笑うマトリョーシカ | 異文化交差点





その中で、美恵子が清家一郎と親しくなる時に放った言葉に疑問を感じざるを得なかった。それは、お互い21歳という年齢で、一郎はまだ21歳と思い、美恵子はもう21歳と思う。なぜか、美恵子は、Janis Joplin、Jimi Hendrix、Jean-Michel Basquiatの3人が27歳で死んだことを言い、彼らが27歳になるまでに後6年しか残されていない。この間に何をやるか、これをしっかりと見据えなければならないようなことを一郎に言う


私は、「ちょっと待ってくれよ、Janis Joplin、Jimi Hendrix、Jean-Michel Basquiatの3人は薬物中毒で死んだんじゃないか、そんな異常な死に方を引き合いに出すなど、おかしいではないか」と心の中で思った







Yesterday I watched the TBS program, "Laughing Matryoshka." Momoko Tanabe plays Mieko, Sho Sakurai plays Ichiro Seike, and Tetsuji Tamayama plays Toshiya Suzuki, Seike's secretary.


I was particularly intrigued by the conversation between Mieko and Ichiro. When they become close, she mentions Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Jean-Michel Basquiat, all of whom died at 27. She says something like, "We only have six years left before we turn 27. What are we going to do during this time? We need to take it seriously."


It struck me as odd that Mieko chose to cite these artists, who all died from drug addiction. While the screenwriter doesn't explicitly mention their cause of death, it made me wonder if this was a deliberate choice. Is Mieko suggesting that Ichiro and she are living on borrowed time?


Furthermore, the way Mieko casually brings up these tragic deaths, without acknowledging the specific circumstances, made me wonder about her character. Is she manipulating Ichiro by making him feel a sense of urgency? Her calculated actions and her focus on their shared mortality could be seen as manipulative - perhaps a psychopath. 


I'm eager to see how their relationship unfolds. What do you think of Mieko's intentions? Is she truly concerned about their future, or is she playing a game?