ThomasCook European Timetable 2000年5月28日〜6月30日号の What's new this monthのまとめです。




















新ダイヤのハイライトは、ポワチエ近郊のフトゥロスコープ(Futuroscope)の新駅開業(Table300)と、ラ・ロッシュ・シュル・ヨン(La Roche sur Yon)とレ・セーブル・ドロンヌへのTGV列車の延長運転(Table292)である。パリ〜ブール・サン・モーリス/サン・ジェルヴェ間の夜行列車は、パリの発着駅がリヨン駅の代わりにオーステルリッツ駅に変更となる。









































Table18:パリ〜ブリュッセル〜アムステルダム間の高速列車タリスのうち数本がダイヤ変更される。パリ〜アムステルダム間の夜行列車 288/289列車は、2000年10月下旬から2001年4月中旬にかけて運休する。












Table21:ブリュッセル〜ウィーン/ミュンヘン間の夜行列車ドナウワルツァー号は、従来の夏期限定で行われたオーステンデまでの延長運転が廃止となる。季節列車 1218/9列車 オーステンデ〜クラーゲンフルト/インスブルック間は廃止される。


Table22:アムステルダム〜ベルリン間の日中のIR列車が再び見直され、直通列車が増便される。ただし、土曜と日曜は、列車IR2344がアムステルダム南駅経由でスキポール空港に向かうため、アムステルダム中央駅に向かう乗客はアメルスフォールトで乗り換える必要。新しい夜行列車370/1列車が、ドルトムント、ライプツィヒ、ドレスデンを経由してアムステルダム〜プラハ間で運行される。これは、既存のアムステルダム〜ベルリン間 アムステラント号(340/1列車)、ならびにアムステルダム/ドルトムント〜プラハ間の352/3列車(Table28、57)の2列車を置き換えるもので、同時に352/3列車の運転区間はフランクフルト〜プラハ間に短縮される。




Table30:EC57/56 ゲーテ号(現在はパリ〜プラハ間)はパリ~フランクフルト間のみを運行し、以東のライプツィヒ〜ドレスデン方面の接続はICE-T列車(傾斜式列車)が担う。プラハ行きの乗客はさらにドレスデンで乗り換える必要だが、所要時間は従来より1時間程度短縮される。


Table40:499/498列車 ブリュッセル~ローザンヌ~ブリーク間はオーステンデ発着に変更される(ブリュッセル以西の延長運転)。


Table43:イタリア行の季節運行の夜行列車、フレッチャ・デル・ティレーノ(≒ティレニアの矢)号とフレッチャ・デル・ソーレ(≒太陽の矢)号の発着駅がブリュッセル発ではなくオーステンデ発に変更されるが、一方で夜行列車 299/298列車は、告知の通りオーステンデ発ではなくなりますブリュッセル〜ミラノ/ヴェネツィア/フィレンツェ間に変更される。










Table56:ベルリンとポーランド北部を結ぶ320/1列車 ゲダニア号、324/5列車、328/9列車 マーレ・バルチクム号はいづれも廃止される。ただし、ベルリン発ポズナン経由グダニスクおよびグディニャ行きの345/344列車で直通の寝台車とクシェット車が連結される。


344列車はキエフ(キーウ)発時刻を4時間繰り下げて3:55!発となるものの、ベルリン着時刻は変更なし。247/246列車 モスクワ急行は1時間繰り上げてベルリンを出発、従来より90分早くモスクワに到着する。


Table57:夜行列車 352/3列車は、既出の通りフランクフルト~プラハ間の運行を取りやめるが、ボン~ケルン~ドルトムント~ライプツィヒ〜ドレスデン~プラハ間の直通車両が新設され、ドルトムントでアムステルダム~プラハ間の新列車に併結される(Table22も参照)。256列車 マルクトレドヴィッツ~カルロヴィ・ヴァリ~リベレツ間は2時間繰り下げたダイヤで運行され、プラハ経由するようになる。このTableで示されているDBのローカル列車の一部は再編成されたことで、一部の接続が不可能になった。


