Well, last week, I went to Dragon Ball Cafe & Dinner in Tokyo, Japan.ナイフとフォーク



Have you ever read or watched Dragon Ball? It's a famous Japanese manga written by Akira Toriyama, 鳥山明. 本 Though it was published many many years ago, it has been very very popular for a long time in Japan. I think it's popular in the world as well.地球






I ordered "COME ON KINTO'UN !!" Soft nimbus pancake with fruits there. Also, I had Goku's Cappuccino. コーヒー Their Cappuccino has 4 designs, all of which are characters of Dragon Ball, and Goku is the main character.







And I got this item ... a headband. It's so cute, isn't it?


星 Though it doesn't look like a Dragon Ball's item at all at first glance, it has 4 stars on it, which stand for one of the drangon balls in the manga. The item comes in two colors, pink and orange, and I got an orange one, of course, though its pink version is also very cute. If you don't get it, I mean why I bought an orange verion, not a pink one, please check out Dragon Ball. Oh my goodness, both pink and orange are not my favorite colors, actually, but both are really cute, and I want a pink headband, too ... I think I'll get that the next time I come by Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner ... I'll go there next month if possible. I hope it will still be available then.




How do I look?



Pink version is like these. I think a pink one looks better on this outfit.




And the orange version.


Oh, just in case, I asked the store manager if it's okay to try both on. I wondered which color I should get, so I thought I wanted to try both if possible before buying either color's. Well, they are selling lots of Dragon Ball's goods including this, and I hear an orange blanket is especially popular because it looks like a dragon ball when we fold it, but I personally recommend this one. If Dragon Ball is not your favorite but you like a star pattern like this or this kind of design, you should get it as soon as possible. Though pink and orange are not my favorite colors, as I said, I thought they are pretty. You like pink or orange colors, then, the item is perfect for you. It's not just cute. It's softly and fluffy.




Also, I made a name sticker at KIDDY LAND in Harajuku, where Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner is located.



That acrylic button ... if we spend more than 1500 yen (tax not included) at Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner, we can get 1 can budge. Well, the official website of Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner has English translations as well, so check it out if you wanna know about Dragon ball Cafe & Diner. It's a store for a limited time only, from Jan. 15 till Feb. 28, the end of next month.





The cafe offers their menu in English, too.


While having tha pancake and cappuccino, I heard some people speaking English. Staff members told me a lot of people from other coutries visit Dragon Ball Cafe & Dinner and that many of them have their Special Dragon Ball Burger while Japanese people tend to order their Tan Tan noodles.ラーメン The store manager told me it's because Japanese people don't have burgers that much in their daily life, and that since it's winter and it's cold outside, they have noodles at Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner.


ハンバーガー Well, we have Mcdonald's here in Japan, too, which was born in America アメリカ and is famous for burgers, you know, and some Japanese people call it "Mac" while others call it "Macdo", haha.日本 Mos Burger is a brand born in Japan and is also famous for its burgers here in Japan.  I like especially Gurakoro of Macdonald's Japan. It is their seasonal burger offered during winter every year,  but I rarely eat burgers, actually. Even I think Dragon Ball Cafe's burger looks cool, and I wanna have it next time. I also hear Japanese mangas including Dragon Ball is very popular in France, so especially French people have visited the cafe. フランス



They say Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner is going to add some items to their menu. It seems Trunks-themed item will be added, and Vegeta's as well. Trunks is a male character, and is popular among girls.


If you don't know Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama is also famous for Dragon Quest's series, a roll playing game series popular in Asian countries, and Dr. Slump Arare-chan, another manga written by Akira Toriyama. Dragon Quest is released by Square Enix, which has a Final Fantasy series, too. Originally, Square and Enix were different companies, but they merged together many years ago and that's Square Enix. I read somewhere before Square's FF series is especially popular in Europe coutries while Enix's DQ series in Asian coutries, and that's one of the reasons why they merged. Oh, FF is a short expression of Final Fantasy and DQ stands for Dragon Quest. And DQ's characters are designed by Akira Toriyama.


I hear this design is newly drawn by Akira Triyama just for Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner. I hope so. This scene is from ... well, just read Dragon Ball and find it. The cafe has other illustrations newly drawn by him.


On the other hand, there are three black and white drawings like this below (we call this kind of drawing 墨絵, or Sumie) and I thought they are so cool, but I hear they are not Akira Toriyama's works ... In the other sumie drawings of the cafe, characters are eating something.


