Q&A3798 海外在住、5年間治療 | 松林 秀彦 (生殖医療専門医)のブログ

松林 秀彦 (生殖医療専門医)のブログ


Q 妻40歳、夫35歳、海外在住、5年間治療

Aクリニック 2019年~2021年
人工授精2回 陰性
新鮮胚移植2回 陰性
凍結胚移植1回 陰性:前周期からSynarelという点鼻薬を使用し、一ヶ月半ほど子宮を休めてから(軽度の子宮腺筋症を指摘されています)ホルモン補充周期で移植

Bクリニック 2021年~2022年
新鮮胚二段階移植 陰性
着床障害を疑い、着床期の子宮内膜のバイオプシー検査→移植周期D3からPrednison 10mg/日推奨

Immune biomarkers of recruitment, maturation and activation of immune uterine cells
 IL18/TWEAK : 0,42(Over the norms)
 IL15/Fn14 : 1,76(Below the norms)
 CD56 : 1,62(Within norms)
Interpretation Norms are copyright of MatriceLAB Innove. They cannot be disclosed.
Quantification by Real Time PCR (LightCycler 480 ROCHE Diagnostics)-Normalisation was the geometric mean on two reference genes
b2microglobuline et RPL-13A. Norms of interpretation were defined from a cohort of fertiles patients.
- Immune profile: The immune profile is mixed.
- Environment of cytokine: The uterine environment of cytokines (Th-1/ Th-2 equilibrium) is desequilibrated related to an excess of pro-inflammatory Th-1 cytokines not locally immunoregulated.
- uNK recruitment: Regarding the uterine NK cells, their number during the implantation window is normal.
- uNK Maturity: The uNK are immatures.
- Immune cells activation: Their state of immune activation will be potentially over-activated if they become matures.
- Immune profile conclusion : The immune environment may participate to the repeated implantation failures/ the recurrent miscarriages because of the association of a defective uNK maturity in a pro-infflammatory immune environment able to activate all the others immune cells (T regulatory, dendritic cells, macrophage).
Only a test cycle introducing the new therapeutical principle ensures the control of the immune environment.

Suggestions of personalization to reequilibrate the uterine immune environment before implantation:
- The scratching is not recommanded in this profile.
- Supplementation of the luteal phase with estrogens (estradiol 4 mg per os daily) is recommanded to control the excess of Th-1 cytokines.
- Supplementation of Luteal HCG is not recommended
- Immunosuppressive therapy:Glucocorticoids ( as Prednisone 10 mg a day from Day-3 until the pregnancy test- to be continued two months if pregnancy).
Vitamin E supplementation: 500 mg twice a day from Day-3 until the pregnancy test- to be continued two months if pregnancy
Vitamin D3 supplementation during the treatment with glucocorticoids (+ calcium if calcium deficient diet) for the prevention of osteoporosis.
- High dose of progesterone in the luteal phase for its immunosuppressive action (example progesterone 200mg 6pills/day by vaginal route)
- Exposure to seminal plasma (sexual intercourse) during the mid luteal phase following the ovulation or the embryo transfer is not recommanded.

凍結胚盤胞移植 陽性:自然排卵周期、トリガーあり(オビトレル)、上記の検査結果を踏まえ、D8イントラリピッド点滴(Prednisonなし)、プロゲステロン補充(200mgx6/日)→心拍確認後9週稽留流産
凍結胚盤胞移植 陽性:自然排卵周期、トリガーあり(オビトレル)、D8+妊娠5週目イントラリピッド点滴(Prednisonなし)、プロゲステロン補充(200mgx6/日)→心拍確認後8週稽留流産

Cクリニック 2023年~
Immune biomarkers of recruitment, maturation and activation of immune uterine cells
IL18/TWEAK : 0,22(Within norms)
IL15/Fn14 : 2,46(Below the norms)
CD56 : 7,19(Within norms)
Immune profile: The immune profile is a low local immune activation.
Environment of cytokine: The uterine environment of cytokines (Th-1/ Th-2 equilibrium) is equilibrated and normal.
- uNK recruitment: Regarding the uterine NK cells, their number during the implantation window is normal.
- uNK Maturity: The uNK are immatures.
- Immune cells activation: Their state of immune activation is not sufficient.
- Immune profile conclusion: This environment can participate to the implantation failures or miscarriages due to a lack of maturation of immunological cells. This can lead to a problem at the time of the adhesion of the embryo. It is therefore necessary to adopt strategies to trigger the maturation of immune cells during the implantation window.

Suggestions :
- The scratching in the mid luteal phase of the cycle preceding the embryo transfer is recommanded. To be active, it should be performed in the mid luteal phase. Avoid preparation with pills (substituted cycle or monitored natural cycle to focus on the mid luteal phase).
- Estrogen exposure: The hormonal impregnation have no impact on the cytokine balance.
- HCG luteal: Recommended. 
Ovitrelle: 1 auto-filled syringe containing 24 clicks + 2 SC needles - make 8 clicks in SC to D4-D6-D8 after the beginning of progesterone. To be avoided in a context of ovarian hyper-stimulation
- No need of immunesuppressive therapy.
- Hormonal treatment of the luteal phase : Standard luteal support
- Exposition to the seminal plasma (sexual intercourse) the day before and the day after the embryo transfer and regularly until the pregnancy test is recommanded

凍結胚盤胞移植 陰性:自然排卵周期、トリガーあり(オビトレル)、移植前後のオビトレル注射、移植前日性交、プロゲステロン補充(200mgx2/日)→移植後14日判定日、HCG 1UI/L、13日まで出血なし





④基本的に、プロゲステロン製剤の補充を行っていれば出血は起こりにくいものです。また、移植後の性交はお勧め致しません。2015.10.29「Q&A869 ☆移植後の性交の是非」の記事を参照してください。

