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Mixed feelings

Tidying up home...found out many old stuff...dig out many memories...from primary school to U...flashes non-stop

1. "Annie's Date" at Kagoshima - kaisan in 2002 (1/2 year after my visit)

2. Yum house's ugly pic...well.....-_-"

3. "Ainanda!" & tons of Ken's stuff - OH MY GOD!

4. "Can you celebrate" - n_n::::

5. Cambodia pics

6. Love letters from B. @_@

2/3 more way to go...more to dig out...


My sincere wishes to all my beloved ones:

Wish you peace, love and happiness at Christmas and always!

Beijing Beijing

n__n enjoyed a super weekend in Beijing!

A "naughty" dinner

Did something "naughty" with my boss today...very cartoon-like.

We got the prize of a dinner for 2, before tonight's globle meeting at 9 pm.


Uncle Tam picked us up from IFC and drove directly to Repulse Bay.


Had a super great diner @ Spices house. A very cozy & classic place.

Nice chat.

Yes, Uncle Tam is right.

The ultimate value is, be yourself.

Explore & develop the something in me which is "different from others", and in the long run it will become my indispensable strength, that makes Carol, carol.

No need to be disappointed. The world is make up of people from a vast variety.

We do no have to agree with what people say, but we must ensure they are given the opportunity, the basic freedom to voice out their thoughts.

Although it is a diversified world. We have to set the range to what extend we allow ourselves to stretch to.

There is nothing scary about politics.

p.s. I peek into "the Verandah", a very nice dinning place. Mark this down for as an option for our next Christmas Party.

Happy Birthday, my dear Chairman!

It is the big day of my dear Chairman of TYFC!!! Yeah!~

Revisited Lamma Island, this was where we realized each other as soulmate. It has already been >3 years ? My dear old friend. n_n

Good weather, a relaxing place, a sincere friend, some nice food. Simple yet happy. How wonderful it is?

Lamma never let us down, it is always our favourite place to breathe and to refresh.

We left with the sun, and headed to IFC for dinner & movie.

Union bar & grill, nice nice food.

A fairly good movie, while without any surprise, and the depth and touches can indeed go further.

Finish with the movie, it's about 10pm. We were able to take photos of the giant spectacular X'mas tree and nutcrackers @ IFC. Yeah.

Happy Birthday!! Wish my dear Chairman a good year ahead and to embark on a new stage of life. Good Luck!! Vice will always standby you.

Christmas Party

YO!~ another fantastic Christmas party !!!

The scenes of last year's Christmas party still remains vivid in my mind, as if it happened just yesterday.

Time flies and it's already the 2nd Christmas Party I enjoyed at SWIFT, and this time, I wore the hat of a host. With >100% involvement, the feeling is even better. Full of touches and fun.

Le Meridien Hotel at Cyberport, it was where our Chirstmas party held. With more than 70 colleagues & guests attended. A nice place afterall, we even have an outdoor poolside area, for BBQ & private chats.

We committee arrived as early as 4pm to do the decoration. It was where the fun begins.

Elina was our art director and I was the PR, communicating with all parties, warm up the staff at the restaurant; motivated our committee and volunteers. We all looked forward to a marvelous night and work hard together to bring fun to our guests.

By 6:30pm, colleauges started to arrive one after one. Greetings & greetings. i was super hyper-active...seeing them come in and sincerely wish them a happy evening...yeah.

KL, our site manager gave a terrible speech...our Santa "I have enough!?" and left for a while...haha...realized what my boss said...and we all missed the funny speech Ian used to give.

Our MC, Terry, was stupid enough to put on a Santa Clause costume...making himself unbreathably hot and began to lose temper....haha...not much suprise for the game but we were all very attentive and generated fun. A bad Santa who kept drinking wine and hug girls...-__-"

I was so busy...!! Being a Ms. cheerful...presenting gifts for lucky draw (sigh...I didn't receive any!) and standby to help out all the time.

Good food, nice people. Last year my circle was still limited but this year, everybody is approachable. We greets, we chat, we make fun, we take pictures. Just anybody.

I am so glad that most of the people enjoyed to their fullest. I have collected too many thanks and would like to share it with a couple of people:

Thanks to Alex who donated his desserts to me...yummy yummy...hohoho

Thanks to Suat chee who is always by my side, take care of

Thanks to John who sweared to be my "slave" (I didn't request this), he's "Carol in action".

Thanks to Daniel who is always so nice to me and his generous praises to me all the time.

Thanks to Derek who is my cheering leader, he wants me to win in the games, even more determined than myself...haha

Thanks to Roger who is a silent participant who catched the best moments of the nights.

Last but not least, Kelvin, our chairman who is a responsible person, who always respect my ideas and appreciated what I did.

A marvelous night.

My pleasure to be a part of the team to make a good memory to my fellow colleagues. Their smiles are the best presents I got tonight. n__n

Shopping Shopping

One day before our Christmas party - a crazy+happy+busy shopping day.

SC and myself @ Lyndhurst Terrance for 2 hours. Visited many funny shops selling props for fancy balls...so weird that I couldn't help but keep trying them on and laughing...

Costumes of any kind...and I really like the Cinderella dress...(-__-") SC's face turned green...

hehehehe. Had great fun shopping around~! and bought many good stuff for the party...hope we 'll be able to heat up the atmosphere!

Return to the office and busy planning with KL. A "controversial" person while thanks god I can cope with him quite well. Full of fun.

My emotion maintained at a high level whole day long, and spreaded it with my boss.

Made some jokes, and screamed out "something" carelessly...ho ho ho, a LL from China.

Yeah, the day with happiness resumed. And I can totally feel how supportive my boss is to me and her recognition, as well as efforts to strive for my well-being n__n

I like wrapping gifts...wrap wrap wrap until late at night.

Yeah, I like wrapping gift, and unwrapping gifts! Wish me good luck...ho ho ho

Christmas @ work

Yo!~ Christmas is in the air!

This week is..all about Christmas! I volunteered to decorate our Christmas tree - YEAH!!

It's been a long time I didn't decorate a Christmas tree, at least not in the recent 8 years...

The decoration is just classic, red & gold while I added some flowers on the it...looking good?

So warm & HAPPY decorating the tree tree with colleague M. n_n

Well...however, someone put some ugly presents underneath the tree...ruin my lovely tree tree >_<

Keep busy busy, organizing our Christmas party on Sat, and Children's to be followed by.

Look forward to having fun w/ colleagues.

Look forward to receiving great prizes.



It is a day marked with 5 stars!!

Two of my wishes come true.

We look at each other, with tears in our eyes...

Faith is with us, let's work hard together

Walk walk walk

"Did you?"

"Of course, and you?"

Yeah, participated in a peaceful fight for democracy today.

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