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⁂∞§∞⭐︎ Ascetic practice for guiding other people in the right direction ⭐︎∞§∞⁂

What do you think you should do in order to gain the ability to teach and lead people who don’t attain an enlightenment of heart for making such people level up their spiritual layer directly?

The answer is that you have no choice but live and work among human society with keeping an enlightenment of heart !!(#^.^#)
(*Ref【5-9-3】Interpersonal relationships at work improvement methods 3〜『Working like a demon』『Keeping a big love for humanity 』〜.

First, to attain an enlightenment of heart or to gain the ultimate truth is that, is the never ending thing and you would go through stages, thereby deeper and deeper as you do step by step.

However, if your enlightenment will be deep to some extent, it will make your state be fulfilled joyful with quietness and a sense of deep accomplishment.

You can say that you have attained the state of enlightenment of heart, and also you can say that you have gained the ultimate truth.

If you are like this, you are never in doubt what to do about yourself.
It’s also that you are not scared of anything.

However, next, it will start your ascetic practice for guiding other people in the right direction in many ways.

If you try to do that, you will understand that it’s difficult to guide other people in the right direction even though you have attained an enlightenment of heart.

Anyway, you will be given a chance of it of ascetic practice if you attain to that stage.

By giving people a helping hand for their attaintion of enlightenment of heart, it will make your protean genius train.

Of course, there will be sometimes you will make a mistake and you will frequently worry and conflict as much as you think that “I’d rather die…”.

However, that experiences make your enlightenment be something immovable.

Therefore, I think that it’s easy what you make an effort for just yourself.

It’s most difficult things to give other people a helping hand for raising their spiritual layer.

I think surely that you keenly aware if you have tried something of those even a little.

Above all, it’s impossible unless you have both higher spiritual layer and a deeper enlightenment several steps than other person, isn’t it??

If you try to preach with triumph nevertheless you don’t attain an enlightenment of heart yet, the person just think that ”I hate to be said by you !!”.
Besides, I doubt what you pointed out is really right thing.

Even if you try to say advice for raising of the spiritual layer after attaintion of enlightenment of heart, one who is said advice by you couldn’t get your advice when the person has too much pride and has been arrogant because of no ambition due to the feeling self-satisfied.

Therefore, advice for raising of other’s spiritual layer is there are only a limited number of people who can say that, and also there are only a limited number of people who can get that.

However, if you can do that, you can learn a new perspective every time you guide other in the right direction.
It makes you find a new discovery.

To discover a new perspective is an indescribable charm.

When you get engrossed in thinking about people around self and trying to do act of something for them, suddenly, you can notice what you haven’t been able to notice till then.

Someday, like above, such as incredible wisdoms, incredible power, incredible ideas, these would be overflowing out of yourself.

Actually, all of those wisdoms are what come from guardian spirits and guardian deities, especially Monju Bosatsu(文殊菩薩) .

In the moment a incredible idea is overflowing by you getting engrossed, it’s the moment that attaintion of state of DHST-1!!
(Ref: 【4-2】Dynamic DHST).

Actually, attaintion of state of DHST-1 is an enlightenment of soul, so it’s higher and deeper than an enlightenment of heart.

It’s because that the attaintion of state of DHST-1 is that in the moment, your soul have already been in the divine world beyond both judgment and conflict of heart.

You need to do three initiatives everyday as follows in order to attain an enlightenment of soul.

Firstly, you should do the Salvaging evil spirits of self by self on a daily basis in order to prevent accumulation of your bad thoughts.
(*Ref:【9-1-2】the Salvaging evil spirits of self by self 〜Salvaging self by self〜).

Secondly, to pray sincerely on a daily basis in order to keep your refreshed state.
(*Ref:【3-6】Way of prevent such as natural disasters and diseases, and root cause of these.).

(*Ref:【5-3】coping way of Erotic-toxin by souls of the living who are other).

(*Ref:【8-8】Genuine prayer).

Thirdly, to dedicate your altruistic love to people around self without getting carried away, even if you are admired by other, in order to ascetic practice of Shimoza.
(*One of Four commandments 〜Don't be arrogant〜➡︎ Ref: 【5-1】six proverbs and four commandments).

