英訳する事により和文原稿の見直しをするようになった | 異文化交差点
















I've been posting in both Japanese and English on this blog, and I've already surpassed 20 dual-language entries. Yesterday, a crucial realization struck me. While translating a Japanese sentence into English, I found the meaning of my original Japanese text to be somewhat unclear. I spent time revising the phrasing several times, and it dawned on me that my Japanese sentences, written without fully grasping the meaning of each word, were inherently difficult to translate.


This experience prompted a deep reflection on the significance of writing.


Before computers, writers, whether Japanese or English, meticulously considered what they wanted to say, the order of their words, and the precise vocabulary they needed. They thought through their sentences before putting pen to paper. The slightest error meant erasing and rewriting to maintain a clean and clear presentation.


I see now, I was mistaken. Computers have enabled many to write with their thoughts still in their nascent stages. The ease of erasing and rewriting allows writers to express ideas that are half-formed or even vaguely understood. This, in turn, produces text that may only be comprehensible to the author. When you attempt to translate such writing, the original text's lack of precision becomes painfully obvious.


When we were unable to use computers, the laborious process of handwritten writing demanded careful deliberation. Writers spent time contemplating their words and their arrangement. I had forgotten this important aspect of writing.


By embarking on this journey of writing in both Japanese and English, I've realized how my previous approach to writing was overly simplistic. I now understand the vital importance of thoughtful preparation and consideration before putting pen to paper – or fingers to keyboard.