家そばにほうれん草を入れてみた | Unlocking English Confidence.

Unlocking English Confidence.


Hi there, how are you?
You always have some improvement even when you feel establish something. It is true. I need to improve my cooking skills of Japanese soba noodles. KAIZEN is the common term in business field across the world.

I bought a frozen spinach to improve my Japanese soba noodles. I have thought hourensou is popeye, but it isn't. Latest cutted frozen vegetables are really convenient. You should not mention about that there are a lot what I have to improve except of cooking soba noodles.
I often put wakame seaweeds into soba noodles, I think it is common ingredient. I know some Romen restaurants put boiled spinach into their soba noodles. That's why I bought a frozen spinach. It was suitable with soba noodles I cooked.
I would like to support Australia by drinking Australian white wine, STONY HILL. It was rich and sweet Chardonnay. But I made mistake. There are 6,600 cases, and only 70 death reported in Australia. I have other countries which I have to support more.
It was fine. 
I wanted to exercise a little. So I went out to a grocery store of next station last Saturday. There were a lot of people who were enjoying jogging and walking on the lane beside the river. The walking and the beautiful scenery could make me refresh.
Thank you for reading.
Today's DMM English lesson review.
32% of US workers run out of money before payday. 
I can imagine that but it depends on the generation. Furthermore, who are Americans? American is varied in race, social backgrounds, or something. In the US, the living cost is increasing but income is almost stable, that's the reason why.
"In some states the typical payday loan has an annual interest rate of more than 600%." It was a discussion point today. By the way, payday is like "Sara Kin" in Japan. I think an annual 600% rate of interest is illegal in Japan now. The highest court had decided that, I forgot, around 15 years ago. The official maximum annual interest is 20% in Japan. I promised to answer the information to today's teacher from Angola.