

The battery charges fast for the first 80%. With about 1% per minute, you can make an important boost for an hour on a scale at the airport.

A larger battery could be used a better choice than two batteries. wear lithium ion battery, although not in use.

Dell Inspiron E1505 review portable entertainment now an Intel Core 2 Duo. Although still a poor choice for the Games of the E1505 is much stronger for other applications, including music and photo editing and video playback. The book also sheds 6.9 E1505 good enough speakers, dedicated media keys and a comfortable keyboard with stylish white trim, if you have a great choice for all consumers who do not want to get an arm and a leg to get a desktop replacement.


Hot Batteries for Laptops:

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You're off your PC, but I command you to get up and walk

When working with home servers or rely on them for FTP, Web, email, SSH, etc., Nothing more we can counteract that for some unknown reason do not work or worse, have gone out.

In those moments I'm sure we will remember WOL, no, not a colleague nicknamed computer expert who solves everything by sending an SMS. They are the acronyms of Wake On Lan, wake on LAN or rather we will come to mind on Internet Wake, wake the computer over the Internet.

Almost all modern computers allow the remote starter. The system does not belong to occult science. When you turn off the computer but leave it plugged in, the network card is receiving power.

This allows some activity such as receiving information. The card can wake the computer if you get a series of codes that are commonly called magic packet. This is calculated from the MAC address of network card, which is a unique physical identification for each network element.

Added a number of programs to turn on computers remotely. The most advanced MAC addresses automatically detect and create the magic packet for themselves. Normally, we only ask for the IP of the computer that we turn.

Wol Wake Up : Requests MAC address

SolarWinds Wake-On-LAN : Ask the IP and MAC address but has a function to detect both values.

LANStartCMD : This program operates on command line, apparently a disappointment, but not so much whether we have a computer turned on, we want to turn neighbor, ie, in the same local network. Thanks to this we could get from the Internet to your computer on and activate the second with this program.

Fusion WOL : Detect MAC address from IP

WOL - Magic Packet Sender: Probably the most complete of all. Lets you create profiles, ie keep the IP associations with MAC addresses, send the magic packet through the Internet, specify the protocol to be used (TCP or UDP) and port.

There are many more such tools. To work we enable the Wake on Lan in the BIOS of the computer. We also have to activate the properties of the network card.

The teams that have built-in network card usually allow Wake on Lan (WOL). Anyway, it sometimes happens that although the computer can physically do so, the BIOS version installed does not permit the operation.

But if WOL can serve to turn thirty computers in a classroom with a click without getting up from his chair, WOI (Wake on Internet) provides an invaluable service.

Normally, computers on a local area network in the same room, floor or at least in the same building, and therefore WOL only saves us the ride of turning on a computer by pressing the switch. However, through WOI can activate a computer located thousands of miles.

The system is the same, just change the channel through which we send the magic packet. We will have to do to get to your router and redirect it so, usually by the port 7 or 9. Some programs such as Wol - Magic Packet Sender have this feature. But the Internet also can find sites that will help us to send the package by entering data into the browser.

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Lenovo ThinkPad T61 Review, blog


ThinkPad T61 14.1″ widescreen notebook

Important to note is that this review covers the 14.1″ widescreen version of the T61 series. As with any laptop model series, there are going to be widely varying configurations you can choose that will greatly affect system performance.


  • Processor: Intel T7300 Core 2 Duo (2.0GHz, 800MHz FSB, 4MB Cache)

  • Graphics: Intel GMA X3100

  • Operating System: Windows Vista Business

  • Display: WXGA+ 1440 x 900 (LG screen)

  • Hard Drive: 100GB 7200RPM (Seagate Momentus 7200.1)

  • Memory: 2GB (1GB x 1GB), up to 4GB max

  • Ports: 3 USB 2.0, 1 FireWire, Monitor out, modem, Ethernet, headphone out, microphone in

  • Slots: 1 PC Card Slot, 1 ExpressCard slot (optional media card reader and Smart Card reader)

  • Optical Drive: Ultra-slim Super-Multi Drive

  • Dimensions: 13.2″ x 9.3″ x 1.09 - 1.26″ (335mm x 237mm x 27.6 - 31.9mm)

  • Weight: 5.1lbs

The good: Internal roll cage protects LCD; 802.11n Wi-Fi for faster wireless throughput; very small A/C adaptor adds little to overall travel weight; Intel's Active Management Technology provides remote support.

The bad: New Centrino technology doesn't offer outsize performance gains.

The bottom line: Lenovo's 14-inch ThinkPad T61 shaves a few millimeters off the company's more mainstream R-series laptops, but still boasts the same, solid ThinkPad DNA along with IT-friendly features by way of Intel's new Centrino Pro platform.

Design and Build

The ThinkPad T61 is a premium product with a durable build, it is geared towards business users or simply those willing to pay a bit more to get something that won't fall apart after 1-year of use. For somebody that travels a lot or relies on their notebook to earn a livelihood, the build and reliability factor is probably more important than having the latest and greatest components inside.

The keyboard remains the same between the T61 and T60 — meaning it's once again excellent. The only difference is that now there's more room on the keyboard side areas since the notebook body is wider, the speakers have been relocated to this extra real estate. The keyboard is spill proof and has two drain holes to make sure if you do happen to spill your morning Starbucks coffee, the liquid is carried away from sensitive components and out through the bottom of the notebook.

