Troye Sivan on Hooking Up with Straight Men | トロイ・シヴァンと、思わずはまった動画や音楽と



On Friday, October 13, 2023, Troye Sivan released his long-awaited third full-length album, "Something To Give Each Other"!
2023年10月13日(金)に、待望の3枚目のフルアルバム、「Something To Give Each Other」をリリースしたトロイ・シヴァン!

※In the music video for "One of Your Girls", Sivan showed off his gorgeous cross-dressing appearance as a drag queen!
 "One of Your Girls"のMVでは、シヴァンはドラッグクイーンとして、あでやかな女装の姿を披露しました!

On November 15, 2023,
In ARIA Music Awards, established in 1978 by the Australian Recording Industry Association to celebrate the best work in the Australian music industry,
Troye Sivan won the 4 categories!
ARIAミュージック・アワード(ARIA Music Awards:オーストラリア音楽業界大手のオーストラリアレコード産業協会が主催する、1978年にオーストラリアの音楽業界の優れた作品を称える目的で作られた音楽賞)


※Troye Sivan in the Prada costume! プラダの衣装で登場したトロイ・シヴァン!


(2023 ARIA Awards)
International sensation Troye Sivan takes home the most ARIA Awards in 2023 with a total of four:
Song of the Year Presented by YouTube,
Best Solo Artist,
Engineer – Best Engineered Release (Styalz Fuego),
Producer – Best Produced Release presented by Neumann (Styalz Fuego)
エンジニア賞(最優秀エンジニアード・リリース賞 スティアルツ・フエゴ)、
プロデューサー賞(最優秀プロデュース・リリース賞:ノイマン賞 スティアルツ・フエゴ)


Troye Sivan also won two nominations for the 2024 Grammy Awards for "RUSH"!!


This is Troye Sivan's first time being nominated for the Grammy Awards!

from 2024 GRAMMY Nominations:
最優秀ポップ・ダンス・レコーディング賞 : RUSH (Troye Sivan)
最優秀ミュージック・ビデオ賞 : RUSH (Troye Sivan)
最優秀アフリカ音楽賞 : RUSH (AYRA STARR)

For all Troye Sivan fans,

Here is "Troye Sivan on Hooking Up w/ Straight Men (One Of Your Girls)"!
「トロイ・シヴァン、ストレートの男たちと付き合うことについて語る (One Of Your Girls)」を、お届けいたします!

※Troye Sivan on Hooking Up w/ Straight Men (One Of Your Girls)

Troye Sivan talks about the inspiration behind his new song "One Of Your Girls".
トロイ・シヴァンが、新曲「One Of Your Girls」の背景にあるインスピレーションについて語ります。

Zach : So what's it like, uh... hooking up with a straight man that's "what one of your girls" is about, yeah?
ザック:それで、どんな感じだったんだい、異性愛者(ストレート)の男と付き合うのは。「One Of Your Girls」って、そんな感じだったんだろう?

Sivan : Yeah... um..., have you heard that song?
シヴァン:うん、ええと… あの歌は聴いてくれたんだね?

Zach : Oh yeah, I heard, we...

Sivan : You heard the whole album? Got it. Yeah, that song is probably my favorite song of the album.
シヴァン:アルバムも全部聴いてくれた? よし、いいよ。そう、あの歌は、たぶん、アルバムのなかで、ぼくが一番好きな歌なんだ。

Zach : Really?

Sivan : Yeah. I really really love that song.

Zach : Why?

Sivan : Don't act so surprised! Now you're making me second guess myself!
シヴァン:そんなに驚いたふりをしないでよ! きみは、わざと、ぼくの言葉を無視してるじゃないか! 

Zach Sang : No!

Sivan : I'm just... you're like "really"?
シヴァン:ぼくはただ… なんで「ほんとに?」なんて言うのさ。

Zach : That's your favorite song um...why is that story the one that resonates the deepest?

Sivan : I think because of a couple things, uh... first of all, I just, I really like the song. I just think it's like, if I may say so, I think it's like well written, I think it's interesting, I think the production is amazing, and

Zach : The story is really good, and the lyrics are f**king great!