Table60:ハンブルク〜ベルリン〜プラハ〜ブラチスラヴァ〜ブダペスト間幹線の昼行便が再編される。具体的には、EC76/77 コメニウス号はプラハ〜ブダペスト間のみの運行となり、ハンブルクからブダペストへの直行便がなくなる。しかしこの列車への接続は、ハンブルクからは南行の新しいヴィンドボナ号(EC173)でプラハで接続し、北行は新しいアロイス・ネグレッリ号(EC174)がプラハ〜ハンブルク間の接続を担う。さらに、ブダペスト〜ワルシャワ間のEC130 ポロニア号は、ブジェツラフで、新たにハンブルクまで延長運転された北行のヴィンドボナ号(EC172、ウィーン〜ベルリン〜ハンブルク間)に接続する。






ブクレシュティ〜イスタンブール間に494/495列車 トラキア号が新設され、さらにソフィア〜イスタンブール間には11/10列車 マリツァ(メリチ)号が新設される。詳細はTable1550を参照されたし。498列車 ボスポラス号はイスタンブール発時刻が従来より2時間繰り下げたダイヤで運行され、ブクレシュティでブダペストへの直通車両はトランスバルカン号と車両交換され、(イスタンブールからの直通車両は)従来より4時間遅れでブダペストに到着する。335列車 ヘラス急行は、ベオグラードからテッサロニキまで3時間繰り下げたダイヤで運行する。プラハ~ソフィア間はブクレシュティ経由の寝台車が導入される。


Table62:ベルリン発ミュンヘン行の夜行列車NZ1901はミュンヘン着6:47で、ベオグラード行きのEC191/291との接続が復活。ミマラ号(新列車番号193/192)のミュンヘン発時刻が従来より2時間繰り下げ、ザグレブ発時刻が2時間繰り上げされて、ベルリン〜ミュンヘン間のICE列車と接続する。長年運行されていなかった夜行列車410/411列車 オフリド号が、ザグレブ、ベオグラード、スコピエを経由し、リュブリャナ〜ビトラ間を運行する。


Table68:EC114/115 ブラウエル・エンツィアン号は、双方向とも従来2時間繰り上げた時刻で運行され、EC12/13 パガニーニ号は、ドルトムント〜ミュンヘン間はブラウエル・エンツィアン号の、ミュンヘン〜ザグレブ間はミマラ号のそれぞれ旧時刻で運行される。




Table73:夏季のみ週3便運行のケルン~ジェノヴァ~リヴォルノ間の1205/04列車 リヴィエラ急行が廃止された。


アムステルダム〜ミラノ(金のみフィレンツェ行)間の1101/1100列車は、同じく週3便、夏季のみ運行されるが、これに代わり、NS-Internationaal(オランダ国鉄の一部)が通年で週6日運行するアムステルダム〜ミラノ間の夜行列車 209/208列車オーヴァーナイトエクスプレスが設定される。従来客車に加え、新造の寝台車や1等座席車を含む編成になる。


104/105列車 ベルナー・オーバーラント号(アムステルダム〜インターラーケン東駅間)は展望車を連結する。


Table82:チューリッヒ行きのCIS38 チザルピーノ号はミラノを20分繰り上げた17:55に発車する。


以下の夏期限定の長距離列車が廃止される:1187/1186列車 シュトゥットガルト〜チューリッヒ〜ナポリ間、1189/1188列車 シュトゥットガルト〜チューリッヒ〜レッチェ間である。


Table88:EC31/30 ロームルス号(ウィーン〜ローマ間)のリンツ/ザルツブルグ編成について、ザルツブルグ〜ローマ間の編成のみ残り、取りやめとなるリンツ編成に代わり、ザルツブルグからリンツへの接続は行われる。


Table89b:従来、ジュネーヴ空港〜ヴェネツィア〜ザグレブ〜ヴィンコヴチェ間で運転された220/221列車 シンプロン急行の終着駅が、ヴェネチア・サンタ・ルチア駅に変更となる。IC243/242 ドラヴァ号(ヴェネチア〜ブダペスト間)は、ヴェネチア発時刻を90分繰り上げ、ブダペスト発時刻を90分繰り下げて運転され、新しい列車番号IC245/244となる。また、この列車には新たにベネチア発リュブリャナ経由ベオグラード行きの290/291を併結する。ヴェネチア・メストレ駅では、シンプロン急行からドラヴァ号への接続が良好になる。


