NEJM abstract 新生児治療と周産期死亡率 | えりっき脳内議事録(えり丸)


Diary and memo written by a pathologist.

Newborn-Care Training and Perinatal Mortality in Developing Countries

Background Of the 3.7 million neonatal deaths and 3.3 million stillbirths each year, 98% occur in developing countries. An evaluation of community-based interventions designed to reduce the number of these deaths is needed.

背景: 370万例の新生児死亡と330万例の死産が毎年発生しており,98%が発展途上国で起こっている.これらの死亡例を減少させるためにデザインした地域社会を基盤とした介入を評価することが必要である.

Methods With the use of a train-the-trainer model, local instructors trained birth attendants from rural communities in six countries (Argentina, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guatemala, India, Pakistan, and Zambia) in the World Health Organization Essential Newborn Care course (which focuses on routine neonatal care, resuscitation, thermoregulation, breast-feeding, "kangaroo" [skin-to-skin] care, care of the small baby, and common illnesses) and (except in Argentina) in a modified version of the American Academy of Pediatrics Neonatal Resuscitation Program (which teaches basic resuscitation in depth). The Essential Newborn Care intervention was assessed among 57,643 infants with the use of a before-and-after design. The Neonatal Resuscitation Program intervention was assessed as a cluster-randomized, controlled trial involving 62,366 infants. The primary outcome was neonatal death in the first 7 days after birth.


Results The 7-day follow-up rate was 99.2%. After birth attendants were trained in the Essential Newborn Care course, there was no significant reduction from baseline in the rate of neonatal death from all causes in the 7 days after birth (relative risk with training, 0.99; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.81 to 1.22) or in the rate of perinatal death; there was a significant reduction in the rate of stillbirth (relative risk with training, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.54 to 0.88; P=0.003). In clusters of births in which attendants had been randomly assigned to receive training in the Neonatal Resuscitation Program, as compared with control clusters, there was no reduction in the rates of neonatal death in the 7 days after birth, stillbirth, or perinatal death.

結果: 7日間の追跡調査率は99.2%であった.出生付添い人を必須新生児治療コースで訓練した後,出生後7日間における理由如何を問わない新生児死亡率は,元の基準から有意に低下しなかった(トレーニングによる相対リスク0.99,95%信頼区間0.81~1.22).また,周産期死亡率でも有意に低下しなかった.死産率の有意な低下がみられた(トレーニングによる相対リスクは0.69,95%信頼区間0.54~0.88,P値=0.003).無作為に新生児蘇生プログラムにより訓練を受けた出生付添い人のクラスター群では,対照群と比較して,出生後7日間における新生児死亡率・死産・周産期死亡を低下させなかった.

The rate of neonatal death in the 7 days after birth did not decrease after the introduction of Essential Newborn Care training of community-based birth attendants, although the rate of stillbirths was reduced. Subsequent training in the Neonatal Resuscitation Program did not significantly reduce the mortality rates. ( number, NCT00136708 [] .)

結果: 地域社会を基盤とした付添い人に出生に必須な新生児治療訓練を導入した後に,出生後7日間の新生児死亡率は低下しなかったが,死産率は減少した.続く新生児蘇生訓練は有意に死亡率を低下させなかった.(臨床試験機構ナンバー:NCT00136708)
