X-Serial Ruby Iridium Juliet/X-Metal | linegear Japan Official Blog

linegear Japan Official Blog


"This blog post was written by LINEGEAR in February 2022 and has been translated into English"


"I'll write about the X-Serial Ruby Iridium Juliet/X-Metal." 



Theme: Blog


Juliet X-Metal Ruby Iridium


Today, I would like to write about this.


Hello, everyone,

How are you doing?

Juliet X-Metal/Ruby Iridium


Lately, my blog posts have been biased toward detailed explanations, making them a bit exhausting to read.

 Although in the last post, I announced that I would be writing about NXT® polarized photochromic lenses next, I decided to take a brief pause here.


I apologize, but I'll have to postpone the discussion on NXT® polarized photochromic red mirror to the next time.アセアセアセアセ

However, even with this article, I realized it might still require some effort to read. 😅 Please bear with me until the end.


Now then,


Today, I'd like to write in detail about the X-Metal Juliet, especially the Juliet with Ruby Iridium.


There are various versions like Polished, Plasma, Carbon, and so on, but for now, let's set those aside and just think of "X-Metal Juliet" as you read. パー


In reality, I believe there are many readers of this blog who own the X-Metal Juliet.


X-Metal Juliet 下矢印


By digging into this, I hope to provide more detailed insights into the Juliet you may own. So, I'd like to write about it this time.


Let's get started.

This is the X-Metal Juliet.

It features a dark gray, textured frame.

Arm is Stright

There is also a version with Black Iridium lenses.

X-Metal Juliet / Lenses are Black Iridium. 下矢印

Most models have the serial number on the inside of the left arm.


Specifically for the X-Metal Juliet,

Most of these serial numbers start with a "J."


It is a J followed by a 6-digit number. 下矢印

By checking that serial number, you can determine when your Juliet was manufactured or the combination of lenses with the original frame.

(Even by reading this article today, you can get a rough idea of the production period.)


Please verify it once.

You can check it on LINEGEAR's serial number verification table. 下矢印






Surprisingly, or rather uniquely for an X-Metal Juliet, there is only one serial number that starts with an "X." びっくりびっくり



This is the Juliet referred to as the "X-Serial."


For those who exclaim, "Hey, my Juliet has an X serial !" - this is a must-read content. So, read this and deepen your attachment. 😊


However, this is a story from around the year 2000 (over 20 years ago), so it falls within the scope of "what I know or remember."


Currently, even searching the internet may not yield accurate information, and I've written this article including speculations discussed on Oakley Forum. I hope you understand and enjoy reading with that consideration.



虫めがねBefore that, let me briefly touch on the history of the Juliet.

Firstly, Juliet is the super hit model 星 released by OAKLEY in 1999 as the third installment of the X-Metal series, following Romeo as the first and the MARS as the second.


"Remember this year, 1999, when it was released - it's important, so keep it in mind." 😊

I have written about the history of the X-Metal series in a separate article, so please read that for more details.



All models of this variant come equipped with the famous "Ruby Iridium" lenses.


下矢印 Early Ruby Iridium (actual item)

JULIET  X-METAL / Ruby Iridium


Conversely, you could say, "The famous Ruby Iridium lenses were exclusively featured on the Juliet with the serial number starting with 'X' at the time of its release."

Once again, diverging a bit, this Juliet with the X-Serial, merely having a serial number starting with 'X,' is recognized as an early model. It's considered a precious Juliet, often fetching high prices in auctions.




"Why is this model considered valuable?"


"Why does this model have a serial number starting with 'X'?"


Let me explain a bit,

Firstly, the reason this model has a serial number starting with 'X' is speculated to be inspired by the movie "X-MEN," released in 2000, the same year the Juliet was launched.


"Ah, I see."


"That's the movie with the famous Juliet featuring red lenses."




The Juliet was released in 1999, and the X-MEN movie came out in 2000, featuring many Juliet models with red lenses.


虫めがねUsually, serial numbers on eyewear indicate the frame color and lens combo. For example:

  • JB111111 (Juliet Polished/Blue Iridium)
  • JE111111 (Juliet Plasma/Emerald Iridium)

By intentionally not following this rule and using the X-Serial, it aligns with the concept of promoting the Juliet associated with the movie.


When we think of X-MEN, we all probably think, "I want that Juliet with the red lenses, just like Cyclops!" 


Cyclops, the character, had red lenses to prevent the beams from his eyes from escaping, and that's why Juliet has side blinders.


Serial numbers below 5,000 were released in conjunction with the movie, and they featured the image of the Juliet that appeared in the film.

These had a reddish Ruby Iridium lens installed upon release. 

This is what is commonly referred to as the "early Ruby," characterized by the reddish-purple tint of the Ruby Iridium (Early) lens.



Until then, the Juliet/X-Metal only had versions with Black Iridium lenses. 


However, to align with the movie, Oakley seems to have prepared Juliet models with red lenses resembling those seen in the film. These were likely introduced as a collaboration model with the movie.


While there hasn't been an official press release or specific in-store announcements for this, considering the timing of the release and the inclusion of the "X" serial number, it is speculated that these models were likely released to align with the movie's appearance.



However, this Juliet with the X-Serial wasn't discontinued after selling 5,000 pieces, 

nor was it initially released as a limited edition of 5,000 pieces. The X-Serial continued to be used for subsequent releases.


Please check the number in the image below for confirmation. 下矢印

It's in the 28000 series, right?


I'm not sure exactly how far it continued, but speculating, I believe it was sold as the X series for about a year after that.