Table90:1145/1143列車 セルベール/ポルト・ボウ〜ミラノ間にT2型寝台車が連結される。


Table92:先月の情報に反して、200/201列車 クヴァルネル号は引き続き、ブダペストの発着駅が東駅ではなく南駅となる。








Table95:EC131 ポロニア号はワルシャワ発時刻が従来より4時間繰り上げた6:15となり、ブクレシュティへ向かう。IC106/7 プラハ号はEx108/9に改番され、南行きは5時間繰り下げた時刻でワルシャワ発13:05となる。EC105 ソビエツキ号のワルシャワ発時刻も70分繰り下げてウィーンにむけて運行される。


Table96:上記の通り、ハンブルク〜ベルリン〜プラハ〜ブダペスト幹線サービスが再構成され、以下の変更が行われる。プラハ〜ウィーン間では夏のピーク時の新しい列車EC75/74 グレゴール・メンデル号が、プラハ発6:37、ウィーン発1910で1往復運行される。EC70/71 アントニン・ドヴォルザーク号の発車時刻について、プラハを60分、ウィーンを30分それぞれ繰り下げて出発する。一方、EC73/72 スメタナ号はプラハを60分、ウィーンを30分それぞれ繰り上げて出発する。北行きのソビエツキ号は、ブダペストを30分繰り上げて出発するため、ブジェツラフでのコメニウス号との接続がなくなる。


Table97:375/374列車 パンノニア号は通年でプラハ〜ヴァルナ間とブラチスラヴァ〜ヴァルナ間のクシェット車を、ブダペスト〜ヴァルナ間は寝台車とクシェット車をそれぞれ連結する。



New summer rail schedules come into effect from May 28 throughout most of Europe, although services in Scandinavia change a few days later. Most railways have supplied us with advance information in time for this edition, but further changes are likely in subsequent editions as information is rechecked from final sources.

New schedules have not been received for Finland, Spain or Greece, and only certain international services were available by press date for Russia and other parts of the former USSR. Only partial information has been received for Poland, and details of local services in Croatia and Romania and buses in Austria are still awaited.

A summary of the main changes affecting our International tables is shown further down this page. Other changes to domestic services are far too numerous to mention in detail here and only a few highlights can be pointed out.



larnród Éireann services change on June 18, and readers should refer to our May edition for services prior to this date.



Highlights of the new timetable include a new station at Futuroscope near Poitiers (Table 300) and the extension of TGV services to La Roche sur Yon and Les Sables d'Olonne (Table 292). The Paris - Bourg St Maurice/St Gervais night train leaves from Paris Austerlitz instead of Gare de Lyon.



The Quartier Léopold station in Brussels (often abbreviated to Q.L.) has been renamed Brussels Luxembourg, named after the area of Brussels in which it is located. Amsterdam CS, Den Haag CS, Rotterdam CS and Utrecht CS will now be known as Amsterdam Centraal, Den Haag Centraal, Rotterdam Centraal and Utrecht Centraal.



The Øresund link between København and Malmö is due to open on July 2. The new line, which is an extension of the recently built section to Kastrup Airport, starts off in tunnel on the Danish side and then reaches Malmö by means of a bridge. As well as local trains every 20 minutes during the day and hourly at night, there will be through X2000 trains between København and Stockholm.


The main body of this edition contains only the new services from July 2, but services in Denmark from May 28 to July can be found at the back of the timetable on pages 529 to 534. Similarly, additional pages are devoted to Sweden at the back of this edition to cater for the July change. However, it is not possible to include Swedish services valid up to June 12, and readers should refer to our May 1-27 edition or contact Thomas Cook Publishing for copies of the required pages.

The cross-border service between Tønder (Denmark) and Niebüll (Germany) has been reintroduced, and in Sweden trains will once more run in high summer between Boden and Haparanda near the border with Finland. Details are in Tables 709 and 769 respectively.



