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3-5-1genuine medical

⁂∞§∞⭐︎ Sick by Erotic-toxin ⭐︎∞§∞⁂

I think that the most common toxin in the humanity world  is karma of the sexual lust.

The middle ages of Europe in the humanity history was the time when karma of the sexual lust was the most common.

Jesus Chirist had foreseen it.

Therefore, a record of his sayings and deeds strongly had warned people about the sexual lust because he had worried about posterity.

However, after Jesus died, people of posterity had been way too restraining their sexual lust, it had happened a reaction to that.

A symbolic example of the reaction is that, because women who had been a Christan Sister in the previous life and had been way too restraining their sexual lust, there are many case that they are porn star after they reborn in this life.

This is a just right sample that education like just only covering which is the smelly things makes human’s heart break down the balance.

That’s why I innocently deal with subject matter of sexual things.

I hope that you understand my true intention.

I think that the sexual lust is what humanity who can’t just understand mechanism of their body’s energy can’t just tap into their energy well blindly.

That’s why I hope that all people understand true things and they will be able to tap into their body’s energy rightly.

Therefore, I explained first from following topics by way of explanation of real aspect of human’s body and soul.

【2-2】law of Will Power

【2-5】law of the five medium-prana

Well, I shall begin explaining regarding the Erotic-toxin.

While doing the Salvaging evil spirits who possess people, I always keenly realize how many too much evil spirits of erotic hell.

(Ref: 【9-1-1】Ability of Salvaging evil spirits).

Evil spirits of erotic hell occupy 90 % of the Salvaging evil spirits.

This evil spirits of erotic hell release toxin which called Erotic-toxin.

Actually, this Erotic-toxin causes 90% of human’s sick.

There are two patterns which of causing Erotic-toxin.

One of them is caused by self of bad thoughts.

Another of them is caused by souls of the living who are other.

In regards to pattern of Erotic-toxin which is caused by self of bad thoughts, it is just as I explained at 【3-2】The reason why getting sick.

It means that people who release bad thoughts summon evil spirits of erotic hell tune on channel of their erotic thoughts, by self.

As a result, such people will be obsessed with evil spirits of erotic hell , and they will have gradually come to have erotic thoughts all day long by being obsessed.

This will bring about a vicious cycle, and the person self becomes like machine of making evil spirits of erotic hell.

Eventually, people will keep making much Erotic-toxin in whole body, and it will exceed capacity of their natural healing power.

Therefore, pattern of Erotic-toxin which is caused by self of bad thoughts is all self fault if to be sick.

The problem is pattern of Erotic-toxin which is caused by souls of the living who are other.

Because God has created all women as being easy to be sensitive to spiritual beings, there are many women who would be getting sick from illnesses of Erotic-toxin(cancer, hemorrhoids and so on).

Such women are beautiful, cute, sexy,  and  kind and mentally weak.

Therefore, such women should keep in mind that they wear cool clothes and do light makeup.

Furthermore,  she should intentionally give man who has aura which is obscene vibrations the cold attitude.

Due to work circumstances, when you have need to meet such above man, it’s effective to talk in a low voice on purpose and to have businesslike attitude when you talk with the person.

One who has a big aura won’t happen to be obsessed by souls of the living who are other, even if you are kind and pretty woman.

(Ref: 【5-2】How to refine and polish Prana).

(Ref: 【2-4】law of the four souls inside a spirit).

Also man who is too much attractive to women will be getting sick from illnesses of Erotic-toxin because he would be easy to be obsessed souls of the living.

For example, Yujiro ISHIHARA who was one of the 20th Century Movie Star Actors in Japan.

Sadly, he was getting sick from a disease affecting the liver.

Do you understand why he was getting sick from that?

It’s because that he was too much attractive to women, so he was forced to receive much Erotic-toxin from women in order to be obsessed a lot of souls of the living women.

Actually, to detoxify Erotic-toxin is work of liver, but if there is too much Erotic-toxin, it will break liver.

I heard that Yujiro ISHIHARA, After getting sick from a disease affecting the liver, he was starting to have a large amount of nosebleed frequently.

His liver could not catch up to detoxify Erotic-toxin and it most likely had no choice but to let it get out as nosebleed.

It can be said that this Erotic-toxin can lead to all kinds of disease exactly.

It fill in the brain with toxins and it makes the liver be worn out and it makes prana of whole body, especially MPFire, pass into nothingness.

(Ref: 【2-5】law of the five medium-prana.)

Resulting in, it causes a heavy diabetes.

Moreover, it will be a burden on both kidney and and bladder,  and the whole body will be uremia.

Further, when Erotic-toxin is agglutinated, it become the calcium oxalate stone.

This is shape of that like sharp needle, and while flowing through a blood vessel, it is going to cut inside a blood vessel to ribbons.

It occurs extreme pain at this time.

This is the true form of ‘gout’.

Have you understood that Erotic-toxin is  pretty fearful?

It seems like that Yujiro’s wife asked her husband that “Please don’t drink alcohol” when she watched what he had a large amount of nosebleed.

However, after stopping to drink alcohol, the condition of his liver disease  became serious at once and he has passed away.

Can you understand what this means?

Actually, alcohol is beverage which can convert energy of LP into energy of MP forcibly.

(Ref: 【2-2】law of Will Power).

Therefore, moderate drinking is good for your health because your prana move around your whole body very well.

(Ref: 【6-4】About vegetables, meat, alcohol, and white sugar).

Moreover, there are function of which detoxify accumulated toxins in the body forcibly, and function of which is decomposition of uric acid which is the cause of muscle pain.

It’s not that alcohol burdened on liver, he was borrowing the force of alcohol in order to discharge Erotic-toxin from his body.

I heard that the reason why my mentor Homura Gen who was already died had been drinking alcohol after he did the Salvaging evil spirits is the same.

Because alcohol is what condensed power of the dragon gods, so toxins go out from body immediately if drinking alcohol.

He wanted to put out toxins as soon as possible, so he was drinking alcohol after the Salvaging evil spirits.

The liver which detoxify toxins is burdened, however it's a temporary condition. 

(Ref: 【9-1-1】Ability of Salvaging evil spirits).

Toxins will be put out from body as either bloody urine or nosebleed.

Even if you don’t drink alcohol, toxins will be put out from body by the natural healing power, but you can put it out sooner by borrowing the force of alcohol.

However,  if you drink a amount of alcohol as much as depleting energy of LP, function of internal organs will get all weak immediately.

The sign appears as a phenomenon which you feel  nasty to drink alcohol.

Therefore, alcohol become medicine which is effective for all diseases if you can make use of it moderately and to keep its right dosage, but it becomes toxin if you drink it too much.

Moreover, alcohol has also power which bring inside yourself to the surface.

It’s both a good part and a bad part.

To retain negative vibrations of mentality inside your body is that it would occur that you get serious diseases someday.

If think so, it’s sometimes important to bring inside yourself to the surface as soon as possible.

In that sense too it can say that alcohol is the best medicine.

However, if you aim to attain state of DHST, you shouldn’t exhaust your prana as much as you can do.

(Ref: 【4-3】How to attain state of DHST-2 〜if anything,method for men〜).

I recommend that you should heed about activity of your usual thoughts as much as you don’t need to rely alcohol for the purpose of refining your prana.

(Ref: 【5-1】six proverbs and four commandments).

I am going to describe that coping method when receiving Erotic-toxin from other in the next time.

Please look forward to it!


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