Sivan : Thank you, um... But no, it was just this thing, that it was this recurring thing that sort of has happened multiple times right? um...where I am sort of like reached out to...
シヴァン:ありがとう、ええと...でもね、これはただ、何度も起きた、繰り返しみたいな物語なんだ。 ええと...ぼくが、手を差し伸べてきた...

Sivan : Or you know, there's a straight guy, who's like entertaining me for some reason, right?

Sivan : And um... always, like, you know, I always, pretty explicitly, like, you know, I've had people straight up say like "oh yeah, I'm like down to explore" or whatever? um...
シヴァン : そして、ええと...いつも、そう、ぼくはいつも、かなりはっきりと、いろんな人から、「そうそう、ぼくは、探検するつもりなんだ」なんて、率直に言われたことがあるんだけどね、うーん...

Sivan : But then, and I always thought it was really hot, and I was like, I sort of started to go into my own head, and I'm like, wait, why is that hot like is this internalized homophobia, where I'm like, this is, this person 100% like, would have scared me, in high school, um...

Sivan : And now, they're showing me attention, is that, what I'm like feeling and responding to, you know like, why, why is this such a fantasy kind of thing...

Sivan : And then, when I followed through with it, the few times, um... There was this sort of like, empty feeling afterwards with, with these particular guys, because um...

Sivan : Because... there was sort of a limit, to what it.. it could be, because in the end of the day, they were...

Zach : They had a girlfriend in your home to you?

Sivan : Well, they didn't have a girlfriend. I didn't cheat.

Zach : Whatever they were, they believe that they were straight.

Sivan : Right, right... And so, you know, you end up, kind of I felt as though it was like... like, you would do all this talking, talking, talking, and then, do whatever, and then, it's still like, "But, well bro, like, I'm not gay..." And I'm like...

Sivan : Okay girl, like whatever, just you know, that's fine!
シヴァン:いいよ、君、なんでもいいよ、それでいいよ! みたいなね。

Sivan : Um... and so... yeah, I think it just like left me feeling a little bit empty, a lot of the time, and then also, there's other people that I've been with where I've been the first guy that they've been with,

Sivan : And um...they were totally open, and surprised me completely, and like just really evolved, and self assured and like confident in... in who they were, and they were like, ”No, if like if I was to fall in love with you right now, that would be totally fine!” kind of thing.

Sivan : So I don't know whatever. I didn't really have like a firm opinion on it. I just knew the way that I felt, and I started writing this song, and it was like, it really started with this one guy, who he had told me, that sometimes, when he's like, you know, when it's late at night, and he's been partying or whatever, he really wants to hook up with a guy, and so, I said to him,
シヴァン:だから、わかんないんだけどさ。 それについて、あんまり確固たる意見は、なにも無かった。 自分の気持ちがわかったので、ぼくは、この曲を書き始めた。そして、本当に、ある1人の男性から、始まったことなんだけど、彼は、ぼくに、こう言ったんだ。ときどき、そう、夜遅くなったとき、 パーティーか何かに参加しているときにね、本当に、男性と付き合いたいと、思うことがあるんだって。それで、ぼくは、彼に言ったんだけど、

Chairman : It's not a straight man?

Sivan : Well, you tell him, that I'm not going to say that but um...but I said to him, I was like, ”Okay, well, let me know, if you're feeling gay on Saturday night, like at any point”, and we were just like joking around and whatever.
シヴァン:そう、そう言うつもりじゃなかったんだけど、そう言えるよね。でも、ぼくは彼に言ったんだ。「わかった、まあ、じゃあ土曜の夜に、きみが自分を同性愛者だと感じたら、いつでも知らせてね!」みたいな感じだった。 そしてぼくたちは、ただ冗談を言い合ったりしていたんだ。

Sivan : And he's like a friend, and um... and then, I went into the studio, and I had recorded, I have the voice mem somewhere of me in the shower that morning, stepping out of the shower, I had the lyric, and it was like, "Give me a call, if you ever get lonely, I'll be like one of your girls or your homies"

Sivan : And it's like, it'll be chill, like, I'll just be like one of your... one of your girls, that you normally hook up with, or like, one of your friends, who like, also kind of wants to suck your dick like, um... you know, it'll be chill kind of vibe, and I just thought, it was funny, and and um...