Please check out the very 1st story of the 1st volume of Dragon Ball.  



When I was little, I couldn't understand why Dragon Ball is so popular. After I turned 20 years old or so, my sister gave some volumes of so-called complete edition's Dragon Ball, whose front covers are red, and I found it interesting. I came to like Dragon Ball and I got the other volumes of the manga, too, though I threw them away later. I should have left them ... I actually like illustrations of the original edition's front pages, so if I get Dragon Ball manga again, I'll get that version. My sister likes Vegeta while I prefer Goku. Well, Goku and Vegeta are rivals, and .. if you've read or watched  X-men series though have never read or watched Dragon Ball, I think it's easier to imagine. Goku is like Charles (Profesor X) while Vegeta is like Eric (Magneto).


Though Vegeta is a bad guy, he changes somehow. Spoiler alert; Vegeta is Trunks' father, and his mother is Bluma ... Akira Toriyama named Dragonball's characters in a weird way, didn't he? Trunks was named after Trunks and Bluma was after Bloomers, I think. Also, Goku and Vegeta are aliens, actually, and Vegeta is from vegetables; Goku's real name is Kakarot, which comes from Carrot, haha. They are aliens called Saiya-jin. Saiya can be Yasai if we arrange characters, and Yasai means vegetables in Japanese! Also, the name of Goku's son, Gohan, is from rice in Japanese. Goku's granddaughter is Pan, and it means bread in Japanese.食パン There are also several characters named after Chinese food and drink, haha.



I'd say some people don't like only because it's very popuar, but I think it's worth reading at least once.本


The entrance and the inside of Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner in Tokyo are like these, though it's in a mirror. They are doing Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner in Osaka, Japan, too.




Every time I visit these anime collaboration cafes or restaurants, I'm always surprised to find that not only male fans but lots of female ones are having a good time. Even though Dragon Ball, Ranma 1/2, and Fullmetal Alchemist are all so-called Shonen manga, which means mangas for young boys, they have a lot of female fans and many of them don't hesitate to visit anime collaboration cafes.


Also, though some of them are really Otaku, they don't look like that  ... how should I explain in English...?  For example, Mitani-san ... he is like a brother to me, and he sometimes appears here in my blog. Some call him Aniota, Anime Otaku, but he doesn't look like Otaku, you know what I mean. Well, I don't think he's a fan of Dragon Ball, but he likes Ranma 1/2 and Evangelion, maybe. Oh, I think Mitani-san and Akira Toriyama have something in common ... Mitani-san named his daughters after ... Well, I don't think I should tell people, haha.



I'm sorry if I hurt some of you ... Frankly speaking, when Japanese people use or hear a word "Otaku," it doesn't sound cool, I guess, and their fashion or outfits are generally uncool. Also, they are thought to be gloomy, not cheerful, in general. Otaku can be a man or a women, but some imagine many Otaku are men. Otaku means a geek in English, but a word "geek" sounds positive to the contrary, right? 



I saw female customers who looked fashionable or nice at three collabolation cafes I've been to, and I always thought., "Wow, I can't believe this is an anime collaboration cafe. It's crowded with girls and women like them. It's like a fashionable cafe or something."  I think many of these girls and women have read or are reading Shojo manga, too, and so have I. Still, they are coming to these collaboration cafes. Well, Shojo Manga is manga for girls while Shonen Manga is for boys.



And, we can't make fun of these anime collaboration cafes or restaurants. At first, I thought they can easily attract customers because they collaborate with popular mangas or animes, so I didn't expect these cafes were serving tasty food items or beverages. To my surprise, not all, but many of these items tasted good or better than I'd expected. These cafes or restaurants have good chefs, of course, and they or the other staff members plan menus, and this is a tough work, they say. If they don't serve nice items, many fans of the manga or anime will get angry. And, not only do they look good to fans, they also have to taste good.


Well, Fullmetal Archemist Collaboration Cafe doesn't seem to be adding Olivier's item, so I won't go there again, but it seems the cafe will last longer. Olivier is my favorite female character, and I thought they'd add new items including hers, but they won't. I'd like to stop by Ranma 1/2 cafe again next month to have P-chan Pancakes, because I couldn't make it the last time I went there like I wrote in the previous blog post. Also, I wanna come by Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner again to have their burger served with stars and Shenron on its plate. Shenron is a dragon apearing in Dragon Ball. It makes your wish comes true.


Well, haha, if you collect all the dragon balls and can summon Shenron, what do you wish for? 流れ星