1:化学物質過敏症 ―歴史,疫学と機序― | 化学物質過敏症 runのブログ

化学物質過敏症 runのブログ

化学物質過敏症 電磁波過敏症 シックスクール問題を中心としたブログです

化学物質過敏症 ―歴史,疫学と機序―
加 藤 貴 彦
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS):
History, Epidemiology and Mechanism
Takahiko KATOH
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University
Abstract Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), also known as idiopathic environmental intolerance, has
been described as a chronic acquired disorder characterized by nonspecific symptoms in multiple organ systems and is associated with exposure to low-level chemicals. The name was established by Cullen, in 1987,
although the name and diagnostic criteria are still under debate even now. A number of hypotheses concering
the etiology and pathogenesis of MCS have been proposed, including impairmens of neurological, immunological and psychological systems. However, research on the possible mechanisms underlying MCS is far
from complete. The name and diagnostic criteria of its history as well as theoretical and experimental
mechanisms underlying MCS are reviewed here.
Key words: multple chemical sensitivity(化学物質過敏症),criteria(定義),history(歴史),
1.は じ め に
化学物質過敏症の概念のスタートは,1987 年,化学物質に曝露される機会の多い労働者を診察していた Cullenが,過去に大量の化学物質に一度に曝露された後,または長期間慢性的に化学物質の曝露を受けた後,非常に微量の化学物質に再接触した際に見られる不快な臨床症状を,多種化学物質過敏症(Multiple Chemical Sensitivity,以下 MCS)と提唱したことによる (1)。


