自己肯定感って何? | 異文化交差点






In the previous post, I made some commentary on the book "How to Use Your Brain" by Nobuko Nakano (published by Takarajimasya Publishing Co., Ltd.). I had heard about Dr. Nakano when she appeared on the television program "Honma Dekka" and only had an impression that she spoke well, as if she were an intelligent commentator who appeared on such a TV entertainment program. However, in November 2020, I bought a copy of "Psychopath" that I saw at the Kinokuniya bookstore in Nagareyama Otakanomori and read it carefully, and thought, "This person is a real brain scientist".




Some people may have read my earlier blog post and could have thought that perhaps Chris Hino does not like Dr. Nakano, but that is not true. I should say that I made the earlier post only because I felt a liittle disappointed that she was taken in by commercialism and wrote a book of inferior quality.



The day before yesterday, I think it was, in a post on Nobuko Nakano's YouTube channel "Nobuko's Room", she talked about self-esteem, and at that time, having never had self-esteem, a question mark honestly lit up in my brain.



It is as follows.





Since I am colorblind, I always have a strong sense of inferiority and never evaluate myself highly. Therefore, I have no desire to increase my sense of self-esteem as Dr. Nakano suggests. I don't really know what self-esteem is in the first place.




No matter how many times I listen to this mere two or three minutes of audio information, I still can't understand what the point is. I guess I must be a stupid man in the extreme of dullness in the eyes of brilliant and ingelligent Dr. Nakano.




She is good-looking, an intellectual with a doctorate from Japan's highest academic institution, so It is easy for me to imagine that her self-esteem must be extremely high.




Perhaps Dr. Nakano is not very aware of the privileged situation she is in, I keep wondering. Maybe it's hard for her to understand the psychology of someone like me who only has a sense of inferiority.




I, having strong inferiority complex, would like to tell her why we need to have "self-esteem," that I don't need it to be able to love my family and live with them without troubling other people or breaking the law, and that's fine, isn't that?. Well, perhaps she'll never know.