EXPO 2000 will take place in Hannover from June 1 to October 31. Due to the large number of special trains running to the EXPO site during this period we have added special tables on page 353. Other trains will be making special stops. 

Amongst the many changes is the introduction of ICE trains between Dresden and Frankfurt via Erfurt. Usedom now has a direct connection to the mainland (Table 846).



There are extensive changes, particularly in the Czech Republic and Hungary. Principal Praha Brno trains are now routed via Pardubice and Česká Trebová. In Hungary there is a new IC train between Budapest and Zalaegerszeg (Table 1230). Ploče Sarajevo (Table 1350) now has a through train, but there are still no services from Zagreb or Vinkovci to Sarajevo. 



Changes are expected, but no details were available as we went to press. However, it is understood that the Thessaloniki - Istanbul service is recast with both day and night services, and provisional details are shown in Table 1550.



A temporary railway bridge over the River Danube at Novi Sad is due to be opened in time for the start of the summer timetable. This will enable through services between Budapest and Beograd to recommence (Table 1360). The original bridge was badly damaged during last year's conflict, and it is reported that the construction of a permanent bridge could take another 2½ years.


Principal changes affecting our International tables are as follows: Table 10: Eurostar services are similar to those operating last summer, although there will be a new late evening journey from Paris on Sundays at 2137, making this Eurostar's latest scheduled departure time to date.


Table 11: Two new Thalys trains will run this summer; a daily train from Brussels to Genève and a train on summer Saturdays from Amsterdam to Valence via Brussels and Lyon.The Lille Quimper service will no longer start from Brussels. The Lille - Bordeaux service 7880/7886 is extended only to Bayonne this summer on instead of Hendaye.


Table 13: The Flandres Riviera will run Lille - Nice - Ventimiglia and will no longer start from Calais. The Flandres Roussillon will terminate at Cerbère and will no longer run through to Port Bou in the southbound direction. 


Table 15: Changes to the Thalys timetable will affect certain London Amsterdam journeys changing at Brussels. Rebuilding work continues at Antwerpen Centraal with the same calling pattern as last year. The Hoek van Holland-Amsterdam Boat trains have been renamed Amsterdam Express and London Express.


Table 18: Several of the Paris - Brussels - Amsterdam Thalys trains will be retimed. The Paris - Amsterdam overnight train 288/289 will be suspended between late October and mid April next winter.


Table 18a: The Paris - Oostende Thalys trains are shown in this new table to make room for more trains in Table 18.


Table 19: The Paris - Namur service will be reduced to one Thalys train and one conventional train in each direction.


Table 20: The Paris - Berlin/Hamburg night train 242/3 will run via Brussels instead of Namur, and the rolling stock used on this service will be upgraded. The Oostende Berlin portion will no longer run. One consequence of the change is that overnight journeys between London and Hamburg will be easier, with one change at Brussels.


The 0655 Paris - Köln Thalys train will be extended to Hannover Wülfel on Saturdays, for passengers visiting EXPO 2000. The corresponding return journey will leave Hannover Wülfel at 1528 and will also provide an additional late evening Köln - Paris journey on Saturdays.


Most Köln Leipzig - Dresden IC services will terminate at Leipzig with connections forward into new Frankfurt - Leipzig - Dresden ICE trains.


Table 21: The overnight Brussels - Wien/München Donauwalzer will lose its traditional summer extension to and from Oostende. Seasonal train 1218/9 Oostende - Klagenfurt/Innsbruck will be withdrawn.


Table 22: The daytime IR services between Amsterdam and Berlin will be revised once again, with more through journeys. However, on Saturdays and Sundays train IR2344 will reach Schiphol via Amsterdam Zuid, and passengers for Amsterdam Centraal should change at Amersfoort. A new night train 370/1 will run between Amsterdam and Praha via Dortmund, Leipzig and Dresden, with through cars for Berlin detaching or joining at Dortmund. This will replace the existing Amsterdam - Berlin Amstelland (340/1), as well as train 352/3 which currently links Amsterdam or Dortmund with Praha (Tables 28 and 57) and which will be cut back to Frankfurt - Praha.


