

Sexually transmitted infections rising in Long Beach
From 2015 to 2019 in Long Beach, chlamydia increased by 12%, gonorrhea by 59%, and congenital syphilis by 613%. ByJaysha Patel 




Why syphilis is rising around the world


By Krupa Padhy

9th July 2023
2023 年 7 月 9 日 BBC


Syphilis is one of the oldest known sexually transmitted infections. Once thought to be in decline, it is now resurging at an alarming rate.


梅毒は、既知の最も古い性感染症の 1 つです。 かつては衰退していると思われていましたが、現在では驚くべき速度で復活しています。

Syphilis has been called many names since the first record of it in the 1490s, most of them uncomplimentary – "the French disease", "the Neapolitan disease", "the Polish disease".


梅毒は 1490 年代に初めて記録されて以来、さまざまな名前で呼ばれてきましたが、そのほとんどは「フランス病」、「ナポリ病」、「ポーランド病」など、褒められたものではありませんでした。

One however has stuck: "the great imitator". Syphilis is a master at mimicking other infections and early symptoms are easy to miss. Left untreated, the consequences can be serious.


しかし、「偉大な模倣者」(註)は人を困らせています。 梅毒は他の感染症を模倣することに長けており、初期症状は見逃されがちです。 治療せずに放置すると、深刻な結果が生じる可能性があります。


(註)「偉大な模倣者」the great imitator


Tushar, a 33-year-old project officer in Amsterdam, has had syphilis twice. He remembers first receiving the news via WhatsApp from his sexual partner at the time.


アムステルダムのプロジェクトオフィサーであるトゥシャールさん(33)は、梅毒に2度罹患したことがある。 彼は、当時の性的パートナーからWhatsApp(註)を通じて初めてニュースを受け取ったのを覚えている。



"They were really upset," he says. "They blamed me which wasn't possible because of the window period. It felt strange to be accused and it took some time to de-escalate." Tushar got tested and treated that week. "People mistakenly think syphilis is something that cannot be cured. People don't understand what it means to still have syphilis antibodies and not have the infection."


「彼らは本当に動揺していました」と彼は言う。 「彼らは私を責めましたが、それは潜伏期間(ウィンドウピリオド)のせいで不可能でした。


「トゥシャールさんはその週に検査を受け、治療を受けた。人々は梅毒は治らないものだと誤解している。 梅毒の抗体がまだあるのに感染していないということが何を意味するのか、人々は理解していません。」

In April, the US released its latest data on sexually transmitted infections (STI). Cases of syphilis saw the largest increase, with cases surging 32% between 2020 and 2021 to reach the highest number of reported incidences in 70 years. The epidemic is also showing no signs of slowing, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned. And it has pointed to some "alarming" new trends driving this sudden spike in the disease.




疾病管理予防センター(CDC)も、流行は減速する兆しが見られないと警告した。 そして、この病気の突然の急増を引き起こしているいくつかの「憂慮すべき」新しい傾向を指摘しました。

Congenital syphilis – where a mother passes the infection to her child during pregnancy, often after contracting it from their partner – has risen particularly sharply, with cases soaring in the US by 32% between 2020-2021. The disease can cause stillbirths, infant deaths and life-long health problems.




It has left many health experts reeling.



"Fifteen or 20 years ago we thought we were on the verge of eliminating syphilis," says Leandro Mena, director of the CDC's division of sexually transmitted disease prevention. "There is no doubt we are seeing increasing rates of syphilis, rates we have not seen in the past 20 years or so."


「15~20年前、私たちは梅毒を撲滅する瀬戸際にあると考えていました」とCDCの性感染症予防部門の責任者レアンドロ・メナは言う。 「過去20年ほどで見られなかった梅毒の罹患率が増加していることは疑いの余地がありません。」

The stigma attached to a syphilis infection still prevents many people from seeking the proper medical treatment they need (Credit: Alamy)


梅毒感染症に対する偏見が依然として多くの人々に必要な適切な治療を妨げています (クレジット: Alamy)

And it is not something just happening in the US. There were 7.1 million new cases of syphilis globally in 2020 according to World Health Organization data. In 2022, the UK saw syphilis cases reach their highest level since 1948.


