プレゼント | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Good day.
My older daughter gave me a Japanese spirits set last year. These spirits are brewed by Yamamoto brewery in Kagoshima prefecture. I have drunk all of them recently and said "thank you" to her.

My younger daughter gave me souvenirs of Hokkaido, she bought there on her trip to Hokkaido last month. I don't like being given something from others so much but I am pleased their feeling.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.
I have spent less than one-fifth time on Ameba blog after closing a comment box and "Like" button. More several days later, I will be able to feel diffences of my life. No comment and Like can make me free! Of course, it is important how I spend my spare time instead of spending on Ameba blog in the past.