

























Opening Talk






















R:Hey, everyone. Akino Roza here.



And I'm David Evans. OK, guys, let's get to it.






Lesson Notes



Humans really like mobile phones.






Typical Expressions





Key Sentence


They were talking about pyramids.

Were they?












R: OK, everyone, it's time to practice. Now this type of conversation is kind of like playing ball between two people. So imagine, when you're practicing, you've just recieve the ball and you wanna continue the flow, OK?


D: All right. For each of these, we'll give you a sentence and then we'll practice the reply together. So this first one is for 'I can drive you home.' All right, let's practice our reply.





I can drive you home.

ー Oh, can you? That would be nice.


D: Let's try again.


Oh, can you you? That would be nice.



R: Here's the next example. This one is replying to 'Ben and Hiromi broke up!'




Ben and Hiromi broke up!

ー Oh, did they?


One more time.


Oh, did they?



D: OK. Let's keep going. Our next is 'I've been to Hawaii.'

Do you know what we should reply with? I'm sure you do. Let's do it.




I've been to Hawaii.

ー Oh, have you?


Oh, have you?



R: And our last sentence.

This one is replying to 'Cath likes to binge-watch horror movies.'




Cath likes to binge-watch horror movies.

ー Oh, does she?


Oh, does she?



R: Great job, everyone.


D: Sometime it's hard to choose which to use. So practice again and again until it's second nature.



If a way of behaving is second nature to you, you do it almost without thinking because it is easy for you or obvious to you.

□ Planning ahead had always come as second nature to her.

□ It's not easy at first, but it becomes second nature. (CCAD)





Typical Expressions in Action



(1) I've seen this already.

ー Oh, have you? OK, I'll pick a different movie then.



(2) I got the job!

― Oh, did you? Good for you! I knew you had it in you.



(3) My father loves sake.

ー Oh, does he? Next time I visit, I'll bring a bottle.





My Takeaway



今日は『英会話 話を組み立てるパワーフレーズ 講義編』には該当がないので、『一億人の英文法』からの例文を取り上げておきます:


CHAPTER 14 疑問文

SECTION 4 あいづち疑問文


A 発言を受ける疑問文


ⓐ I can give you a ride, if you like.

   - Oh, can you? That would be great!




ⓑ I never wear any make-up.

  - Oh, don't you?




ⓒ I'm a bit drunk.

   - Oh, are you?





もちろん同じことが、Oh, really?(え、本当?)でも Wow! でも Great! でもできますよ。とにかく相手の発言に無言で対応しないということが肝心なんです。




Ending Talk



O:Hey, guys. You know, I love sake.


D:Oh, do you? Well maybe I should bring a bottle next time I go visit.


R:Oh, I'll bring amazake.




O, R, and D:Bye.




Today's Oral Reading and Recitation



Lesson 219 100回め

Lesson 220 90回め

Lesson 221 60回め

Lesson 222 50回め



放送がなかったTypical Expressions in Action (2)





そう、あの(ヤギじゃないほうの(笑)) You're the GOAT. の回です





Talk to yourself with kindness!