What can save Windows Mobile 6.5?

On October 6, Microsoft launched the latest version of Windows Mobile intended to rejuvenate its mobile operating system.

Basically, Windows Mobile 6.5 promises to improve the feel of the user when navigating the operating system environment.

But one thing to promise and another to fulfill. You really have gotten? Windows Mobile 6.5 Is it enough to cut the advantage that competitors such as iPhone, Android, Blackberry or WebOS?

To answer these questions, we analyzed 6.5 new features included in Windows Mobile 6.5.

Today Screen

Currently called "Home", the new globalization of information is characterized by simplifying information and maximize the size of their sections to facilitate direct touch with your finger. Now, information is classified by sections, the shortcuts are better sorted and even access to the selected default web browser.

Unlocking Tools

The locking and unlocking system has been greatly improved in Windows Mobile 6.5. The new system uses sliding elements to validate the operation. Very similar method to that used by iPhone and Android phones. It also allows instant access to messages, missed calls and other sections of the system.

Hive-like interface

Without doubt, the most striking in the new version of the operating system is the distribution of the shortcuts in the form of a honeycomb. An interesting enhancement that allows access to the icons without having to use a pointer or stylus. In addition, you can move all the cells.

New Internet Explorer

Finally! A usable version of Internet Explorer for Windows Mobile. May not reach the level of Opera Mobile or Skyfire but is about considerably. Now the browser keeps intact the structure of websites, all functions can be controlled with your finger and includes zoom. Even the new version of Internet Explorer preinstalled promises support for Flash objects.

Windows Marketplace

True, perhaps Microsoft has taken some time to launch his App Store. But better late than never, right? Although somewhat less intuitive and less well organized than other stores, Windows Marketplace has launched a number of important applications.

My Phone

You might have heard Steve Ballmer defended the concept of cloud to manage personal information. My phone is just that, a feature that lets you synchronize your contacts, calendar entries, tasks, messages, photos, videos and other items with an online account. In this way, you can access this data from any terminal or device.

Sensations and general appearance

In Windows Mobile 6.5 has greatly improved the appearance and usability of the environment. Now, everything is better organized and designed to be struck directly with the finger. Still, no longer a simple facelift. Some items just do not get along, such as the Home and the Start menu, the main structure of the environment remains the same and even some research, you can find the typical windows of previous versions.

By the way, if you're curious to try and play with the new version, you can emulator download that Microsoft distributes as part of the programming toolkit for Windows Mobile 6.5.

Via: What can save Windows Mobile 6.5?

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