Afterward, the Ruby Iridium lost its red tint, and from serial number 5,000 onward, the color of the lenses gradually changed to a more Fire Iridium-like orange to red.


Alternatively, Oakley might have intentionally changed the lens color after highlighting the initial 5,000 units as a special model for the movie release.


Let's take another look.

Actually, the lenses in the movie are not as red. ギザギザ


From watching the movie, it seems that the lenses Cyclops wears on Juliet are special and different from Ruby Iridium. (Perhaps the base lens is quite red.)

However, this Ruby Iridium has a reddish tint in the central part of the lens, so depending on the viewing angle, the redness may be emphasized, and it can appear quite red.

(The color can vary significantly depending on the angle from which the image is taken.)

This is what is referred to as the so-called "early Ruby."


By the way, 

Regarding the serial number 7000 series. 下矢印

It's quite red.


Now, regarding the serial number 28000 series, 下矢印


Indeed, the lenses have a color tone quite close to a brighter Fire Iridium.

虫めがね It's not information officially released by OAKLEY, 

but among enthusiasts, frames with serial numbers below 5000 are recognized as the "early Ruby" models, featuring special red lenses associated with the X-MEN movie.


By the way, LINEGEAR's Premium Red is designed with a strong awareness of this "early Ruby" color.




To summarize the discussion so far:

  1. Early Model (Up to serial number 5000 / Featuring red Ruby lenses)

  2. Early Phase Model (X serial numbers from 5000 onwards / Lenses not as red as the early ones)

I understand it in these terms, distinguishing between the early and early-phase X-Serial models of the X-Metal Juliet with Ruby Iridium.


The SKU written on the box of the early model is 04-116.


As a bonus, here's an image of the box. 下矢印




And then, the X-Metal/Ruby Iridium model transitions to the later phase.


The later phase models have serial numbers starting with 'J'.


The lenses also transitioned to the later Ruby (a slightly brighter Ruby) during the later phase.


This would apply to Juliet models around 2001 to 2004.


Around 2004, models without serial numbers were also sold, so there are models without serial numbers as well.


And the final generation of this model has SKU 24-125 55O21.


※ By the way, 55O21 is a size notation that is common to all Juliet SKUs.


星 To further summarize the discussion, 


Here is the categorization of OAKLEY X-METAL Juliet with Ruby Iridium:

  1. Early Model (Up to X serial number 5000 / Featuring red Ruby lenses)
  2. Early Phase Model (X serial numbers from 5000 onwards / Lenses not as red as the early ones)
  3. Later Phase Model (Serial numbers starting with 'J' / Featuring a slightly brighter Ruby Iridium)
  4. Models without serial numbers
  5. SKU Model (24-125 55O21 / Lenses closer to Fire Iridium, with an orange-ish tint)

This represents the history of the X-METAL Juliet with Ruby Iridium. When finely classified, there might be five generations similar to other Juliet models.


If you own a Juliet with Ruby lenses, this breakdown may help you identify the production period of your frame to some extent.


Now, let me add a bit more.


"I have an X-METAL Juliet, but the lenses are not Ruby, they seem to be Black Iridium."


"How are these categorized? Are they grouped with Ruby models?"


This is a good question. However, please consider these as completely separate from Ruby.


Certainly, for Ruby models, there was a transition to "J" serial numbers from the later phase onwards. Still, for Black Iridium models, there are also "J" serial numbers. However, it doesn't mean that these two models were simultaneously shared during the same period.


Juliet J-Serial X-METAL / Black Iridium.


The serial number progression for these Black Iridium models is as follows:


1st Generation: J111111 (J + 6 digits) 

2nd Generation: J222222A (J + 6 digits + A) 

3rd Generation: J333333B (J + 6 digits + B) 

4th Generation: No serial numbers 

5th Generation: SKU 04-146 55O21 

                   (Shared with Plasma Juliet)


In other words, when the Ruby models transitioned to J-Serial, the Black Iridium models were already in the 3rd generation, and serial numbers had become specific to Black Iridium.


It may seem a bit complicated, but in simple terms, it's okay to understand that these two models did not share serial numbers.



In 2012, the closure of OAKLEY's X-METAL manufacturing facility marked the end of the X-METAL era.


The Juliet was sold for approximately 12 years, and it still seems to be popular, especially in auctions.


Comparing it to cars, similar to how vintage Porsches or Mini Coopers retain their value and become cherished collectibles, it seems that there is a recognition of the enduring quality of these items. Those who appreciate their uniqueness and want to acquire them contribute to maintaining their value.


I personally believe that X-METAL has entered into that realm of enduring value.


To this day, there has never been a release of sunglasses frames made of cast titanium from any other manufacturer.


This material, titanium, is both lightweight and exceptionally sturdy, making it resistant to easy breakage. Additionally, it is non-allergenic, making it an excellent choice for eyewear that is intended for long-term use.


Since the frame itself does not deteriorate, with proper maintenance, it can be considered an item that can be used almost forever.


However, rubber parts, lens issues, and loosening of the nose piece may require maintenance, so in such cases, please consider utilizing LINEGEAR for assistance.


I hope that today's article has deepened your affection for your Juliet.


It may have ended up being quite a niche topic, but thank you very much for reading this far.


Finally, if you have more reliable information regarding serial numbers or any content from today's article, please feel free to provide it. I would like to incorporate it into LINEGEAR's website, creating a more accurate and comprehensive resource. Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.



Next time, I would like to write about the NXT® Red Mirror lenses with polarized photochromic technology.



Please do visit our website as well.


Thank you and goodbye.