中野信子の新著書『脳の使い方』に建設的意見を呈する | 異文化交差点





Yesterday, I saw the following book at Tsutaya book store near in my neighborhood. 




この本を手にしていつものように斜め読みを始めたら、最初の部分、「『あの人が嫌い』そんな気持ちを優先させる: 嫌いな人は嫌っていい」(p20)が目に入り、これは面白いと思い買った

When I picked up this book and started to skim through it as usual, I noticed the first section, "'I don't like that person': It's okay to dislike people you don't like", and thought this was interesting, so I bought it.



When I got home, I sat down and started reading the book, and to be honest, that was the only part that was good, the rest of the content probably did not make me think that the author had seriously considered other parts.Especially when I read the following pages, I wondered “Why would Dr. Nakano, a brilliant scientist, wrote the following?


p100 - 無駄なことをすることが人間を人間たらしめる
p148 - 「無駄な努力をしない」ことこそ大切


p100 - Doing futile things is what makes us human
p148 - “Not wasting effort” is what is important




Obviously, there is a contradiction. For Dr. Nakano, this could be probably not a contradiction, which is why I assume she wrote these. Takarajimasha published this book, and I wonder if the company's editor-in-chief had any doubts about that related parts of the book. That, too, remains a question.




I don't think it would be good to speculate too much, but it is very difficult to get a brain scientist like Dr. Nakano, who is well known in the TV media, to write a book. In such a situation, Takarajimasya had her write a book, so perhaps they did not have the courage to point out something that would make her unhappy. And that is often the way it is with the average salaried workers.


p100 - 無駄なことをすることが人間を人間たらしめる

この稿は、冒頭に述べた「『あの人が嫌い』そんな気持ちを優先させる: 嫌いな人は嫌っていい」(p20)と同様に私が好きな考え方でもある


p100 - Futility is what makes us human

This part is also my favorite idea as well as the one I mentioned at the beginning, “‘I don't like that person’: It's okay to dislike people you don't like” (p20)



p148 - 「無駄な努力をしない」ことこそ大切



p148 - “Not wasting effort” is what is important.
This contradicts the foregoing and is an idea I do not like. I will try to focus on this part and give my constructive personal opinion




Here again is my assumption, but it could not be quite but close.




Dr. Nakano had an IQ of over 130, was a member of Mensa, and the following is her educational background.



2008年、東京大学大学院医学系研究科脳神経医学専攻博士課程修了]。博士論文「高次聴覚認知における知覚的範疇化の神経機構 fMRI・TMSによる複合的検討」で博士(医学)の学位を取得。



B.S., Applied Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, 1998; M.S., Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, 2004; 

Ph.D. in 2008 from the Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo. D. thesis, “Neural mechanisms of perceptual categorization in higher auditory cognition: a combined fMRI/TMS study”.

She worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institut National de Recherche et de Médecine de NeuroSpin (NeuroSpin, a high-field MRI research center), France, from 2008 to 2010.




As you can see, she is intelligent and highly educated. 




That aside, I don't have the verbal talent like Dr. Nakano does. To be honest, when she expresses her opinions on TV programs, I think to myself, “She exudes a level of intelligence that I can't possibly match. That's how overwhelmed I am by her intelligence. Perhaps the structure and function of her brain and mine are quite different. To be honest, she is brilliant and I am dumb. I am as sloppy to react as a slow tortoise, and I always can't stand my failures, thinking “I wish I had done this at that time".




It is surprising that Dr. Nakano would so readily state such contradictory ideas as mentioned above. Is it a case of “Kobo also makes mistakes,” or perhaps “monkeys also fall from trees"?





Let me state a conclusion.

There is no wasted effort. It seems to me that Dr. Nakano, a brilliant scientist, would probably not waste any effort. Therefore, we can only assume that she would embrace such an idea. Dr. Nakano, who is so brilliant that he was a member of Mensa, may boldly say, “There is no futility in my dictionary!




As a slow tortoise, I have made, and am still making, countless efforts that Dr. Nakano thinks are futile. What I have learned through this painful experience is to courageously confront “futile efforts that did not produce results,” reflect on them, analyze them, discover the problem, find a solution, and implement it.




I am repeating the sequence, in other words, the five stages: 1) failure, 2) analysis, 3) discovery of the problem, 4) search for a solution to the problem, and 5) its implementation. That is my life. There is no time for my mind to rest. This is my honesty.




I don't know what you think, Dr. Nakano, but I dare say that a series of futile efforts is a way of life, and you should recognize it.