Suzhou-made high-performance amorphous silicon solar cells

Development of green and marked a new low-carbon energy technology industry, economic transformation and upgrading of Suzhou is undoubtedly an important part. The new energy industry, inexhaustible solar energy, new energy industry is aiming good focus.

Some people say that solar energy solar energy, with the sun, there can be no sun on the incompetent.

This is only half right - before it does, now is not right, even in rainy days under fluorescent light, a solar cell can still generate electricity. This battery is also used to promote fruits and vegetables grown in greenhouses, very broad application prospects.

This solar cell is the high-performance amorphous silicon solar cells. Recently, the production of this battery of common photovoltaic energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. has been in Weiting within the foundation, a completed, will form a 50-100 megawatt amorphous silicon thin film solar cell production capacity, long-term production size of around 200 MW, while the establishment of advanced technology research and development, testing and building integrated and efficient agricultural development center three centers, become the leading enterprise in the field of solar energy industry.

Launched under the electric lamp

Universal Solar Energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Dr. Liu Youhai introduced into the 21st century, global demand for solar cells, are more than 40% annually.

The current silicon solar cells can be divided into three categories: single crystal silicon solar cells, polycrystalline silicon thin-film amorphous silicon thin film solar cells and solar cells. Among them, a dark look of polysilicon thin-film solar cell market share of 90%. However, polycrystalline silicon thin-film solar cell production requires large amounts of high-purity silicon, and high purity silicon in short supply in recent years, there is no market price were even seriously affected the development of the industry. In addition, the production of polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cell itself is energy consumption, to produce a polycrystalline silicon thin-film solar photovoltaic module components (1 × 1.5 米 specifications), you need to consume 40 kg of coal, but also pollution.

Amorphous silicon thin film solar cells do not exist these constraints. Of course, before the battery is also not high energy conversion rate of the shortcomings. Liuyou Hai said that the general polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cells, energy conversion rate of 16%, while the amorphous silicon thin film solar cell conversion rate of only 7% of the world's advanced level of only 10%. Conversion rate is low, so many people are reluctant to choose this cell.

However, after the Chinese team of independent research and development, General Solar Energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd can produce energy conversion rate of 14%. Listen to less than polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cells, but the scientific tests proved that the same conversion rate of thin film solar cells, amorphous silicon of the electricity is 1.2 times that of polysilicon. Liu Youhai explained that this is because the amorphous silicon cell in the case of relatively weak light can generate electricity, such as the rainy day (with a little light), even under fluorescent light can also generate electricity.

Sure enough, the reporter in the general solar energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. for temporary office point to witness this: Here's a light in the corner stood a near-adult height of the plate, the surface looks like a glass plate, close to the top sheet of paper to tell people that this is the amorphous silicon thin film solar cell components. Qi is the entire component connected with the outside world without wires, but also shine a trace of the sun, but even the top of a small lamp lit. Accompanied by the companies interviewed Yan One project manager explained before, a small electric light power is absorbed by the interior components of energy conversion from the fluorescent lamp.

Unlimited prospects

Liu Youhai not without pride, 14% by 1.2 to 16.8%, so their battery power, the actual conversion rate is higher than ordinary silicon cells. This battery can be used for power plant power generation, can also be used to help energy efficiency in buildings, but also for home use, such as used in water heaters, and for lighting. Components by a 100-120 watt power, ordinary people generally coupled with a board with six battery unit is sufficient.

In addition, the battery can be used in greenhouses, the wavelength is not so certain generation, and used to greenhouse warming, promote fruit and vegetable production, which is the normal silicon cells can not. Liu Youhai, at present they have other places in Rugao established several demonstration studio, model studio is not installed on a plastic film holder, but fitted with amorphous silicon thin film solar modules. Because there is no sun can still generate electricity, so cold, when fruits and vegetables grow much faster rate than other greenhouses.

Liu Youhai said, is optimistic about the bright prospects, coupled with a favorable investment environment in Suzhou, so the total investment of $ 300 million, covers an area of 253 acres of foreign-funded projects in Suzhou, the foundation, a project is expected to put into operation next year . In addition to the construction of thin-film PV production base and the control group production equipment manufacturing base, there will also set up three R & D centers, 30,000 square meters of advanced technology research and development center, 15,000 square meters of high-efficiency agriculture test center and 15,000 square meters of building integration and development center.

Ambitious new energy industry development

As a high-performance products, amorphous silicon thin film solar cells is certainly leading the development of a new energy industry, beach-goers, but by no means the only beach-goers.

To the park, for example, here have been aimed at this new energy photovoltaic nanotechnology industry. Nano-optical semiconductor lighting and new energy is the main direction of solar photovoltaic cells, to general lighting, large screen LCD LED backlight and battery equipment as a breakthrough independent film.

And General Photovoltaic Energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. founded in the park the same day over bright electronic items, is one example. The company from Taiwan BenQ Group Electronics Co., Ltd. a subsidiary of Lunda investment, total investment of about $ 500 million dollars. The project covers about 363 acres, will be moved to the first quarter of next year and production equipment to provide domestic and international markets LED backlight LCD panel and LED lighting applications. After the completion of up to bright electronic LED industry will become only the wafer from the upstream, midstream chip, downstream packaging to stop production of business applications, the formation of the mainland's largest LED industry base.

Settled on poly-Chan Loufeng Optoelectronics Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., is one example. The company by Gu Xin Photoelectric Co., Ltd. on April 8, 2010 funded the establishment, mainly engaged in high-power semiconductor lighting (LED) epitaxy and chip design industry. Companies registered capital of 250 million yuan, total investment of 750 billion yuan.

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