
On June 10, a law enabling Japan to deport people whose applications for asylum have been rejected twice, even if they are in the midst of a third application, went into effect, which has left people applying for refugee status, like this man, feeling uneasy. If the court does not annul the denial of his first application and if his second application is also denied, he may be deported.


今回注目する単語は asylum /əˈsaɪləm/  です。

asylum という単語は『ジーニアス英和辞典』によると;
 1 U(難民・亡命者などの)保護、亡命(⦅正式⦆political ~)
 2 C⦅古⦆精神科病院《◆現在では psychiatric hospital が一般的》
 3 U C〘国際法〙(亡命者・政治犯などの)一時的非難(所)《主に外国大使館》

"1 [uncountable] protection given to someone by a government because they have escaped from fighting or political trouble in their own country
 apply for/seek/be granted asylum
→ political asylum
 2 [countable] old use a mental hospital"


”apply for/seek/be granted asylum” はジーニアスでも例示されており、このコロケーションで使われることが多いようです。

語源としては Online Etymology Dictionary では;
"early 15c., earlier asile (late 14c.), "place of refuge, sanctuary," from Latin asylum "sanctuary," from Greek asylon "refuge, fenced territory," noun use of neuter of asylos "inviolable, safe from violence," especially of persons seeking protection, from a- "without" (see a- (3)) + sylē "right of seizure," which is of unknown etymology."
とあり、asylum はラテン語 asylum からの借用であることが分かります。

「亡命」というと exile という単語が思い浮かびます。
"1 [singular, uncountable] a situation in which you are forced to leave your country and live in another country, especially for political reasons
 2 [countable] someone who has been forced to live in exile"

これらを比べると語義から asylum には「保護」、exile には「追放」、というそれぞれのニュアンスの違いが読み取れました。

ちなみに語源にも違いがあり、exile は古フランス語 exil, essil やラテン語の exilium に由来すると考えられています。
"c. 1300, "forced removal from one's country," from Old French exil, essil (12c.), from Latin exilium "banishment; place of exile" (see exile (v.)). From c. 1300 as "a banished person," from Latin exsul, exul. The Latin noun was glossed in Old English by utlanda."