Sivan : And then, we, um... yeah, we ended up writing the rest of the chorus, and, switches, and it says, "Give me a call if you ever get desperate, I'll be like one of your girls", which, I think, really summarize the way that I ended up feeling about myself afterwards, which is that like, you're this experiment, or this like Last Resort of, like, if you don't find a girl to hook up with, like secretly call, your like "gay friend Troye", and he'll come over, and do it for you, you know, what I mean?... like, it just, it didn't leave me feeling really good, a lot of the time...
シヴァン:そして、僕たちは、えーっと、コーラスの残りを書き終えて、そして...こう切り替えた。「もし絶望的になったら、電話してね。ぼくは、きみのガールフレンドのひとりに、なってあげるから」。 これは、ぼくがそのあと、自分自身の状況について、どう感じたかを、本当に要約していると思う。つまり、きみは、実験をしているんだ。きみに、付き合う女の子が見つからなかった場合の、最後の手段のようなものさ。 そのときは、きみの「ゲイの友達のトロイ」に、こっそり電話するとか、連絡を取るとか。そうすれば、ぼくはやって来て、きみのために、やってくれるからさ。わかるだろう?... だけど、本当の意味では、いい気分はしなかったけど...

Zach : It shouldn't. It's a f**ked up thing. It's something incredibly common.
I think more straight men or people, straight men who believe that they're straight, genuinely like have no f**k problem using queer men at their discretion for whatever purpose, they, well...

Sivan : The annoying thing was as well, is that, sometimes it literally just felt like an ego stroke, where it was like, I'm going to flirt with you, and like, you know, and then, immediately like pull the rug out from under your feet, as soon as, I start showing interest or like vulnerability in that situation, it was like, "Wow" , like, "Slow down..." And so, that was not, that was not fun.
シヴァン:迷惑だったのは、時々それが、文字通り、単なる「エゴのストローク」のように、感じられたことさ。「ぼくはきみと、いちゃいちゃするつもりさ」みたいな感じで始まって、それからすぐに、「足元を掬われる」みたいな感じだった。 ぼくがその状況に興味を示したり、弱さを示し始めたりするとすぐに、「おやおや、ちょっと待って」という感じだった...だから、あんまり楽しくなかったんだけど。

Zach : So I used to have this straight guy, who would call me to hook up every time, he'd end up like, breaking up with one of the girl, like girls he was hooking up with MH, and um...the whole thing ended up starting because he made out with gave me in public, like started f**k making out with me, giving me f**king hickeys, and like, there f**king video of it somewhere on the internet um... f**king embarrassing, and uh... watch that lat what are the reasons you ready for this f**ked up. He, the reason why he wanted to start hooking up with me, was because he would watch our interviews in bed with his ex after they'd f**k, and it was a part of something that he just needed to accomplish, and he saw me out, and he did it, and then, he kept wanting to hook up after that, but only after he'd end relationships with chicks!

Sivan : Sorry, I'm stuck on the point before...

Zach : Oh yeah, interesting right?

Sivan : About watching the interview?

Zach : Yeah, but who the f**k tells you that like he told me that after while he was telling me he was straight?

Chairman : Wait, so we'd hook up with his girlfriend, then watch the interviews?

Zach : Yeah, I guess or like yeah Jer I don't know dude I get some weird S**t weird S**t, is everybody is a gay...

Sivan : That's just I'm... I'm like... my oh dude.
シヴァン:それって... ぼくと似てるね。

Zach : The other day, I had some crazy muscle guy, come up to me with his wife, and tell me that he masturbates to my voice... swear to God did in front of my boyfriend, swear to God...

Sivan : Where was the wife?

Zach : Next literally. The wife's behind him claiming that he's straight, swear to f**k!

Sivan : Is that a compliment or not?

Zach : I don't know yeah, it's not the first time people have told me they masturbate to my voice.

Sivan : I'm now trying to like... close my eyes and just hear the voice, and see...

Zach : Yeah you want to like feeling...