The hard drive is protected within the magnesium roll cage and shock mounted. Even if your T61 is dropped the included Active Protection System (APS) software will work with the on board accelerometer to detect a fall situation and end hard drive activity to prevent data loss.


The new widescreen format screen for the 14.1″ T-series is either good, bad or somewhere in between depending on your personal preference. Lenovo will try and convince you widescreen offers more screen real estate and so it's better, the reality is the guys making the LCD screens are forcing it down the throats of the PC manufacturers because it's cheaper to make widescreen LCDs.

The particular screen I got is a WXGA+ resolution (1440 x 900). It provides easy viewing and you can fit a good amount on the screen, so no complaints on that front. The screen is crisp and there are no issues with graininess. The matte finish ensures there's little to no glare in office lighting situations.

Processor and Performance

The ThinkPad T61 now uses the Intel Centrino Duo (Santa Rosa) platform. You get a faster processor front side bus (800MHz), more processor cache (4MB) and an improved integrated graphics solution in the form of the Intel X3100. If all that talk is nonsense to you, then suffice it to say the T61 offers newer and better processing components than the T60. Will this performance be perceivable in helping to run MS Word faster? No of course not, but certain processor intensive tasks such as encoding video will be faster. And even if you won't be utilizing every ounce of processing power, just knowing the processor is faster and you're on top of the game is enough to make people like myself want to buy it.

Battery Life

14.1 standard screens and 15.4 widescreen + Lenovo ThinkPad T61(14-inch wide) Laptop Battery

lenovo thinkpad t61 battery, 14.1″ standard screens and 15.4″ widescreen + 14-inch wide lenovo t61 battery

One thing that's always a concern with a new platform is battery life. Reading the first reviews that came out about the T61 sounded like gloom and doom with reports of 2 hour battery life. It seems most of the initial reviews were done using very power hungry dedicated graphics solutions and with a 4-cell battery.

I had the opportunity to test a larger 6-cell battery on an integrated graphics system, and got 3 hours and 41 minutes of battery life under what I would deem normal usage. I was using the T61 with screen brightness set to half or lower, Vista battery optimized setting, wireless off to get this number. In a torture test, I set the screen brightness to top level, put in a DVD (Stargate) and played it until the battery hit 5% and the PC went to sleep – which happened after exactly 2 hours 15 minutes. I wouldn't call that bad, it'll get you through most movies.

The downside of a 6-cell battery is that it sticks out of the back (see pics) and weighs more, but I'm always be willing to carry a bit more weight for an extra hour of battery life. A positive comment that should be made is the power adapter is nice and small, it's actually the same size as the X60 ultraportable series adapter.

Keyboard / Touchpad / Pointing Stick

The ThinkPad T-series hasn't changed too much over time, and that's a good thing, there's no use changing something that's just right. The ThinkPad keyboard is one of, if not the best, notebook keyboards out there. There's zero flex, every key feels individual, every key has great travel/feedback and the keyboard is full-size.

The T61 has a pointing stick, I love using this and find it much easier than the provided touchpad — it makes it so you can move the cursor around the screen without having to lift your hand from the keys, a much faster and easier to control style of input. But the great thing is that if the pointing stick isn't your cup of tea then you've got the touchpad as well.


The ThinkPad T61 uses the Intel 4965 wireless chip that offers 802.11 a/b/g/n wireless reception. All of your bases are covered there, and the greater range 802.11n offers is on the table if you have an 802.11n router. The range of the ThinkPad is theoretically greater now that the lid material has changed to plastic too. The antenna is run up through the lid for better reception you see, and the new lid material allows radio waves to reach the antenna more easily. I was only able to test up to 100-feet away from my NetGear WGR614 802.11g wireless router, which I despise for its bad performance and tendency to drop connections, but the T61 worked just fine with it and I never suffered a connection drop and throughput was consistently good.

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Germany and France agree on uniform plug

During the Franco-German cooperation agreement has been reached now in terms of electric vehicles on a single standard for plug in electric vehicles. A
Franco-German working group on electric vehicles "agreed on the standardization of a single plug connection.

This includes a charge management and accounting system. This will result in a cross-border charging and billing is possible, and you wear the simplicity for the user account. The system is simple and understandable for consumers and therefore a positive thing, Matthias Wissmann, President of the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) fixed. The expert group agreed that was founded in 2009 and is now at the proposals of the economic ministers of both countries involved.

In this specific case, the experts of the automotive industry of both countries, in cooperation with the representatives of politics and energy on common specifications and requirements for infrastructure and technical implementations have agreed. Agreement was reached on uniform interface for the electrical mobility and found that standardization is an important step for the practicality of electric vehicles of the future.

Coming soon to go on a cross-border fleet test lots of test vehicles on the streets of both nations. The tests are intended to clarify whether the ideas are practical and what potential problems with electric vehicles may be in everyday life. It is particularly proud to offer standardized plug and thus a uniform electric vehicles in cross-border traffic to. Wissmann also stressed that Germany and France are taking a pioneering role in introducing suitable for everyday use electric drives. Overall, the policy is convinced that there should be loading operations and pay for any barriers in the form of different charging systems and in different countries.

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