ごんざの「しゅぢ」2 | ゴンザのことば 江戸時代の少年がつくったロシア語・日本語辞書をよむ

ゴンザのことば 江戸時代の少年がつくったロシア語・日本語辞書をよむ


「ロシア語」(ラテン文字転写)「村山七郎訳」 『ごんざ訳』 村山七郎注


「улусы」(ulusy)       「小舎のつらなり」『しゅぢ』

          cf. ショージ 小路、横丁。大阪その他・徳島・愛媛・高知。TZH.

          ショウヂ(小路) xogi 狭い道。または、狭い街路。日葡。



「An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth-Century Turkish」Clauson OXFORD





 この辞書の「2音節 ALS」というところに、このみだし語はでている。


「ulus has a curious history; originally it meant 'country' in a geographical sense, as opposed to 1 e:l(q.v.) with its political implications, but it began to be associated with the names of cities, and by XI in some languages it meant 'city' rather than 'country'. An early 1.-w. in Mong., where it became ulus to comply with Mong. phonetics and acquired a political rather than a geographical sense. It was originally used for the largest political unit known, the Mong. empire and when this was split into four between the four sons of Cingis it was used for each of these four parts, e.g. 'the ulus of Cagatay'. Then, since the Mongols thought more in terms of peoples than of territories, it came to mean 'a confederation of peoples (e:l)', the peoples being divided into 'tribes'(aymag), the tribes into 'clans'(boy), and these into families(urug). ・・・・」