Sivan : I don't feel anything...

Zach : Okay, I'll turn up a little bit louder for...

Sivan : There's nothing going on unfortunately for me, yeah...

Zach : Damn, maybe next time, another life,

Sivan : But no, I... I also think the one of the things about it as well was that I felt complicated about the situation, 'cause I'm also like really sex positive, and I'm like, everyone should be able to explore, and like, how do you know if you don't explore, and everything like that, but I just think, the issue is, the communication side of it, and like, the vulnerability side of it.

Sivan : And you know, if someone comes to me, and they're like, "Look, I don't know if I'm going to enjoy this or not, but I'm curious to try!". And I think, you'll really hot and cool or whatever like, I would be so open to having that conversation, and really appreciate the vulnerability there.

Sivan : And then, if afterwards, or during, or whatever, they were like, you know what, this actually isn't for me, I would be like, I completely understand, and like, thank you for trusting me with that moment. You know what I mean, and I would be fine with that. It's when I think, people get kg, and don't communicate, and they're not kind of like...
シヴァン:そして、その後だとか、あるいは最中だとかの彼らの様子を、ぼくは理解して、ぼくのためっていうわけじゃないんだけど、ぼくは完全に、彼らを理解してあげて、その瞬間には、「ぼくを信頼してくれてありがとう」って、思うだろうね。わかるだろう? 逆に、その人の体重ばかり減って、コミュニケーションが、まったく取れなくなったときには...

Zach : Well, insecure, and they're scared, and a bunch of different reasons... trauma trauma trauma...

Sivan : It makes it tough. It makes it kind of you can feel quite shitty afterwards, you know.

■トロイ・シヴァン 「Something To Give Each Other」
(Troye Sivan : 'Something To Give Each Other')
EMI Australia/Capitol(2023)

TRACKLIST(歌詞和訳リンク集 ”Japanese translation links of the lyrics”)
1. Rush
2. What’s The Time Where You Are?
3. One Of Your Girls
4. In My Room (feat. Guitarricadelafuente)
5. Still Got It
6. Can’t Go Back, Baby
7. Got Me Started
8. Silly
9. Honey
10. How To Stay With You

Considered to be one of the hottest works of 2023, Troye Sivan's long-awaited third critically acclaimed full album has finally been released!

”Something To Give Each Other” debuted at the top of Billboard's dance and electronic albums chart!
「Something To Give Each Other」は、ビルボードのダンス&エレクトロニック・アルバム・チャートで、初登場1位を獲得!


And, ”Something To Give Each Other” became Troye Sivan's first number one album in his home country of Australia!
そして「Something To Give Each Other」は、母国オーストラリアで初のナンバー1アルバムを獲得しました!

※Troye Sivan won his first No. 1 album in his home country of Australia, and is very satisfied=^_^=


On November 15, 2023,
In ARIA Music Awards, established in 1978 by the Australian Recording Industry Association to celebrate the best work in the Australian music industry,
Troye Sivan won the 4 categories!
ARIAミュージック・アワード(ARIA Music Awards:オーストラリア音楽業界大手のオーストラリアレコード産業協会が主催する、1978年にオーストラリアの音楽業界の優れた作品を称える目的で作られた音楽賞)

(2023 ARIA Awards)
International sensation Troye Sivan takes home the most ARIA Awards in 2023 with a total of four:
Song of the Year Presented by YouTube,
Best Solo Artist,
Engineer – Best Engineered Release (Styalz Fuego),
Producer – Best Produced Release presented by Neumann (Styalz Fuego)
エンジニア賞(最優秀エンジニアード・リリース賞 スティアルツ・フエゴ)、
プロデューサー賞(最優秀プロデュース・リリース賞:ノイマン賞 スティアルツ・フエゴ)

Troye Sivan also won two nominations for the 2024 Grammy Awards for "RUSH"!!

