Quora完全退会で清々しい | 異文化交差点






Even though you withdraw from Quora, your profile, posts, etc. are still on Quora for 2 weeks, as they are in an inactive status. However, two days ago, Quora informed me that my membership was completely cancelled, and I was relieved!




I have submitted questions only five times. The questions will remain as they are, because they are the common property of Quora. However, all answers to some members' questions and all my comments to someone's answers will be deleted.




Even though I became friends on Quora, I never met them in the real world, but what gave me the impetus to leave Quora was that I met two people I met on Quora at a Kyushu Izakaya in Tokyo, and got a bad experience from one of them. I became even closer with the other one. Perhaps this wasn't good. Jealousy, whether male or female, is the cause of quarrels.




Needless to say, I became unhappy with Quora at once. A few days later, I took steps to unsubscribe from Quora.



Now, I am feeling good.