おゆき | That's...  A Woman Named 'Oyuki' | ∷ my book of pop song and more

∷ my book of pop song and more

また、J-POP/ J-BALLAD/ ENKA を出来るだけ自然な英語で表現します。

☖  内藤 国雄  ☖

 ☗  おゆき  ☗

👉  That's...  A Woman Named  👈




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          en glishversion2024

持って生まれた 運命まで
変えることなど 出来ないと
肩に置いた手 ふりきるように
俺の背中に まわって泣いた
あれは… おゆきという女


By her saying I can't sway

Her destiny that she was born with
As her shaking down my damn hand that 

 I put on her shoulder
She comes right around me and 

Breaks out crying on my back baby
That's...  a woman named 'Oyuki'


少しおくれて 歩く癖
それを叱って 抱きよせた
つゞく坂道 陽の射す場所に
連れて行きたい このまゝそっと
あれは… おゆきという女


I get down on her for having a habit of
Walking a little behind me

And then hug her up to my side
I want to walk up follwing hill and
Take her to sunlight shining area
This goes on gently baby
That's...  a woman named 'Oyuki'



湯気に浮かんだ 茶柱で
明日を占う 細い指
そんな気がする ほくろがひとつ
あれは… おゆきという女


Holding onto the steaming tea cup  

With her slender fingers

She is reading the tea stalks floating in 
I feel like that she is liable to 

Misfortune somehow
For I know she has one mole oh

That's...  a woman named 'Oyuki'




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