charitable | 英語勉強の軌跡とかなんとか






  1. Benovelent
    • Her charitable demeanor made everyone in the room feel welcomed and valued.
  2. Generous
    • The billionaire is known for his charitable contributions to poverty alleviation programs.
  3. Lenient
    • He was charitable in his judgment, overlooking minor mistakes for the greater good.








  • I’m looking for a charitable organization to donate to before the end of the year.」
    • 年末までに寄付をする慈善団体を探しています。
  • He's always been charitable towards others. 
    • 彼はいつも他人に対して慈悲深い。






(After the battle)
The Silvermane Guards rushed to the scene, and under Pela's command, they led the criminals to the confinement room, where they'll be awaiting their punishment...

Molly: ...Is it over?
MC: You are safe now. / I thought they'd be tougher.... (Molly: I wish you wouldn't make light of the matter. )
Molly: They were not bluffing, you know. If it weren't for you guys helping me out in time, I'm afraid I would have been... I... um... I don't know what to say... Thank you so much!
Pela: Thank goodness you weren't hurt. Also, I've found hard evidence of all their illicit dealings with those shady merchants. I believe you were looking for something as well. Is that right, Miss Molly?
Molly: Indeed, and I found it! And luckily it's still in good condition...
MC: Good to hear! / What's this?
Molly: Oh... This is a family heirloom. Even though I don't know exactly what's inside, it's still very important to me.
Pela: Miss Molly, I do have another very serious question to ask you... How did you manage to show up before we did? If anything, you should be at the workshop now.
Molly: Well... I... I was thinking about how all this only happened because of me, so... I thought I should...
Pela: That is not a good excuse, Miss Molly. No offense, but you were simply too reckless. I do admire your bravery and sense of duty... but you're still lacking in situational judgment and thus often end up putting yourself in harm's way. Have you really given much thought to how you could win the fight against those thugs all on your own? Let's be charitable here and assume you could beat them. What then? Are you really equipped to take on the criminal mastermind behind the scenes?
Molly: ... *sigh* You are right, Officer Pela. I didn't think carefully enough about the consequences of my action. And those goons weren't entirely off the mark when they said I couldn't take on the whole world just on my own. I thought I could make Belobog a better place... Well, I can't even manage my own life... I've been working so hard... but what's the point?
(MC: It's indeed all for naught. / Pela: Hey! Cut it out!)
MC: You can't change everyone. 
Molly: Is my dream really a joke? A city that stands for justice and equality... it's impossible in this world! 
Pela: Well... Molly, please don't get nihilistic... Maybe I was being a bit too harsh just now. I didn't mean to upset you...
Molly: ...Sorry, I'm fine. I just couldn't help myself. I'd better listen to Officer Pela and head back to the workshop... Perhaps this job is not for me after all. *sigh*... 


  • goon: ならず者
  • off the mark: 的外れ
    • They weren't entirely off the mark when they said I couldn't take on the whole world just on my own. 
    • 私が一人で世界を相手にするのは無理だと言ったのは、あながち的外れではなかった。









モリー:あなたの言う通りです、ペラさん。私は自分の行動の結果を十分に考えていませんでした。そして、あの悪党たちが私一人で世界中と戦えないと言ったのも、全くの的外れというわけではありませんでした。ベロブルグをより良い場所にできると思っていました... でも、私は自分の人生さえも管理できていません...一生懸命働いてきました... でも、何の意味があるのでしょう?


(主人公:実際、全て無駄です。/ ペラ:ねえ、やめてよ!)


モリー:私の夢は本当に冗談なのでしょうか?正義と平等を象徴する都市... この世界では不可能なのですね! 

ペラ:ええと... モリー、虚無的にならないでください... 多分、さっきは少し厳しすぎたかもしれません。あなたを動揺させるつもりはありませんでした... 
