大谷さん今度はアメリカの子供たちへ | 川島正仁の南米体験歌



今や世界の大谷へ!私はつたない英語ながら今まで4冊の本を出版した。タイトルは「AN OLD Samurai’s Philosophy II ]

この本の85ページに「Now Otani-san]January 23,2022 のタイトルで記事を掲載した。


Today, on January 23, 2022, one of the biggest newspaper Asahi reported that a Japanese mayor leaguer Tsutsugo built a baseball stadium especially for children and established a baseball academy to promote baseball in his hometown.


Now, Ohtani-san, it's your turn. I strongly hope you'll do the same. This year, you have a great chance to sign a big contract with the Angels so you have a great opportunity to build a big baseball stadium for your father who coaches kids. In our country, this miserable government focuses only making money for themselves and now promote gambling like pachinko, horse racing, cycling, boat races, motorcycle races, etc. It is going to ruin our country and it will not benefit the citizens.


I strongly hope, Ohtani-san, you will do the same thing that your friend Tsutsugo did this time to make us happy so all of your fans will support your action for our future, especially for young people. You are our great Hero.


