ブラッシュアップライフ | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.







日曜ドラマ『ブラッシュアップライフ』|日本テレビ (ntv.co.jp)

Good day.

I rarely watch Japanese TV series because I don't have a televisionn. A friend of mine recommended me this TV series "BRUSH UP LIFE" a week ago, and I got to know that this is available on Netflix. I basically follow friend's recommendation. I have watched all episodes of this.


"How many laps of life are you running now?"


It seems that this story was written by BAKARHYTHM, and  this is the time leap comedy. Asami, played by Sakura Ando, died by a car accident unfortunatelly in 30s. She was in mysterious space surrounded by white walls. The reception staff, played by BAKARHYTHM, said that "You can start your another life as a giant anteater or you can restart your life again from your birth". She decided to restart her life from her first birth with every memory and knowledge. She tried to brush up her life to change her life and prevent bad events and accidents.

Each lap of her life was slightly different because she tried to prevent some unexpected events. Even in her relationship with her friends.


This was fun TV series and interesting story. The most interesting thing was that there was no parallel world in this story despite there were some other time leaper and they changed thier actions to chnage something. And every time-leapers tried to change history to save their friends, not for their wealth.

If there were time-leapers in real, they would do something for their wealth and benefits.


I also recommend you to watch this TV series.




I read the book "Well Understandable Social Policy" at the library yesterday. This book has too much contents to read in 2 hours, so I read the contents about social security which I was interested in. I learned a lot from this book and I realized I had many misunderstandings about social policy and social security. "Study" is important very much, that's why children ought to study in schools. However, why don't most of adults study? Most of adults don't study after they start to work despite they let their children study hard.


Thank you for reading, have a nice week!