mete out | 英語勉強の軌跡とかなんとか





mete outは、裁判官や他の権威が罰や処罰を与える行為を指します。報酬を与える際にも使われます。
  • (罰・処罰・報酬などを)与える、(正義を)実行する
  • to give (something) to the people who one decides should get it to give out or distribute (something)






  1. The judge meted out a severe punishment to the convicted felon, sentencing him to ten years in prison.

    • 裁判官は有罪判決を受けた重罪犯に厳しい罰を科し、彼に10年の刑を宣告した。
  2. After careful consideration, the committee decided to mete out awards to several outstanding employees for their exceptional service.

    • 慎重な検討の後、委員会は例外的なサービスを提供したいくつかの優秀な従業員に賞を与えることを決定した。
  3. In ancient times, rulers would mete out justice in public squares to demonstrate their power and the consequences of breaking the law.

    • 古代には、統治者たちは自らの権力を示し法を破った結果を示すため、公共の広場で正義を執行していた。
  4. After pleading guilty to the charges of embezzlement, the former company executive awaited the court's decision on the punishment to be meted out, understanding that his admission could potentially lead to a more lenient sentence.
    • 横領の罪を認めた後、元会社幹部は、自分の告白がより軽い量刑につながる可能性があることを理解しながら、量刑についての裁判所の決定を待っていた。


 ゲームでの利用例(Spoiler Alert)






  • "The words of a fool begins with foolishness and end in treacherous arrogance"...
    • 愚者の言葉は愚かさに始まり、裏切り者の傲慢さで終わる
  • malefactor: 悪人
  • machination: 陰謀、悪意をもった複雑な計画や策略
  • transgressor: 罪人、違反者
  • heathen: 異教徒(hereticは宗教内部の信条や教義に反する意見を持つ人)
  • vanguard: 先駆者
Sunday: ...
???: Brother, I'm back.
Sunday: ...Welcome back. How's your preparation for the performance coming?
???: It's fine. Don't worry.
Sunday: "It's fine"? Hmm, this is not good... You're the pride of The Family. Don't let those unnecessary emotions affect your perfect pitch.
???: I... know. Brother, you seem to be in low spirit... What's happened? Is it because of the Watchmaker's guest list?
Sunday: Yes, I received the report that... "Death" had taken some of them. Perhaps someone was behind it. Ah, I'm sorry. I forgot you just came back. You probably wouldn't know about it. Somehow, a nightmare called "Death" has descended upon Penacony, striking indiscriminately, bringing spiritual death to all equally... In the utopian dreamscape envisioned by The Family, such sorrowful incidents shouldn't arise. It profoundly undermines the equilibrium and serenity of the dreamscape... How detestable.
???: I can't believe this has happened. Was... someone killed again?
Sunday: Yes. There were two. One was a stowaway, the other ...... was you. That's enough Fool. Your deeds have saddened me.
Sparkle: Pretty sharp, aren't you, Chicken Wing Boy?
Sunday: The Odes of Harmony talks about honesty — "The words of a fool begins with foolishness and end in treacherous arrogance"...
Sunday: ...Please leave. THEIR dreamscape doesn't welcome you.
Sparkle: Oh come on, lighten up! Why so serious with all the quotations and references? I'm just curious — Now things have come to this, is The Family still unwilling to fight? I mean, your darling sister's already a goner, right? Really? Don't tell me you're not craving a little vengeance. (おいおい、もう少し明るく行こうよ!なんでそんなに引用とか参照に真面目なのさ?ただの好奇心だよ — 事がここまで来て、まだ「家族」は戦う気がないのかい?だって、あなたの可愛い妹さんももうこの世にいないんだろ?本当に?復讐したいって思ってないって言うの?)
Sunday: It's not yet time. When the fated day arrives, I shall mete out justice with unyielding righteousness.


Sparkle: Wow, you can endure that much? Truly, a heart of ice you've got there. Hey, maybe we could actually get along? How about this? I'll stand in for your dear sister at events— surely you don't want the world to hear the Charmony Festival's been called off?
Sunday: The Family has a plan, and do not dishonor my dear sister with your deceitful tongue again, Fool.
Sparkle: Alright, alright~ Just putting it out there... If you're ever in a pinch, remember I've got your back. I mean, who could resist a guy rocking spikes on his wings?
Sunday: There's no need. The malefactor has been exposed under Their radiant gaze and will soon fall by their own machinations. Should the transgressor fail to turn away from this path, THEIR sword will be honed, THEIR bow strung, causing the malevolence the perpetrator spreads to befall them. When that time comes, the heathen will realize they are but a mere mortal, doomed to descend into the netherworld.
Sunday: ...And I will join their vanguard to announce this good newsFuneral to you personally, "Watchmaker."