You're off your PC, but I command you to get up and walk

When working with home servers or rely on them for FTP, Web, email, SSH, etc., Nothing more we can counteract that for some unknown reason do not work or worse, have gone out.

In those moments I'm sure we will remember WOL, no, not a colleague nicknamed computer expert who solves everything by sending an SMS. They are the acronyms of Wake On Lan, wake on LAN or rather we will come to mind on Internet Wake, wake the computer over the Internet.

Almost all modern computers allow the remote starter. The system does not belong to occult science. When you turn off the computer but leave it plugged in, the network card is receiving power.

This allows some activity such as receiving information. The card can wake the computer if you get a series of codes that are commonly called magic packet. This is calculated from the MAC address of network card, which is a unique physical identification for each network element.

Added a number of programs to turn on computers remotely. The most advanced MAC addresses automatically detect and create the magic packet for themselves. Normally, we only ask for the IP of the computer that we turn.

Wol Wake Up : Requests MAC address

SolarWinds Wake-On-LAN : Ask the IP and MAC address but has a function to detect both values.

LANStartCMD : This program operates on command line, apparently a disappointment, but not so much whether we have a computer turned on, we want to turn neighbor, ie, in the same local network. Thanks to this we could get from the Internet to your computer on and activate the second with this program.

Fusion WOL : Detect MAC address from IP

WOL - Magic Packet Sender: Probably the most complete of all. Lets you create profiles, ie keep the IP associations with MAC addresses, send the magic packet through the Internet, specify the protocol to be used (TCP or UDP) and port.

There are many more such tools. To work we enable the Wake on Lan in the BIOS of the computer. We also have to activate the properties of the network card.

The teams that have built-in network card usually allow Wake on Lan (WOL). Anyway, it sometimes happens that although the computer can physically do so, the BIOS version installed does not permit the operation.

But if WOL can serve to turn thirty computers in a classroom with a click without getting up from his chair, WOI (Wake on Internet) provides an invaluable service.

Normally, computers on a local area network in the same room, floor or at least in the same building, and therefore WOL only saves us the ride of turning on a computer by pressing the switch. However, through WOI can activate a computer located thousands of miles.

The system is the same, just change the channel through which we send the magic packet. We will have to do to get to your router and redirect it so, usually by the port 7 or 9. Some programs such as Wol - Magic Packet Sender have this feature. But the Internet also can find sites that will help us to send the package by entering data into the browser.

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