opine | 英語勉強の軌跡とかなんとか






意見を述べる、考えを表明するという意味の動詞(state opinions)。


  • hold and state as one's opinion.
    • "‘The man is a genius,’ he opined"





Bubbles are floating in the air with a colorful glow gliding on their surfaces. For some reason, they form an image that seems to carry a profound meaning. As you approach them, a female voice that sounds similar to Herta's murmurs monotonously, "Pure faith."


You sit upright in the center of a splendid altar. You see many people wearing white robes embroidered with gold threads, while others are standing solemnly around the altar in armor and helmets. Their monotonous murmurs fill up the empty rocky cavern.
It is apparent to you what they are doing — they are summoning them, the noble being who travels against time... They intend to treat a mysterious communication channel with steganography and craft it into a ritual prayer...
彼らが何をしているのか、あなたには明らかです — 彼らはそれを召喚しています、時間に逆らって旅する高貴な存在を... 彼らはステガノグラフィーを使った神秘的なコミュニケーションチャネルを扱い、それを儀式の祈りに変えるつもりです...
Through a spiritual ritual, they weave the threads of time in an attempt to trace backwards from the last withered leaf on the World Tree to the first bud in the beginning of everything. They firmly believe that by doing so, they will get to meet the noble being, though the encounter will be brief and fleeting.
You wonder whether some of them have achieved the goal. Without the intention of disrespecting their faith, you strongly opine that time is unidirectional, and it is impossible to go back in it. When you take that into account, their creed sounds ridiculous...
At that moment, the one in the white robe closest to you suddenly looks up. Can they sense your THOUGHTS? Anxiety seizes you as you wonder what they will do to you. But then again, it was them who invited you to the altar in the first place 


Could this be... a cruel ritual that involves sacrifices!? You tremble in fear and plead for their mercy loudly, but you do not have a mouth. Now, you really wish they could read your mind...
The person in the white robe walks up to you at a steady pace. "Oh, please at least treat me humanely!" You wail. You can almost make out the cold glint flickering underneath the person's robe... Help! Are there no law and order here!? You keep your eyes tightly shut.
You hear the rustling sound of that annoying robe being dragged along the stone tiles and the muffled thump of a pair of bare feet landing on the ground. The sound gets closer, louder, and suddenly comes to an abrupt halt somewhere very close to you.
Yet, you only feel a warm sensation. You open your eyes to find the person pressing his forehead against your body. Tears are streaming down his face, which was obscured by the shadow of the hood. "The monument is shaking... They have sensed us!"



He announces at the top of his lungs. Soon after, sighs of relief come from the crowd. A surge of relief washes over you, too. It's great that people here are civilized, and no one will do anything bad to a pathetic STONE...