Deep frying pan ー揚げ鍋ー | Eating Cheese with Chopsticks

Eating Cheese with Chopsticks

Chewing Away at Cultural Differences since 2009



Because of our house renovation, our cooking stove changed from gas to induction. We needed to replace some pots and pans. Most of the pans and pots were fine for either gas or induction. But two of them needed to be replaced or given up.




One was a small pan for making egg roll. It was handy to have, but I can also make egg roll with a normal pan. Therefore, i decided not to buy a new one. The other one is a deep frying pan. We were using a simple round bottom chinese pan which we bought in the chinese supermarket for deep frying. In the Netherlands, people don't do deep frying at home so much with an open pan. Someone like Drop, who likes cooking, even thinks deep frying is dangerous. That is actually true but it is so common in Japan. I cannot give up making Karaage, Tonkatsu or Tenpura even though I very rarely cook.




I started looking for a nice deep frying pan for induction cooking. Maybe because deep frying is relatively uncommon here, and oil disposal is cumbersome. It may be better to buy a small pan. I searched the internet, and found something that looked nice. It was a square one manufactured in Germany. It was a bit expensive but I supposed that was because it was a good one. I placed an order.




After some problem for delivery, I finally received my deep frying pan. It was much larger and heavier than I expected. Oh, I need quite a lot of oil.... hmm. Therefore, we started using the pan for different purposes, such as stir frying, stewing etc. Then we realized that the pan is extremely good! Very handy to use. The only a downside is that it is a bit heavy. It was anyway very very useful for us. 




「Ankoちゃん、これって実は揚げ物(deep frying) 鍋ではなく、深い(deep) 炒め鍋何じゃない?と。


I was still thinking it was also good for deep frying.... But one day Drop said. "Anko chan, is this actually just a "deep" "frying pan"?"







I completely believed that the pan was for deep frying... Even I searched for "frituurpan" in Dutch... But apparently I ended up buying a  "deep" frying pan. Not a "deep frying" pan.... Fortunately, the pan is extremely useful. It turned out to be our favorite! (phew!)