Analysis of "Blood on the Rooftops" by Genesis | Scenes From A Night's Dream

Scenes From A Night's Dream

Japanese code progression sucks

ジェネシスが1976年に発表した8枚目のアルバム静寂の嵐 (Wind & Wuthering) に収録されているBlood on the RooftopについてのChatGPTによる解説です。



Wind & Wutheringは、ピーター・ガブリエル脱退後作成された2枚目のアルバムで、イギリス小説家エミリー・ブロンテの嵐が丘(Wuthering Heights)に着想を得ています。Blood on the Rooftopのコーラス部分はフィル・コリンズ、ヴァース部分はスティーブ・ハケットが担当しています。歌詞はハケットが書いたそうです。でも、この曲は嵐が丘とは関係なさそうです。


知らない人も、知ってる人もまずはSally SparksさんのOne man Genesisをお楽しみください。ニャンコがいい感じにちょっかいかけてます。



このアルバムを聴いたのは大学の時だったと思います。その後、ロンドンにいた時にCamden TownのHMVでCDを買いました。冬の寒い日の夜でしたね。詩の内容を知らずにこの曲を楽しむのもいいんですが、気に入った人は歌詞にも注目してください。



[Verse 1]
Dark and grey, an English film, the Wednesday Play
We always watch the Queen on Christmas Day
Won't you stay?
Though your eyes see shipwrecked sailors you're still dry
The outlook's fine though Wales might have some rain
Saved again
[Chorus 1]
Let's skip the news boy (I'll go and make some tea)
Arabs and Jews boy (too much for me)
They get me confused boy (puts me off to sleep)
And the thing I hate--Oh Lord!
Is staying up late, to watch some debate, on some nation's fate
[Verse 2]
Hypnotised by Batman, Tarzan, still surprised!
You've won the West in time to be our guest
Name your prize!
Drop of wine, a glass of beer dear what's the time?
The grime on the Tyne is mine all mine all mine
Five past nine
[Chorus 2]
Blood on the rooftops--Venice in the Spring
The Streets of San Francisco--a word from Peking
The trouble was started--by a young Errol Flynn
Better in my day--Oh Lord!
For when we got bored, we'd have a world war, happy but poor
So let's skip the news boy (I'll go and make some tea)
Blood on the rooftops (too much for me)
When old Mother Goose stops--and they're out for 23
Then the rain at Lords stopped play
Seems Helen of Troy has found a new face again
屋根の上に血 -- 春のヴェニス
サンフランシスコの街 -- 北京からの言葉


This lyric seems to convey a mix of nostalgia, reflections on changing times, and a desire to escape from the complexities of the world. The mention of watching an English film, The Wednesday Play, and the Queen on Christmas Day suggests a connection to traditional or past cultural experiences.


The reference to shipwrecked sailors and Wales having rain while the outlook is fine could symbolize personal struggles and challenges in life, but the narrator remains optimistic. The recurring theme of skipping the news, getting confused by international conflicts, and expressing a dislike for staying up late to watch debates on a nation's fate may reflect a desire to avoid the complexities and conflicts of the world.


The second verse introduces elements of popular culture, with references to Batman and Tarzan, and a sense of winning the West. The mention of time and the phrase "Name your prize!" may suggest a feeling of accomplishment or success.


The chorus emphasizes the desire to avoid news, expressing confusion over global issues, and a dislike for staying up late for debates. The mention of blood on the rooftops, Venice in the Spring, and other locations suggests a mix of imagery, perhaps representing various troubles or conflicts in different parts of the world.


The second chorus continues the theme of avoiding news, expressing discomfort with violence (blood on the rooftops) and a longing for a simpler time. The reference to old Mother Goose stopping and the rain at Lords stopping play may carry a sense of disruption or change in familiar routines.


To express this in Japanese, it would be important to capture the nuanced emotions, cultural references, and the overall nostalgic tone of the lyric.



この歌詞は、ノスタルジア、変化する時代への反省、そして複雑な世界からの逃避願望を混ぜ合わせているようです。英語の映画『The Wednesday Play』やクリスマスの女王の観覧に触れることで、伝統的または過去の文化体験との関連性が示唆されています。


2番では、バットマンやターザンへの言及など、ポピュラーカルチャーの要素が導入され、西側の勝利感が感じられます。時間の言及や「Name your prize!」というフレーズは、達成感や成功感を示唆しているかもしれません。


2番のコーラスでは、ニュースを避けるテーマが続き、暴力(屋根の上の血)に対する不快感やよりシンプルな時代への憧れが表現されています。Mother Gooseが立ち止まり、貴族院での雨が遊びを中断するという言及は、馴染みのあるルーチンに変化や変更が生じている感覚を伴っているかもしれません。

Note: Translating lyrics involves a certain degree of interpretation, and the nuances may vary based on the translator's choices. This attempt aims to capture the essence of the original lyric in Japanese.