(*Ref: 【5-13】Ascetic practice of Shimoza).

If you do these three every day and you work hard at your job with full sincerity and affection, you will eventually gain an enlightenment of soul for raising other’s spiritual layer.
(*Ref: 【4-2】Dynamic DHST 〜Suppl 2. ◎ Difference that enlightenment of heart and enlightenment of soul〜).

In addition to that, actually, in the course of gaining an enlightenment of soul after gaining an enlightenment of heart, you will need to make an effort to lower your spiritual layer intentionally in this time in order to raise other’s spiritual layer.

It’s because that I can’t say that one who belongs to the high spiritual layer is surely helpful human resource for human society.

The reason why we have been borne on Earth is we raise each spiritual layer even a little.

However, to raise your spiritual layer is that only you become happy, so it isn't necessarily to be helpful human resource for other people.

Of course, to belong to the high spiritual layer is a necessary condition to raise up other’s spiritual layer.
However, if the levels of spiritual layer are too much different, they can’t understand each other resulting in they can’t associate with one another because they are repelled each other soon.

For example, suppose there are the spiritual layer from 1 to 10, layer 1 is lowest, layer 10 is highest.

Only either layer 2 or layer 3 can raise up the spiritual layer 1.
It means that only the person who is either 1 or 2 layer above can raise up lower layer.

Even if the person is 4 or 5 layer gets closer to the person of 1 layer, the way the person of 1 layer see it, the person of 1 layer is too bright to open eyes.
Moreover the person of 1 layer can’t understand at all what the person of higher layer said because of too much high level.

Needless to say, the person of 1 layer can’t even meet up with the person of 9 or 10 layer.
Both guardian spirits and guardian deities don’t make them meet up with each other because it’s obvious that such encounter has no meaning even if setting up an encounter.
(*Ref :【8-4-1】Guardian spirits and deities).

The Taoism Founder Lao-tze left about that as a teaching, like followings.

『A brave person』 wishes to be 『a wise person』.
『A wise person』wishes to be 『a holy person』.
『 A holy person』wishes to be 『a divine person』.

『A brave person』is that the person who tries to make an effort into something with great ambitions.
I can say that it’s a stage of adolescent boys and girls, about between twelve and eighteen years old.

They have no deep wisdom and have no deep enlightenment, but they are filled with dreams and hopes.
Therefore it’s a period that they can make an effort to cultivate their energy of both body and soul.

I can also say it’s a period that they train their courage and endurance by training muscles.

In the case of Japan in the past, I can say it’s a period that Samurai was practicing kendo in dojo.
That’s 『a brave person』, and 『a brave person』 wishes to be 『a wise person』.

『A wise person』is that the person has a good stock of knowledge and who is a professional person at one skill.

It’s a person about between twenty-five and thirty-five years old.
It’s a person who has been a professional something and who has been most filled by energy both body and soul in one’s life.

Yes, it is.
Boys and girls about about between twelve and eighteen years old wish to be a person who has been a professional something as their dreams or hopes.
They never wish to be 『a holy person』.

『A holy person』is an enlightened person such as Jesus Chirist and Buddha.

Boys and girls about about between twelve and eighteen years never wish to be a holy person from the beginning.
It’s too high level to come to mind even a wish of being like them.

What’s more, they never come to mind even a dream of becoming 『a divine person』rather than 『a holy person』.

However, suppose boys and girls are making a persistent effort every day, thereby each of them becomes『a wise person』.

Then, this wise person will want to aim for 『a holy person』in the next step, it means the high spiritual state called 『an enlightenment of heart』.

『A wise person』wishes to be 『a holy person』.

『A holy person』is a person about between 35 and 55 years old.

After mastering way of something to some extent, trying to master various way of other something resulting in cultivate versatile abilities to some extent.
Moreover, learning to various both religions and philosophies by oneself resulting in the state of spiritual enlightenment is deeper and deeper.

Thus the person about between fifties and sixties will attain an enlightenment of heart, and furthermore, the person will aim to be the DHST.

If you never waver at your heart, it will make you want to come in the world of soul.

It means that you will aim to be a divine person.