※Troye Sivan - Rush (Official Video)
※(from Wikipedia)Michael Sun of The Guardian believed "Australia is in its gay era", thanks to the back-to-back releases of "Rush" and Kylie Minogue's "Padam Padam", and described Sivan's track as "pure gay smut: a paean to poppers inspired by the sweaty clubs of Melbourne's Smith Street.
※Ben Beaumont-Thomas of the same publication compared its funky house rhythm to Spiller's "Groovejet", writing, "with a rowdy chorus chanted as if by a troupe of distractingly buff personal trainers, it's all sweat and heavy breathing".
※Shaad D'Souza of Pitchfork awarded the song their "Best New Track" distinction and observed that "Rush" is "unconcerned with anything but pure ecstasy".
The writer went on to praise the singer for producing a "sublime, orgiastic summer anthem".
The writer went on to praise the singer for producing a "sublime, orgiastic summer anthem".
※Kaelen Bell of Exclaim! found Sivan's "horny new single" a "thumping, kinetic dance banger".
※Writing for Dork, Stephen Ackroyd called it "a bum-slapping bop" and "the most fun you'll have all summer".
※Jason P. Frank of Vulture also found it a "bop", while thinking it works better with the music video,
※and added: "This is a song meant for partying through the heat, for doing a substance or two, for turning the dance floor into a make-out sesh.


This is Troye Sivan's first time being nominated for the Grammy Awards!

from 2024 GRAMMY Nominations:
最優秀ポップ・ダンス・レコーディング賞 : RUSH (Troye Sivan)
最優秀ミュージック・ビデオ賞 : RUSH (Troye Sivan)
最優秀アフリカ音楽賞 : RUSH (AYRA STARR)

Platinum-selling artist Troye Sivan!


In the music video for "One Of Your Girls" (the music video that achieved 8.1 million views in the two weeks of its release and became the 78th most popular music video in the world), Troye Sivan performed his first "bewitching drag queen (cross-dressing) appearance" (eyes were glued to it)!
”One Of Your Girls”のMV (リリース2 週間で810万 回視聴を達成し、世界で人気 78 位のミュージック ビデオ) では、シヴァン先生初の、「妖艶なドラッグクイーン(女装)姿」を披露(思わず目が釘付けに)!!






※Troye Sivan - One of Your Girls (Official Video)
※Released mere hours after the album dropped, the singer’s video for “One of Your Girls” might just be his best yet. In the clip, the 28-year-old dons drag publicly for the first time, wearing a series of stunning ensembles and applying a glossy YSL lipstick. As model Alex Consani put it while commenting on one of Sivan’s Instagram teasers for the video: His “doll era is everything.”The “One of Your Girls” also stars actor and musician Ross Lynch, as well as a cast of models including Tomasz Kurdziel and Bobby Nelson.
 そして、アルバムリリースからほどなくリリースされたシンガーのミュージックビデオ「One of Your Girls」は、これまでの傑出したMVと比べてさえ、「最高の出来栄え」であると断言できることだろう。
 「One of Your Girls」は、俳優であり、ミュージションのロス・リンチを「シヴァンの相手役」として配している。また、モデルのTomasz KurdzieやBobby NelsonもMVで共演する。(@ハーパーズ バザー誌(記事全訳と歌詞和訳はこちら))

【リンク】タワーレコードオンライン:Something To Give Each Other

【配信リンク】UNIVERSAL MUSIC:Something To Give Each Other

【リンク】UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE:Something To Give Each Other

■The making video of the MV "One of Your Girls", which achieved 8.1 million views in just two weeks after its release and became the 78th most popular in the world!
リリース後わずか2 週間で810万 回視聴を達成し世界で人気 78 位となったMV「One of Your Girls」の、メイキングビデオ!

※Troye Sivan - One of Your Girls (Behind the Scenes)

■Troye Sivan announces huge UK and European 2024 tour!

