





Cherry Blossoms, or SAKURA, , are translated as "Keli" in Hawaiian language.




日本 Here in Japan, Cherry Blossoms have started to bloom. 桜




Since Spring has come, Eggs 'n Things just started Spring-limited menu on March 22.桜



"Hello Spring."桜


"SAKURA Strawberry Pancakes" and "Beet Sauce Eggs Benedict"  will be served until April 25.ホットケーキ






桜 I had their Cherry Blossom Pancakes yesterday in Eggs 'n Things Odaiba, where we can enjoy this beautiful SAKURA illustration as well as lots of lovely hearts. ラブラブ




You know, I love SAKURA-inspired items, and I really enjoyed their SAKURA Pancakes. They're served with SAKURA-flavored whipped cream, which tastes good.



They are much more beautiful than I expected. But I remember they look like last year's "Lea Lea Pancakes ~Spring Flower~," which sold very well while they were offered according to Odaiba's Ohana, so I checked my past post and pictures I added at the time: "Welcome To Tokyo."



Oh my goodness, they exactly look alike, to our surprise.あせる


You know, Odaiba's Ohana told me that "Lea Lea Pancakes," which were store-limited ones, were very popular among customers, as I've already mentioned. So that's why they decided to offer similar ones as seasonal pancakes, I'd say.


I hate to say this, but they've been depending too much on this kind of idea lately. I understand why to some extent, but I don't think that's good.




Well, strictly speaking, "Lea Lea Pancakes" were served with strawberry whipped cream, which is different from "SAKURA Strawberry Pancakes" served with SAKURA one as I mentioned earlier. But both whipped cream are pink, as you see.


Above all, they look the same, huh? They are both beautiful, and I like pancakes served with pink petals, which seem cherry blossom. But are they going to offer the similar ones next year, too? Some regular customers would get sick and tired of them, I have to say.  I know the president as well as the owner has to think about sales figures and numbers seriously so business is blooming and they pay salary to Ohana, or staff members. But is it enough to repeat the same old patterns if they really think about customers, the staff, the company and the brand?




Also, I checked their past news page on the official website as well. Here it is: "Lea Lea Pancakes ~Spring Flower~."



Well, they were only available at two locations of Eggs 'n Things in Japan for a limited time last year: Odaiba and Jazz Dream Nagashima. And I had them in Eggs 'n Things Odaiba then.




Well, though I wore the same purple cardigan, my outfit in these two pictures above is different from that in earlier ones. Look, Lupicia's SAKURA paper bag is last year's one. I still do regret I didn't get several of Lupicia's Cheery Blossom Tea items for myself because last year's designs of their canned containers were my taste.



Go back to "SAKURA Strawberry Pancakes," which have been served from March 22 this year.



When it comes to flavors, I mean SAKURA taste, I personally prefer last year's "Cherry Blossom & Fresh Fruits Pancakes." Their SAKURA-flavored whipped cream tasted great and I felt very happy. 桜



"Cherry Blossom & Fresh Fruits Pancakes" were only available in Eggs 'n Things Harajuku. As some of you remember, it's the 1st location of Eggs 'n Things in Japan, which is called "flagship store" sometimes in the industry. They were offered to celebrate its 8th anniversary, and that means the 8th Anniversary of Eggs 'n Things in Japan.


In additon to this, they offered "Double Berry Pancakes" as their 8th Anniversary Pancakes, but they were not special ones. They just offered Strawberry and Blueberry Pancakes with Whipped Cream as one item at a bit lower price. Both have been on the regular menu. Strawberry Pancakes with generous Whipped Cream are a very famous symbol for Eggs 'n Things, you know.



I'm still very angry that they didn't do any 9th Anniversary menu or something this year. I believe a lot of people were looking forward to enjoying it and so was I.




Well, Eggs 'n Things Odaiba is located in a commercial facility called "AQUA CITY ODAIBA." I found Jump Shop and took photos. Jump has been a popular manga magazine which is weekly published, and it has been offering lots of popular mangas ... you name it. I used to read Yuyu Hakusyo, HUNTER × HUNTER, Rurouni Kenshin, Houshin Engi, and so on.


You know, Dragon Ball has been popular all over the world. It's still my favorite. To tell the truth, I went to Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner, which opened in Harajuku, Tokyo, for a limited time last year. I wrote about it in these two blog posts: "Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner" and "My Better Half."



Well, its author is also famous for his illustrations for "Dragon Quest," a popular roll playing game released by a Japanese game company, you know.



"SAKURA Strawberry Pancakes" again.


Yeah, I almost forgot to mention; Congratulations on the opening of Eggs 'n Things Coffee.


They're opening its 2nd location in Chiba on March 28 next week. The 1st one already opened in Gunma last December, actually. Chiba and Gunma prefectures are located in Kanto region, where Tokyo is also located. I haven't been to yet, but I hear Eggs 'n Things Coffee offers takeaway beverages such as Kona Coffee and so on. They serve pancakes as well, but seasonal ones are not available so far. I'll visit the new location in April.


Good luck.コーヒー