Table 28: As mentioned above, the overnight journey between Amsterdam and Praha will be by means of train 370/1 shown in Table 22, and consequently train 352/3 will be cut back to run between Frankfurt and Praha.


Table 30: Train EC57/56 Goethe, currently Paris Praha, will run only between Paris and Frankfurt, with a connection to Leipzig and Dresden by tilting ICE. Passengers for Praha will have to make a further change at Dresden, but the overall journey time will be approximately one hour faster than at present.


Table 40: The Brussels - Lausanne - Brig portion of 499/498 will start back at Oostende.


Table 43: The seasonal night trains to Italy, the Freccia del Tirreno and Freccia del Sole, will start from Oostende instead of Brussels, but the overnight train 299/298 Brussels - Milano/Venezia/Firenze will not now start from Oostende as previously advised.


Table 44: The third daytime TGV service between Paris and Milano which was shown provisionally last month will not run after all and has been removed from the table. The Paris - Ancona 1126/1127 weekly summer only train will be withdrawn. 


Table 50: Journeys from Germany to Denmark and Sweden will be revolutionised from July 2 with the opening of the Øresund link between København and Malmö. One Hamburg - København EC train each way will be extended to and from Malmö, and of course instead of catamaran connections, there will be new frequent rail connections between København and Malmö.


The daytime Berlin Sassnitz Malmö train 316/7 will run about 5 hours earlier northbound and 5 hours later southbound. It will therefore be possible to travel between Berlin and Stockholm by day, though not every day of the week. 316/7 will also be extended beyond Berlin to and from Leipzig. Table 55: The Frankfurt - Warszawa train 450/1 will be withdrawn, together with the Frankfurt - Moskva sleeping cars, although there will be a replacement IR train between Dresden and Wrocław.


Table 56: Trains 320/1 Gedania, 324/5 and 328/9 Mare Balticum between Berlin and northern Poland will be withdrawn. However, through sleepers and couchettes will be available on train 345/344 from Berlin to Gdańsk and Gdynia via Poznań.


Train 344 will depart Kyiv four hours later (at 0355!) but will arrive Berlin at the same time. The Moskva Express 247/246 will depart Berlin 60 minutes earlier and arrive Moskva 90 minutes earlier.


Table 57: Night train 352/3 will be cut back to run between Frankfurt and Praha as already mentioned, but there will be new through cars Bonn - Köln - Dortmund Leipzig Dresden - Praha, which will be attached to the new Amsterdam - Praha train at Dortmund (see also under Table 22). Train 256 Marktredwitz - Karlovy Vary - Liberec will be retimed to run two hours later and will be diverted to Praha. Some regional DB services shown in this table have been reorganised resulting in certain connections no longer being possible.


Table 60: Daytime services on the Hamburg - Berlin - Praha - Bratislava - Budapest axis will be recast. EC76/77 Comenius will run only between Praha and Budapest resulting in Hamburg being without a direct service to Budapest. However, southbound, a connection will be made at Praha from the new Vindobona EC173 starting back from Hamburg, and northbound into the new Alois Negrell EC174 Praha - Hamburg. Additionally the Polonia EC130 Budapest - Warszawa will connect at Břeclav with the newly extended northbound Vindobona EC172 Wien - Berlin - Hamburg.


Following the electrification and upgrading of the line from Česká Třebová to Brno via Svitavy all IC and EC trains between Praha and Břeclav will be diverted and will now call at Pardubice which has been added to Table 60.


Table 61: The temporary bridge at Novi Sad (see page 3) will enable through services to Beograd to run once again. Despite this, it would appear that the Budapest - Thessaloniki Transbalkan will continue to run on its current route via Romania.


A new train Trakia 494/495 will be introduced between Bucureşti and Istanbul and a further new train Maritsa/Meriç 11/10 will run between Sofia and Istanbul. For further details see Table 1550. The Bosphor 498 will run two hours later from Istanbul, join up with the Transbalkan at Bucureşti and arrive Budapest 4 hours later. The Hellas Express 335 will run three hours later from Beograd to Thessaloniki. Sleepers will be introduced between Praha and Sofia via Bucureşti.