そして、それは米国だけで起こっていることではありません。 世界保健機関のデータによると、2020年には世界で新たに710万人の梅毒患者が発生した。 



The rise in cases is something sexual health practitioners working on the frontline have grown familiar with.



"When I first started sexual health nursing in 2005, it was quite rare to see primary syphilis, even in a city centre clinic," says Jodie Crossman, co-chair of the STI Foundation in the UK, where syphilis rates jumped 8.4% between 2020 and 2021. 

"Now most city-based clinics will see at least two or three patients per day attending for treatment."



「現在、都市部のほとんどの診療所では、1 日に少なくとも 2 ~ 3 人の患者が治療に訪れます。」

The infection is caused by a bacterium called Treponema pallidum and symptoms are divided into four stages. The earliest is characterised by a painless sore at the site of contact or a rash. An intramuscular dose of penicillin is considered to be the most effective way of treating the infection. Left untreated, however, syphilis can lead to long-term neurological and cardiovascular diseases. 



この感染症は梅毒トレポネーマと呼ばれる細菌によって引き起こされ、症状は 4 つの段階に分けられます。




Watching the epidemic unfold in the US from across the border in Canada is Isaac Bogoch, an infectious diseases clinician and researcher at the University of Toronto.



"This is the trend that's being seen in multiple countries around the world," he says. "It's very concerning because generally, syphilis is very easy to treat, and treatment is widely available. So, a lot of this is reflective of a breakdown in public healthcare."




Canada saw an increase of 389% for infectious syphilis, significantly higher than other STIs, between 2011 and 2019.





Doctors in Mississippi have reported congenital syphilis cases soaring by 900% over the past five years
In recent decades, most cases of syphilis are among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. Some parts of the world, however, are seeing a decrease in syphilis cases among men. Rates of infectious syphilis in Canada decreased among males, for example. But at the same time there has been a rise in rates among women not just in Canada but globally, which has led to higher rates of congenital syphilis in many parts of the world. Across the Americas as a whole there were 30,000 cases of mother-to-child transmissions of syphilis in 2021, a figure that health officials describe as "unacceptably high".




しかし、世界の一部の地域では男性の梅毒症例が減少している。 たとえば、カナダでは男性の感染性梅毒の罹患率が減少した。



The transmission of syphilis during pregnancy to an unborn child can have devastating consequences including miscarriage, stillbirth, premature births, low birth weights and the death of a baby shortly after birth.



In the US, congenital syphilis rates are soaring. 
They were 3.5 times higher in 2020 compared to 2016 and increased again in 2021, resulting in 220 stillbirths and infant deaths. And the national figures appear to hide some exceptionally dramatic rises in some parts of the country – doctors in Mississippi have reported congenital syphilis cases soaring by 900% over the past five years.







The highest numbers are seen among Black American and Hispanic women.



"That does reflect the underlying inequity and racism we still have in our public health and medical infrastructure," says Maria Sundaram, associate research scientist at the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute in Wisconsin. The most vulnerable groups of women, such as those who have lost their home or struggle with substance abuse, are also hardest hit by the disease. And many of these inequalities were exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic around the world.






"The consensus in the public health community is that the rise in STIs including syphilis is likely related to a disruption of STI prevention resources during the pandemic," says Sundaram.




Disparities in access to STI testing and screening services are among what is thought to be driving the increase in syphilis cases (Credit: Getty Images)

Disparities in access to STI testing and screening services are among what is thought to be driving the increase in syphilis cases (Credit: Getty Images)

STI 検査およびスクリーニングサービスへのアクセスの格差が、梅毒症例の増加を引き起こしていると考えられているものの 1 つ (クレジット: Getty Images)


Among the disparities that might be driving this problem are access to STI testing sites, ongoing stigma around syphilis and possible language barriers. One study in the Brazil found a link between black women who had low levels of schooling and higher rates of congenital syphilis.  In many cases women struggle to access suitable prenatal care that would provide screening for syphilis.






Another study in Kern County, California – which in 2018 made up 17% of the state's congenital syphilis cases despite representing only 2.3% of the state’s population – identified the role of immigration status, medical insurance status and sexual or domestic violence in pregnant women seeking prenatal care. Half of the pregnant or post-partum women interviewed identified as being of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin.


