Notes from the Author and the Publisher | 川島正仁の南米体験歌



My purpose in writing this book is to reform the elite educational systefm into the North Europian educational system.

What this means is to educate philosophy and embolden pure hearts, not materialism(money, position, etc.) In our

country(Japan) especially, politicians have tremendous problems like the relationship with the unification churth, the resignation of two minsters, and more. These problems come from the our miserable educational system, which allows

only elite people to gain the merits from our society.


When Masahito Kawashima first wrote to me in 2014, I could tell he had a unique story to share. As a young man, he 

traveled from his home in Japan to Argentina, alone to experience the different culture while saving money. His book series, An Old Samurai's Philosophy, is a collection of his thoughts, with a focus on what he learned through his experiences and how those experiences helped him become the founder of a successful company .


Most authors are , naturally,passionate about their writing. Masahito's passion goes deeper. He's passionate about his jome country, Japan, and he has a passion to help people--everywhere-- see that they don't need to yield to society’s

norms or expectations. His passion is to share his story, yes, but also to encourage others to create their own stories. 

In this book, Masahito shares his views on politics, values, and education. His essays thoughout encourage the reader

to think deeply and grow intentionally.


An Old Samuray's Philosophy has been published in the United States, along with Masahito's first book, Road of Flowers. Rivershore Books is honored to be Masahito's publisher, and we are proud to share his stories with you.


Your feedback is welcome and appreciated. You are invited to reach out to the author at any time.