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3-2genuine medical

⁂∞§∞⭐︎ The reason why getting sick  ⭐︎∞§∞⁂

Most people who get sick are usually obsessed with evil spirits.

Most 99 of people who get cancer are obsessed with grudge evil spirits who have been aiming since an ancestral age, at their principal organs such as stomach, intestines, liver and lungs.

It relates the person who is obsessed has faults of personality.

In addition, it relates deeply the person’s karma in previous life, too.

Grudge evil spirits search for one who can tune on channel of grudge evil spirits in the clan which holding a grudge, and they try to kill the person by making cancer.

However, the reason why you get serious sickness is not that your body is eventually reflected by it after being obsessed with evil spirits and becoming mentally troubled.

The mechanism is as following.

 Firstly, people have bad thoughts usually because they had piled up habit of bad thoughts in their previous lives which they had been repeating at a few dozen times.

 Thereby, such people who discharges bad thoughts summon evil spirits which tune on channel of their bad thoughts, by self.

 As a result, such people will be obsessed with evil spirits, and they will have gradually come to have bad thoughts all day long by being obsessed.

 This will bring about a vicious cycle, and the person self becomes like machine of making evil spirits.

 Eventually, people will keep making much toxin in whole body, and it will exceed capacity of their natural healing power.

This is the mechanism that people get serious sickness.

That’s why it’s all self fault which getting serious sickness, it’s not blamed for evil spirits.

In addition, although that is a sad story, there is a woman who is beautiful, very honest and has deeply thoughtfulness, however she is weak-willed.

Therefore, she is racked by evils in the real world, and it deeply hurts her feelings so that she keeps discharging bad thoughts of sorrow, results in, she will get ill that lungs disease , and there is sometimes lose her life at last.

It’s because thoughts of sorrow hurts lungs.

Although that is a ruthless story, god thinks about thatweak of heart is a certain type of sin of sloth.

Actually, most such women were christian in the previous life.

They are purity and honesty, but they are weak against evil beings because they leave themselves wide open for an attack.

They want to improve their mentality and therefore most such people are reborn in the real world with willingness of getting strong.

However, it’s a very hard thing to improve self personality so there are many people who get ill that lungs disease.

Therefore, there were many people who get tuberculosis in the past age.

That’s why there is a famous phraseThe fairest flowers soonest fade.

But nevertheless they never give up and they repeat to reborn two or three times,by that they are going to be stronger gradually.

One day, they realize something suddenly and their spiritual layer will level up more than several steps.

People of like those succeed in the real world as pop star or actresses.

That’s why most people who are pop star or actresses had learned deeply Zen or Buddhism or had been Christian, in their previous life.

By the way,  there is a point which you should be careful in cases where you have become pop star or actresses.

In the real world, there are many people who are wicked rather likely than people who are tender.

When you have exposure in the media such as TV and magazines, which means those of wicked are looking at you.

Which means not only all over Japan, people are looking at you all over the world.

Compared with ordinary people, people who bcome famous are sent malicious attention by people, over a millions times.

The ill will from others is one of causes of illness.

Although one who was a very good person before coming in show business, there are many people who will be mentally ill after coming in show business.

Especially, both woman of pop star and  actresses would be hit head-on by ill will from others.

Men are not easy to be sensitive to spiritual beings compared with women so it has relatively little impact on men.

Therefore,  woman who belongs to show business should keep to be good condition of mentality with fullness of LP and MP, and moreover she has to be very strict with herself and self-disciplined every day.

if not so, she would be sure to get attacked by much negative energy, or to be haunted by the souls of the living. 

 In the present, not only people who belongs to show business but also ordinary people can have exposure freely by video sharing site such as YouTube, however I recommend that you should take that to heart.

However, nevertheless you act for having thoughts of goodness, it also often happens that you will get sick by getting attacked of ill will from others such as misunderstandings and calumny.

It means if you try to spread the truly things like this teachings in the real world, you must have a firm resolve against counterattack of the evils world  and you need to have a strong will as much as brush away that.

Unfortunately, many religious people and healer have been exhausted by both evil beings of the evil world and people who have ill will and eventually they have fallen over.

My mentor 炎玄(Homura Gen) also was going through agony in many times.

He had collapsed again and again.

He was understanding that he would collapse again.

Notwithstanding, he was throwing away all and acting at the risk of his life without keeping his position and money.

I am sure that it was feelings of very sufferings and sadness things as human’s emotions.

However, 炎玄(Homura Gen) , He persevered his will and died with praying for that may the world be better even a little.

Not so much as 炎玄 who attained DHST-2, but people who have the high spiritual layer as much as be able to do the natural healing to other’s soul keep suffering by receiving negative energy from people, and they will be fighting that, and results in keeping saving people.

(Ref: 【3-1】difference of symptoms by spiritual layer).

From the above,

 ‘The reason why getting sick’ is as follows.

Being obsessed with evil spirits by having bad thoughts, results in getting sick.

In most cases, it is this.

 In case of either men who are easy to be sensitive to spiritual beings or women, the ill will from others is one of causes of illness.

They would be getting sick by getting attacked by negative energy, or to be haunted by the souls of the living.

In case of ordinary men, it has relatively little impact.

 In case of people who have the high spiritual layer, receiving negative energy from people around self, and they will be suffering and getting sick.

There are 3 cases such above.


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