カリフォルニア州カーン郡での別の研究 – 2018年、同郡は州人口の2.3%に過ぎないにもかかわらず、同州の先天梅毒症例の17%を占めていた

– 出生前ケアを求める妊婦における移民状況、医療保険状況、性的暴力または家庭内暴力の役割を特定した。



A 2020 study of syphilis in Australia saw figures increase by nearly 90% from recorded rates in 2015. Some 4,000 cases of syphilis were identified amongst the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities which make up just 3.8% of the total Australian population. And whilst a national test and treat response plan came into play to stabilise the epidemic, experts say reducing levels to pre-outbreak figures requires a much higher level of community wide testing. Again, there have been particular problems with expectant mothers accessing prenatal screening for syphilis in parts of the country.



トレス海峡諸島 - Wikipedia さん







But whilst the cost-of-living crisis and the pandemic have impacted public healthcare resources, there have also been changes in human behaviour and attitudes towards STIs.




"In the mid-1990s, with the advent of anti-retroviral therapy for HIV there was a big change," says Mena. "Now, thanks to the advances in the prevention and treatment of HIV infection, HIV is seen as a chronic disease. The risk of HIV infection is no longer an incentive for people to use condoms or to adopt other prevention strategies against STIs."


「1990 年代半ば、HIV(エイズ・ウイルス) に対する抗レトロウイルス療法の登場により、大きな変化が起こりました」とメナ氏は言います。

「現在、HIV 感染症の予防と治療の進歩のおかげで、HIV は慢性疾患とみなされています。

HIV 感染のリスクはもはや、人々がコンドームを使用したり、性感染症に対する他の予防戦略を採用したりする動機にはなりません。」


A change in sexual practice is an area researchers in Japan have been studying by looking at the link between dating apps and cases of syphilis. They concluded that dating app use was "significantly associated with syphilis incidence,” linking the use of the apps to a higher incidence of unprotected casual sex.





The transmission of syphilis during pregnancy to an unborn child can have devastating consequences (Credit: Getty Images)

The transmission of syphilis during pregnancy to an unborn child can have devastating consequences (Credit: Getty Images)

妊娠中の梅毒が胎児に感染すると、壊滅的な結果をもたらす可能性があります (クレジット: Getty Images)


This is something which Sasaki Chiwawa, who writes about Japanese youth culture and sex work, also found in her conversations with sex workers. Chiwawa says more and more sex workers are not using condoms and there is no obligation on the part of customers to be tested for STIs. Should sex workers contract an infection, they tend to put it down to "bad luck," says Chiwawa. "Most of them prioritise making money over the risk."




  セックスワーカーが感染症に罹患した場合、彼らはそれを「運が悪かった」と片付ける傾向があるとチワワ氏は言う。 「彼らのほとんどはリスクよりも金儲けを優先している。」


For most health officials, the path to tackle syphilis is clear – we already have the drugs to combat it as penicillin still remains the best treatment despite a rising incidence of antibiotic resistance. More testing, better outreach to counter the stigma attached to the disease along with greater public awareness to encourage safer sexual practices all have a much bigger role to play.



– 抗生物質耐性の発生率が増加しているにもかかわらず、依然としてペニシリンが最良の治療法であるため、私たちはすでにそれに対抗する薬を持っています。



"We are social creatures, so there should be no more shame in an STI diagnosis than catching a cold," says Crossman. "We are trying to change the focus of STI testing from something scary and judgemental to something that is part of sexual wellbeing – an important part of having a safe and enjoyable sex life."





But scientists have so far failed to arrive at a single theory on is why syphilis is rising faster than other STIs. There is no strong evidence to suggest that the strains in circulation have become any more virulent, says Mena. Antibiotic resistance is also not prevalent enough to explain the spikes, says Bogoch.







For his part, Tushar continues to get tested every three months.


トゥシャールさんは引き続き 3 か月ごとに検査を受けています。

"We should be comfortable talking about syphilis," he says. "So called well-informed people turn to accusations as opposed to thinking about it scientifically. We are having sex – stuff happens."











