6. パク・クネを土下座させろ! ② | 中杉 弘の徒然日記

中杉 弘の徒然日記


You Koreans, Why dont you kneel down on the ground to Japanese?


6. パク・クネを土下座させろ! ②

“Make Pak Geun Hye prostrate herself”

Asahi Newspaper is a dirty paper, as it carried false articles even though it knew that no Japanese was quite wrong according to the paper issued in the pre-war days.

In connection with Koreansrenaming, when the application for it was due shortly, the Korean applicants rushed in order to get them renamed in Japanese. This news was carried in Asahi newspaper.

This fact can be taken to mean that Asahi apparently knew that the alleged forced renaming of Koreans was not true, all deceits. When you take a look at the Korean school houses in Korea, you will see the then schools were fine, brick-built, well comparable with university in Japan. Japan built them as many as 10,000 school buildings. They all are so fine even better than those in Japan, according to Asahi Newspaper. This shows that Asahi knew every single thing.

A bundle of letter came to Japan requesting Japan to allow Koreans to join Japan, which was carried pictorially. The book titledThe truth of age of Japan-Korea Annexationwritten by Mr. Masanori Mizuno, shows the details with pictures illustrated.

What cannot be overlooked is that Asahi Newspaper reported the matters, thus knowing everything of no comfort women, of no colony and of no evils Japan did. But it has reported anything anti-Japan.

Detailed story of Kawara Ban newspaper issued during the Edo period was broadcast by BS broadcasting system, and this is comparable to Asashi Newspaper. Kawara Ban doesnt necessary report the truth, but intended to draw peoples interest by writing the news humorously for more sales.

When Nihon Bashi bridge was rebuilt, the Kawara Ban reported the matter by writing An old man of 130 years of age was the first person to cross the bridge, followed by his wife of about 130 of age and further by many famous people. This article stimulated many Edo people to get together to cross the bridge, wishing by handshake some of their luck would rub off on them.

However, this story was not true as the further research showed that the first man to cross the bridge was actually 80 years old, suffering from senile dementia. This is where the essence of a newspaper is found.

Falsehood is written and reported the way that draw peoples attention for more sales.

Asahi Newspaper wrote matters of falsehood both in the prewar and postwar days, thus misleading the readers this way or that to cause more interest for more money. This is the essence of a newspaper.

We should be more careful and whenever we find such a false articles of a newspaper, we should decide our attitude like saying Pak, apologize and kneeldown on the ground. It is expected that a strong statesman appears that would appeal to severance of the relation between Japan and Korea, if she doesnt apologize.

『中杉 弘のブログ』2006年より、好評連載中です!