『 A holy person』wishes to be 『a divine person』.

Like above, there are steps to everything and anybody can’t jump up to higher step beyond the next step.

Now, I have described that compared to age of human’s life.
However it means as a metaphor.
So, of course, I think that there would be the person who is twelve years old has already attained the DHST, and also there would be the person who is sixty years old hasn’t been 『a brave person』yet.

That’s why I can’t say that one who belongs to the high spiritual layer is surely helpful human resource for human society.

In the present world, there is an overwhelmingly larger number of personnel who belong to the middle spiritual world.

For example, suppose there are the spiritual layer from 1 to 10, there are many people who are about layer 4 or 5.

Therefore, one who can play outstandingly in the present world is about layer 6, 7, 8.
That’s why one who is about layer 9 or 10, it’s difficult for them to play outstandingly in the present world.

This is what is interesting on our world, isn’t it?

From people who are about layer 4 or 5 whose point of view, it’s too much high level for them to understand about people who are about layer 9 or 10.
They just think like that “How a strange person!!”.

It’s easier to understand for them about layer 6 or 7 rather than layer 9 or 10, so they try for aim at layer 6 or 7.

That’s why I can’t say that one who belongs to the high spiritual layer is surely helpful human resource for human society.

However, from people who are about layer 6 or 7 whose point of view, they understand very much that worth of people who are about layer 9 or 10, so they respect layer 9 or 10 very much.

That’s interesting, isn’t it?

The person who is layer 4 or 5 looks down on the person who is layer 9 or 10 nevertheless they enshrine the person who is layer 6 or 7.

On the other hand, The person who is layer 6 or 7 enshrines very much the person who is layer 9 or 10.

Here’s what important is that, if your want to be layer 9 or 10, it means that you want to attain the state of DHST, you will have to make an effort to live as about layer 6 or 7 intentionally after having attained the state of DHST.

It’s a very difficult thing but this is what’s an ascetic practice for flexible ability.
(*Ref:【9-3】 flexible ability 〜protean genius〜).

It means that you need to have a technique of leveling down after leveling up to the highest layer .

It’s interesting, isn’t it??

Let’s try to think yourself in the present objectively, don’t only keep the high spiritual state just in your heart.

“What should I change about myself to be trusted by other?”

“What should I change about myself to guide other people in the right direction more better?”

Please try to think about that as if you die.

When you come up with the idea, you do the act of something immediately.

If you notice your incorrect on your way, you fix it immediately.

Moreover, when you come up with the better idea than before, you do
the act of it immediately again.

These experiences make you acquire skills to guide other people in the right direction .

This cycle.

After you did, if you realize that it’s a higher level thing than you think, you may level down a little more.

For example, although you try to pass the legal bar examination, you realize that it’s too much high level for you after you tried, so you change your purpose into administrative scrivener, and so on.

Too serious person is tend to think that it is to set back about what change purpose in midway like above ,so there are many people who think about themselves that “I am a disappointment person…”.

However, because you will try to challenge to do something what you haven’t tried until now, you don’t know what you can or not.
If you realize various things in midway, you should fix it each time.

Whatever suffering experiences become all good things for purpose of attaination of the DHST, it means that attaination of enlightenment of soul.

From other’s point of view, even if you seem whatever unhappy and whatever setting back, all of experiences are put to good use when first purpose of your life is to spread the way of DHST by attaining the DHST.

Moreover, your cultivated ability, artistic sensitivity, academics and so on, you can carry out all of them in your next lives.
That’s why your whatever efforts from now are never wasted.

As stated above, in every time you really put all of you to everything, you will be able to learn the lived divine law through experiences eventually.

You will be able to attain an enlightenment of soul resulting in you will be freely able to guide other people in the right direction even if whoever from 1 layer to 10 layer.

Therefore, the spiritual layer and to be helpful human resource for human society that don’t have a correlation.

That’s why after you have been able to interact with divine beings as long as you are in a calm environment, you will need to make an effort to lower your spiritual layer intentionally in this time in order to raise other’s spiritual layer.

You think that here’s really interesting in the present world, don’t you?

See you again!!


Skip Next ▶︎【6-1】What’s Dearest wish of Deities.