British government plans for 98 pounds of computer

In the course of the project Online Race 2012 want to ask the British government computers for under 100 pounds are available. The aim is to bring the Olympic Games in London 2012, all adult Britons online.

Be made available to the devices via the IT recycling project E-Cycle the company Remploy, which specializes in jobs for disabled and for people to find difficult to place.

Computers, flat screen monitor, keyboard, mouse and telephone support will be part of the 98-pound package (117 euros), told E-Cycles Marketing Manager John Busby against ZDNet UK. It includes a 2 GHz Pentium 4 processor with 256 MB of RAM and a hard drive with 20 GB of memory and runs on Ubuntu.

A more expensive option will cost about 140 pounds (167 euros). It comes with a Pentium 4 2.8 GHz clock speed, 512 MB RAM and a 40GB hard drive.

The online campaign Race 2012 has Martha Lane Fox conceived, which is in the UK for the "Digital Inclusion" responsible. Currently, some 9.2 million British adults have no access to broadband Internet services. Lane Fox indicates that for many of the hardware costs too high, an estimate of Ranjit Atwal of Gartner According does a laptop in the UK average of 500 pounds (597 euros), a desktop PC around 380 pounds (454 euros).

"We have reached here in the UK the opportunity for Internet use and capabilities, such high rates as in television," said Lane Fox to the Financial Times. "We should get our old computer and use it to close that gap."

The British government is thus the opposite direction as One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), or Intel with his ClassmateProgram. These are specially designed for children and designed for use in schools. OLPC founder Nicholas Negroponte plans to be $ 100 Tablet In mid-February to present official.

Via: British government plans for 98 pounds of computer

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