Troye Sivan has announced details of a huge UK and European tour for 2024.
The tour is in support of Sivan’s acclaimed album ‘Something To Give Each Other’, which was released back in October. The record – Sivan’s first in five years – scored the Australian a glowing five-star review from Nick Levine for NME. Levine wrote: “It’s a strikingly vital pop album charged with love, lust, sweat and regret. You won’t need a bosh of poppers to feel thoroughly intoxicated.”
Hailed by The Guardian as "one of this year's best and most distinctive pop albums" and celebrated by Rolling Stone as "a pristine slice of pop heaven," the Something to Give Each Other Tour is destined to be Sivan 's biggest, boldest and brightest tour.
Sivan’s 17-date run will begin in Portugal on May 29, 2024, before continuing throughout Europe. Sivan arrives in the UK on June 22 at the Manchester AO Arena; the tour will conclude in Birmingham.Tickets for the shows go on sale on December 8 at 9am.
このツアーは、10月にリリースされたシヴァンの大絶賛アルバム『Something To Give Each Other』をサポートするものです。 NME誌のニック・レヴァインは、オーストラリア人であるシヴァンにとって5年ぶりとなるこのレコードに、輝かしい5つ星のレビュー評価を与えました。 レヴァインは次のように書いています。「愛、欲望、汗、後悔に満ちた、驚くほど生命力のあるポップ・アルバム。 完全に酔うためには、ポッパーを大量に飲む必要はないだろう。」
シヴァンの17日間の公演は、2024年5月29日にポルトガルで始まり、その後、ヨーロッパ全土で続きます。 シヴァンは、6月22日に英国のマンチェスターAOアリーナに到着します。 ツアーは、バーミンガムで終了します。ショーのチケットは 、12 月 8 日午前 9 時に発売されます。

Something to Give Each Other UK and European Tour 2024 from Troye Sivan HP

Troye Sivan Tour infomation from the ticketmaster

■From the recent photos of Troye Sivan!























■Introducing my favorite music video!


※He also has a song called "Bloom", on which he takes the role of what sounds like the receptive partner losing his virginity. "It's true, babe...I've been saving this for you...Promise me you'll hold my hand if I get scared now...Might tell you to take a second baby slow it down...You should know I bloom, I bloom just for you."
※In other words, "Bloom" is a gay anthem for bottoms, and when I ask Sivan if that's what the song is about, he plays coy but pretty much gives away the answer.
※ "It's 100 per cent about flowers! That's all it is," he says with a wink. "Call it whatever you wanna call it. I wanna play that song at every Pride." In many ways, Sivan doesn't need to say a thing: his very presence is the power.
「100%、花々についての歌だよ! それだけさ」と彼はウィンクしながら語る。「君の思うように解釈すればいいさ、ぼくは、この歌を、プライドパレードで歌うから」多くの場合、シヴァンは言葉を話す必要すらない。シヴァン自身の存在感こそが力なのだ。

■トロイ・シヴァンのインタビュー和訳リンク集(Japanese translation links of the Interviews with Troye Sivan)!

【リンク(link)】トロイ・シヴァン("Sivan Interviews"インタビュー和訳リンク集)(Japanese translation links of the Interviews with Troye Sivan)

■トロイ・シヴァンのYoutube集(Japanese translation links of the Troye Sivan Youtubes)!

【リンク(link)】Translation links of Troye Sivan Youtubes(Japanese translation links of the Youtubes with Troye Sivan)

■トロイ・シヴァンの全過去記事リンク集(links of the past articles history of balimonogatari from the first article of Troye Sivan to most recent article)!

【リンク(link)】「シヴァン先生のファン」になるまで(How did I get into Sivan)(links of the "past articles history of balimonogatari from the first article to most recent article")

■トロイ・シヴァンのオリジナルソング歌詞和訳リンク集(Japanese translation links of the lyrics of Troye Sivan songs)!

【リンク(link)】トロイ・シヴァン(オリジナル曲"Songs by Troye Sivan"歌詞和訳リンク集)(Japanese translation link of the lyrics of Troye Sivan songs)

I participated in the ranking with the aim of getting as many girls as possible, as well as, as many gay and LGBTQ people as possible, to read my blog for the Australian queer artist Troye Sivan. Thank you for all of your great kindness, and if you don't mind, please give us one push for each photos below, of the artist Troye Sivan and his boyfriend Jacob Bixenman.

にほんブログ村 その他日記ブログ 腐女子日記へ



にほんブログ村 セクマイ・嗜好ブログ 同性愛・ゲイ(ノンアダルト)へ

FC2 Blog Ranking 《BL》