ひらめき電球 This week, I think I'm updating my new Japanese blog after a long time.




     宝石紫 My Japanese Blog; Make A New Start! 





I started that Japanese blog in February this year, and later I always thought "I'll update it again if I feel like it," "I feel like writing a blog post in Japanese, but maybe some other time," and so on. Well, six months have already passed since I first updated the blog, and I think it's about time.




Instead, I'm afraid this week's English blog post is simpler than usual ... more photos and fewer sentences, haha. Well, I cut corners.




Well, today's title is "My Better Half," and it's one of my favorite English words. Some say the word is usually used by a husband to mean his wife while others say it can be used more widely nowadays. Anyway, I do like the word. It sounds great.ラブラブ Also, another word I really like is "Mr. Right."




Girls, I have to tell you something; You should keep in mind that you never find so-called "Knight in Shining Armor" or "Prince Charming" or something, but I promise you'll find "Mr.Right" or "Your Better Half" someday, like I could find the one. I'll write about it in my Japanese blog.







It's "Akane," a heroine of a popular Japanese manga "Ranma 1/2," らんま 1/2. 




Ranma 1/2 has been one of my favorite comic books for many years. I first read it when I was an elementary school student. 本



By the way, as some of you might remember, I wrote a blog post titled "Mr. Right" in January this year when I wrote about Ranma 1/2 and its cafe.コーヒー 




And this reminds me that I haven't added yet other photos of Ranma 1/2 Cafe and Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner. I went to these two cafes in January for the first time, and the second time in the following month. Both were limited-time cafes and were going to close in February, so I had to go to both of them before they ended that month. So, today, I'll show you pictures taken at the time.







ナイフとフォーク First, Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner.







Well, I just realized the word "Kamehameha" has something to do with Hawaii, haha. It's said King Kamehameha united Hawaiian islands and founded Hawaii, you know. ハイビスカスやしの木





Anyway, when I first visited Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner, I got an orange headband as I wrote in another blog post "Dragon Ball Cafe & Diner."






Then, I got the other color's. A pink one.








And I had Dragon Ball Burgers there.ハンバーガー





It looks amazing, huh?



ハンバーガー Actually, I don't like burgers that much in general, though I can eat them and some kinds are to my taste, like a seasonal burger "Gurakoro,"which is produced by McDonald's Japan and served during winter every year.






ホットケーキ Oh, by the way, now we can order burgers at Eggs 'n Things restaurants in Japan all day long , from opening till close. It was once on their Dinner menu only and cannot be ordered before 5 p.m. シャンパンロゼワインI've had their Avocado Burgers before during dinner time, and I found it good. I like Avocados.ハンバーガー






... Go back to the original topic. Well, the appearance of Dragon Ball's burgers, especially its stars and the dragon called "Shenron," really attracted me and made me order in the end. I really enjoyed taking photos of them.星





Dragon Ball is famous all over the world, right? 地球 







Next, Ranma 1/2 Cafe:





Isn't it amazing?



When I first went there and ordered their Hot Latte, it was Ranma ♂ on it. And the next time, I happened to have Akane's.





"Ranma & Akane, " which is the title of the very last story of "Ranma 1/2"ラブラブ





I'd always wanted to go to Ranma 1/2 Cafe again because I really wanted to have P-chan Pancake at the cafe. The first time I went there, the item was not offered due to some delivery problem.








It was exactly P-chan. It was so cute.








 The pancake itself tastes black sesame seeds.ホットケーキ










Ukyo's Okonomiyaki. This one tasted better than I'd expected. 割り箸








There were three designs, and customers couldn't choose which one would on their Okonomiyaki. I wanted to have this one, so I was lucky.






I wonder what kind of story Rumiko Takahashi, the author of Ranma 1/2, is going to write next.