The closer to the start of the title tag any given keyword is, the more likely it will be to rank for that keyword based query. No doubt over recent months, you would have noticed in SERP's (search engine results pages) that many spammers have been exploiting this with 50+ character hyphenated domain names, followed by file paths a mile long. Sometimes, your site will need some downtime, so you can fix things or update plugins. Most of the time, this tends to be a relatively short period in which Google will most likely not attempt to crawl your website. To prove your value and make the most of your SEO knowledge, you need to sell management on the idea of investing in it. Search is the #1 driver of traffic to content sites, beating social media by more than 300%

Is your content suitable for the audience you want to target?

Search engines are adapting and beginning to favor natural, more speech-like content, so to keep up we have to provide content in the same way. We have to think like our customers and answer the questions they’re asking in as concise and an informative way possible. Try and write blog content for external websites, which will link back to your website and boost your domain authority. Backlinks are the foundation of Google’s algorithm. Sitelinks are additional links which appear beneath the main URL for a brand or publisher when you search for it on Google. They deep link to other pages within your site, and are designed by Google to “help users navigate your site”. Not all links are equal. The Google determines the quality of the links by looking at the quality of traffic that the specific links are driving to your website. Search engines are the primary method of navigation for most Internet users. For great search engine optimization, a good rule of thumb for any B2B firm’s content strategy is to present itself as a credible expert.

Use Organic Outreach to Build Links

As I mentioned, SEO is a long-term strategy. You won’t see results in the first week, and probably not even in the first month. Is the page load timeexcessive? Too long a load time may slow down crawling and indexing of the site. You hear a lot of hot air about content, why it’s important, why brands need to be producing it etc, but not a lot of context about measuring impact. Search engines have made it clear: a vitally important part of the future of search is “rich results.” High Flesch-Kincaid readability score (readability) - If your content needs a Literature major to be deciphered, then you're probably not going to get a lot of links. Why? Because if they don't understand it, they have no reason to link to it.

Earning links

Gaz Hall, an SEO Expert from the UK, said: "Keyword Research and Implementation is important for making any piece of copy shine, especially in the eyes of search engines. " Your website must be easy for visitors to use if you want them to stick around at all. That doesn’t mean there can’t be compelling and maybe even controversial content, only that it must be easy to find and access for the visitor who wants to see it. It may seem counter-intuitive, but Google is tightening its organic results for 3rdparty websites and trying to respond to the good amount of searches by itself. Google has worked to smash black-hat and spam-based link-building practices, penalizing link wheels, exchanges and paid links. In 2012 the Penguin update ushered in the link building reality we experience today. With it only natural link accumulation will gain your website & webpages authority. Link to page relevance is if the link is relevant on the page; that is to say if the link makes contextual sense on the page itself.

Single-keyword SEO has been a staple for a long time

Having more pages that are optimized for different keywords gives you increased opportunity for traffic. It doesn't necessarily mean more traffic, though, since it depends on how popular and how competitive those new keywords are. Sitelinks can be a little bit of a double-edged sword: even if you can get Google to display them, they might not necessarily be the links you would have chosen to display. Longer URLs may decrease searchvisibility. Use the main keyword in the URL and keep It short and simple Paid links are like paying someone to be your wingman to impress a girl rather than having a genuine friend by your side who can vouch for how great you really are! SEO has tremendously grown over the past few years and search engines are getting smarter and smarter. Staying on top of the current updates and changes is thus crucial in deepening your knowledge of how to take advantage of it.

Use Link Baiting To Get More Inbound Links

Google will send people looking for information on a topic to the highest quality, relevant pages it has in its database. In addition to storing thecontent of each page, Google also stores how its crawlers arrived on the page. In other words, it remembers the pages and websites that were linking to it. A link from one site to another is like a vote or endorsement for the credibility of the second website. A search result with a high CTR can often be given a boost by Google because it’s seen as attractive and relevant. You can increase your CTR by giving your page a custom meta description. This can be done from the page’s HTML or if you’re using WordPress, you could use a plugin like Yoast SEO to do this. When Googlescans your site for information, it no longer pulls out the keyword phrases it thinks are relevant and pairs them to user queries. Instead, there’s an intermediary step. Google interprets the data on your website, and begins to form its own conclusions about what your site and your business really deliver. If that seems a little spooky to you, you aren’t alone — Google is becoming exceptionally sophisticated. Search engines simply want todeliver the most relevant results to their users based on search queries.