Table 62: The overnight Berlin to München NZ1901 will arrive at 0647 restoring the connection with 191/291 to Beograd. The Mimara (new train numbers 193/192) will run München - Zagreb, departing München two hours later and Zagreb two hours earlier, with a connecting ICE Berlin - München. After many years absence an overnight train Ohrid 410/411 will run between Ljubljana and Bitola via Zagreb, Beograd and Skopje.


Table 68: The Blauer Enzian EC114/115 will run two hours earlier in both directions whilst the Paganini EC12/13 will run in the Blauer Enzian's old timings between Dortmund and München and in the Mimara's old timings between München and Zagreb. 


Table 71: ICE tilting trains will be introduced München - Leipzig - Berlin and additional services have been shown to reflect this increase. The Berlin to München overnight service NZ1901 will arrive in München 90 minutes earlier and will restore the connections with EC92 to Zürich and EC81 to Milano.


Table 73: The thrice weekly summer only Köln - Genova - Livorno Riviera Express 1205/04 will be withdrawn.


Train 1101/1100 Amsterdam - Milano (Firenze on ), also thrice weekly and summer only, will be replaced by a new Amsterdam - Milano service 209/208 Overnight Express running six nights a week all through the year and run by NS Internationaal (part of Netherlands Railways). Freight cars will be conveyed as well as the passenger cars, which will include brand new sleeper coaches and first-class seating cars.


The Berner Oberland 104/105 Amsterdam - Interlaken Ost will convey a Panorama car.


Table 82: Cisalpino CIS38 for Zürich will depart Milano 20 minutes earlier at 1755 and this will affect connections from the south, e.g. depart Napoli at0930 instead of 1130.


Two long-distance weekly summer only trains will be withdrawn: Stuttgart-Zürich - Napoli 1187/1186 and Stuttgart - Zürich - Lecce 1189/1188 but the Zürich Lecce cars will continue.


Table 88: The Linz/Salzburg portion of Romulus EC31/30, the Wien - Roma train, will only run Salzburg - Roma, however connections will be made at Salzburg för Linz.


Table 89b: The Genève Aéroport - Venezia - Zagreb - Vinkovci Simplon Express 220/221 will terminate at Venezia Santa Lucia. The Venezia Budapest Drava IC243/242 will depart Venezia 90 minutes earlier, Budapest 90 minutes later and have new train numbers IC245/244. It will also convey new cars from Venezia via Ljubljana to Beograd in 290/291. Good connections will be made from the Simplon to the Drava at Venezia Mestre.


Table 90: T2 Sleepers will be added to 1145/1143 Cerbère/Port Bou - Milano.


Table 92: Contrary to last month's information, 200/201 Kvarner will continue to start and finish at Budapest Déli, not Keleti.


Table 93: Train 247 Berlin to St Peterburg will depart 60 minutes earlier.


Table 94b: Odesa, Kyiv and Lviv sleepers will all continue through to Wien instead of terminating at Bratislava.


Table 94c: The Moskva - Venezia sleepers will be withdrawn but the Moskva - Zagreb cars will continue to run 5 times a week.


Table 95: EC131 Polonia will depart Warszawa 4 hours earlier at 0615 for Bucureşti. IC106/7 Praha will be renumbered Ex108/9 and in the southbound direction will leave Warszawa 5 hours later at 1305. EC105 Sobieski will depart Warszawa 70 minutes later for Wien.


Table 96: As mentioned above, services on the Hamburg - Berlin - Praha - Budapest axis will be recast resulting in the following alterations. One new pair of trains between Praha and Wien EC75/74 Gregor Mendel will run in peak summer departing Praha 0637 and Wien 1910. EC70/71 Antonin Dvořák will depart Praha 60 minutes later and Wien 30 minutes later. EC73/72

Smetana will depart Praha 60 minutes earlier and Wien 30 minutes earlier.

The northbound Sobieski will no longer connect at Břeclav with the Comenius due to the latter departing Budapest 30 minutes earlier.


Table 97: The Pannonia 375/374 will convey daily couchettes Praha - Varna and Bratislava Varna whilst sleepers and couchettes will be conveyed between Budapest and Varna.