



頑張らない×トレーニングオーダーメイドBODY®︎ 福山市の栗原美穂です。

























20代の頃、海外生活に憧れて、カナダ・バンクーバーに半年ほど滞在。その時、直感でスタジオを作りたいなと思いました。理想とするスタジオは、様々な人種が共存できる &スタイリッシュで、スターバックスのようなお洒落なスタジオ。誰でも、気軽に入れて、健康になれる素敵な空間が目標です。




そして、これからは、オーダーメイド BODY®︎として、瞬発力やコントロール力を上げたいアスリートの方のオリジナルトレーニングや、パーソナルトレーニングを伝えたい方のサポートもしていきたいと思っています。



I found your blog from 2 years ago. I have missed it. Most of it hasn't changed, but I've added a few things, if you'd like to take a look.

~Quotes from here~.

Why Communicate Body Potential?

I first encountered Body Potential 10 years ago.

I was wondering what kind of training would be good for my body...and if there was any qualification that would allow me to work as a freelancer in the future...when I happened to walk into a women-only fitness studio and had a chance to meet Body Potential. When I took my first Body Potential class, I was a little impressed by my intuition that my body might improve... When I was in my 30s, my body did not feel refreshed even after exercising, I had subtle back pain, and I caught a cold once a year... I thought it was time to start dealing with my body and health. It was the perfect training for me. After three months of weekly lessons as a student, I decided to become an instructor one year later.

Body Potential is effective for the following people

I would like many people to use Body Potential because I feel that the training can be applied to many different people, although the Body Potential lessons themselves are a good fit for me. It is very effective not only for people with physical pain, but also for those who want to improve their sports and artistic performance, as well as for mental and emotional issues such as difficulty sleeping, irritability, and lack of confidence.

I also recommend it for those who want to improve their instantaneous power and agility in sports movements such as baseball and swimming. In my 7 years of teaching, one person who had physical pain, limited range of motion in her arms, and could not lift her arms, won two gold medals at a local swimming meet after one month of training.

Imagine your skeleton.



Move it

By simply reviewing your movements from the perspective of your anatomy, and from the level of your skeleton, and changing them to truly quality movements, you can reduce the burden of your movements, reduce fatigue on a daily basis, and strengthen your endurance and ability to recover. And you will feel more confident in your body and less anxious about your body.

When I hear of athletes getting injured in sports, I wish I could tell them about Body Potential training, even though I am not an experienced athlete.... Also, when I hear about elderly people falling and injuring themselves during exercise or lessons that they are doing for their health, I feel that the most important thing about exercise is to avoid injury.

By incorporating Body Potential's movements into your body, you will be able to instantly judge your own range of motion, so you will not be forced to move, and in essence, you will not move yourself in a way that could cause injury. We hope that you will be able to acquire refined movements and make your daily life and sports activities more fulfilling.


We provide a lifestyle with global standards in mind.

When I was in my 20s, I yearned to live abroad and stayed in Vancouver, Canada for about six months. At that time, I had an intuition that I wanted to create a studio. My ideal studio would be a stylish, Starbucks-like studio where people from different ethnic backgrounds can coexist. My goal is to create a great space where anyone can feel free to come in and get fit.

I was feeling anxious and emotionally unstable because I was not accustomed to living abroad and did not have a job at the time, and I wished there was something I could do as a job anytime, anywhere. Yoga and Pilates are good, but they are not suitable for me because of my stiffness and lack of physical strength, and I like the free style and the freedom of not being tied down. Training has to be continuous to be effective, so it's important that it's easy to keep up.

I wanted people to feel a fun space and connection with others, and I wanted them to slowly acclimate themselves from their daily lives, so I am working in Fukuyama City (Hiroshima Prefecture) to connect body potential with food, clothing, shelter, and art. Currently, I have made a connection with a person living in Singapore, and I would like to convey training from a global standard perspective. I would like to write a blog that gives some hints to those who live abroad, based on my experience of difficulties I had abroad.

I would also like to support athletes who would like to improve their instantaneous power and control, as well as those who would like to share their personal training with others, as a order-made BODY®︎.

We look forward to working with you in the future.




