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6-1-1Deep truths



⁂∞§∞⭐︎ What’s Dearest wish of Deities. ⭐︎∞§∞⁂ 

All gods the holy spirits in the divine world work to obey the law of the universe creation energy.

The law of the universe creation energy is that, everythings will be progress, improvement, development, and changing.

It means that Divine source who has created everythings in this universe is the greatest artist who has been always creating new things!!

For example fruits, anything is full of originality and delicious, and there are various designs, aren’t there?

So, humans, too.

Divine source doesn’t want to create the same person even one.

Divine source is hoping that this 3D-real world is where gathering people at a wide variety and full of creativity.

That’s why it wants to make brother have different in character even if they were born from the same parents.

It’s the case of twins, too.

Even if twins have the same gene in material body, another personality dwells in both spirit and soul.

Do you think why is Divine source trying to create the real world with plenty of personality so far?

It’s because that this universe consists of three major worlds.

There are three worlds Divine world」「Spiritual world 」「Real world in this universe.

Divine source created these three worlds.

All gods the Holy Spirits in the divine world have been created by divine source.

(Ref: 【1-1】Difference of Divine source and God the Holy Spirit And about the DHST).

The world of gods and the Holy Spirits is at a wide variety, but they don’t have much individuality as consciousness beings because all of them are incarnations of divine source.

Because they can combine into one easily and  they can make avatar which called divided soul, so it’s at a poor variety as consciousness beings.

Therefore, Divine source created the Spiritual world after that.

The case of the spiritual world, they can hardly combine into one and also they can hardly make avatar which called divided soul, so the spiritual world became more unique and full of personality world than the divine world.

Because divine beings in the divine world can do unity of willness as a whole immediately, concept of evil can’t exist.

On the other hand,  spiritual beings in the spiritual world, that's a very hard thing to do unity of willness as a whole due to unique and full of personality.

People in the spiritual world  increased gradually people who couldn’t keep to state of DHST because it’s more difficult for them to understand other’s thoughts than the divine world.

Especially, people in the hell spiritual world   can’t understand about other’s thoughts each other.

Therefore, they have a lot of fear and doubt, resulting in they will commit more a crime and evils will be born.

Eventually, people in the spiritual world noticed that they can’t come back to the upper spiritual world if they descend from DHST in the spiritual world.

Like divided into heaven and hell, people in the spiritual world gather at one of the spiritual worlds where the people in there are the same layer with self.

It means that people in the spiritual world can’t go to the different spiritual layer basically.

It’s not impossible that only people in the heaven spiritual can go to the hell spiritual world, but they can only go to near there and they can’t stay in there all the time.

It means that people in the spiritual world can’t have a relationship with other spiritual layers nevertheless the spiritual worlds are over 3000.

Therefore, Divine source created the 3D-real world in order to be able to have a relationship with other spiritual layers where all over layers from the divine world to both the hell spiritual world and the demon world.

(Ref:【6-3】The reason why you can’t attain DHST unless you are alive in 3D-real world.)

The 3D-real world is the same, too.

We are unique and full of personality.

That’s why it is difficult for us to understand about each other.

Hence it makes the stirring dramas be born.

Yes, it is.

What is Unique and full of personality, that is the fundamental equation of world where it is difficult to do mutual understanding.

Because we have unique and full of personality, and because  it is difficult to do mutual understanding, therefore the 3D-real world is meaningful.

Therefore, it has already included element that it may be born the evil because it is difficult to do mutual understanding, from the time of creation of the spiritual world and the 3D-real world.

Probably,  Divine source would have been foreseen such that.

This universe is always filled with energy is progress, improvement and development.


Not only Peace is progress, improvement and development.

Sometimes, Peace makes mentally degenerate, and it makes energy of life be weak.

That’s why Divine source who created this universe leaves evils alone.

However, it’s not that a necessary evil.

Just because Divine source leaves evils alone, it does not mean that you are allowed to become a evil, and it doesn’t mean that you take in evils by catering to evils, too.

You have to hate evils and to banish evil from your heart, and moreover you have to create a better yourself.

This is mission of humanity.

However, environment that evils exist around yourself makes your goodness light shine more brilliantly in order to stand up to evils.

It means that you can do the efficient use of evils in order to do self-improvement and train your mentally.

For that reason, if a tiresome person come to you, you should think like that “Chance! I can try to level up my mentality!come on! \(^.^)/“, and you should smile joyfully.

If you have a largehearted mentality like that even evils change into your mental food, nothing makes you fearful in the world no longer.

If you always keep to have such heart, a tiresome person become just your laughingstock.

This is that Your wisdom and big love make evils change into goodness.

This is practical use that the secret of law of DHST that 『先天の動に帰し、その化する働きを得る』.


Translator's notes.

This is too difficult Japanese writings even Japanese to understand, so I write the text itself.

Probably, it means as follows.

“Originally, all humanity have been pure beings.

Getting aura that makes people around self back to inborn true nature which is pure beings.”


Continue to next article at【6-1-2】Deep truths.