MY PHILOSOPHY Fe. 19, 2022 | 川島正仁の南米体験歌



My definition of "philosophy" is to live with sincerity and honor as a human being. All people have their own philosophies. Success isn't the result, it's the process. It's the process of living with sincerity and giving full effort in everything we do.

Unfortunately, in our society, a successful person is a rich person, a famous person, or a person who is in a powerful position. The mass media glorifies these kinds of people, and audiences respect them and believe them blindly. People nowadays have become accustomed to this way of thinking and have stopped respecting normal people like you and me.

People don't even give normal people like me a chance. I truly hope that we grow as people and respect others for who they are and not their titles.

Japan can bvecome a real democratic country if we truly respect each other. For that to happen, we must reform the education system in Japan. The present system is what I call "the elite system" where only those students who get good

grades succeed and those who don't are left behind. This is engraind in our children's minds from the time they're toddlers. These children need to be taught the basic value of all people as human beings first. This is obvious and fundamental. Unfortunately, the education system now doesn't provide children with this essential knowledge.