Basically a search engine searches the web using automated programs called web crawlers. The crawlers follow links from page to page, they then send a copy of each page back to the search engine, which then builds an index of the words on each page. There are ways to do a bulk search on a list of URLs to check if any of the pages contain a link to yours, but if you're checking this on a daily basis, it's probably just as fast to do a quick manual check. Google is also now looking at things like bounce rates – how long someone spends on your website. And it is looking at how your site renders on mobile and how quickly it loads. You can now get penalized for typos and mistakes. Take time to write compelling Meta descriptions for all important pages of the site, and for any pages that can be shared socially.

Google wants to see that people are spending time on your website

Increasingly Google is moving away from giving keywords top priority when it comes to ranking signals and is instead giving preference to the user experience. Over the past few years, one of the most common phrases in SEO has been content is king. Quality content that is original, well written and relevant is integral for any website and business or company. Backlinks from relevant sites in your niche are also worth significantly more than irrelevant sites or pages Successful SEO requires a thorough understanding of the business itself.

Create Images That Attract Links

Make sure every page of your site contains at least several hundred words of helpful, well-written, relevant content; and optimize all your title tags and meta descriptions while you're at it. Seek out industry-relevant and locally-relevant links from groups and websites with which you already have an offline relationship. A page that’s no longer working can affect your site’s rankings in search engines, but also user experience and the engagement. It’s no coincidence that the highest-volume keywords also tend to have the highest amount of competition, and of course, the higher the competition, the harder it’s going to be to rank for that keyword.

Make sure that you supply what you promise to the visitors

Remember, real SEO takes time. Companies that claim they are able to get you results in a few weeks are likely engaging in unethical practices like buying links, linking to low quality or irrelevant websites, or spamming comments. These shady business practices can result in a slight boost for a short period of time, but sooner or later, search engines are likely to catch on. Not only could Google remove your site entirely, these types of tactics can ultimately destroy your online reputation. Type in your keyphrases. At least look at the first page (the top 10) and see what everyone else has in their description tags. Does it look like they’re being pulled from the copy on their pages? Let’s not forget the speed of your site, not just because we all browse the web a lot more on our mobile devices, over not-so-broadband networks, but also because a fast site makes Google and in most cases your conversion rate happier. We asked an SEO Specialist, Gaz Hall, for his thoughts on the matter: "A big part of effectively writing for Internet users and search engines alike is to understand the human user's psyche while also feeding the search engines the relevancy they need to consider ranking the page for a given topic."

Internal Contextual Linking On Long Tail Keywords

Search engines display page titles in their search results. In addition, search engines use page titles in order to recognize what information the website contains. Quality will win over quantity every time and your results will not be nearly as fruitful if you’re putting out mediocre content. Alt attributes are the text alternatives to your image which will appear if your image fails to load, or if the user is accessing your site with an assistive device such as a screenreader. Because web crawlers don’t have eyes, they’re also what search engines “see” instead of an image, making them important for both accessibility and SEO. Google likes to pretend that great content, and great websites, will naturally acquire links. But for 99.999% of businesses, that’s terrible advice.