フェイスペインティングを習ってみませんか? | 日本は世界を平和にします



Melaluca が 難民達によるサッカー大会でフェイスペインティングのボランティアをしてくれる人を募集していて、MCNT(Multicultural Council of the Northern Territory, 多文化共生委員会)が、フェイスペインティング無料講座を開くようです。


Melaleuca Refugee Centre invites you to come along to the Free Face Paining Workshop at the MCNT from 4.30 pm to 6.00 pm on Wednesday 15 June 2016. Learn from an expert instructor with years of practical experience to discover the art of face painting. No prior experience or equipment is required - just bring your creativity and enthusiasm. Light refreshments will be provided.

We need volunteer face painters at the Top End World Refugee Day on Saturday 18 June 2016. This workshop will provide a great foundation to develop your skills in face painting, and benefit in the future from opportunities to earn money or raise funds for your community group at public events and private functions. Feel free to distribute this notice through your networks and post on social media.

This workshop will provide great tips, advice and guidance, and is designed for young people up to 25 years of age. Places are limited and filling fast, so you will need to book your place by contacting Melaleuca Refugee Centre on tel: 8985 3311 or email: admin@melaleuca.org.au <mailto:admin@melaleuca.org.au > To assist with the preparation of this workshop, please provide your name, phone number, email address, and age.
Savita Arya Valadian
Administration & Finance Officer
Multicultural Council of The NT Inc
Phone: 08 8945 9122
Fax: 08 8945 9155
Mobile: 0449619724
P O Box: 299 Sanderson Karama NT 0813
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