A harsh hobby ー過酷な趣味ー | Eating Cheese with Chopsticks

Eating Cheese with Chopsticks

Chewing Away at Cultural Differences since 2009

I don't have so many hobbies. One of my few hobbies is eating wild. Yes, I love picking fruits in wild. Here in the Netherlands, we can pick some fruits in the wild, like black berries or rasberries. What I am the most unthusiastic about is chesnuts! There are not so many trees around here, but we found some in our neiborhood and I go there with my children or Japanese friends to pick them.




We were a bit late this year to go there and all the chesnuts were already on the ground. But we could collect quite some... they are wild, therefore, we don't expect super quality.... But picking is always so much fun!





The main job will start after we bring them back. Yes. Peeling.... Every year I feel the duty to do this job and I stay up late every night to finish it. But I was a bit tired this year. I kept them too long... In the end, I needed to throw about the half away due to the quality issue (or too long storage issue), but we could have chesnut rice at least several times. Boy1 was a bit angry because I needed to throw so much away...




Another passion is making appelmoes. I tend to get a lot of apples from my colleague who has big apple tree in her garden. But probably due to the weahter, not so many apples were available this year. But our children want to eat hand-made appelmoes. We went to a farm shop and bought 5 kg of apples for moes-making.  Not very wild, but it cost only 3 euro.




Making appelmoes is actually very easy. Just peel the apples and put them in a big pot with a tablespoon of water and heat up. I don't add any sugar or so, only a bit of cinnamon. Takes some time before the apples are completely cooked, but it is just a matter of time.




This is the result. I was in a bit in a hurry so the mushing is not entirely done properly though.




Both of this home cooking needs a lot of hand work. Peeling chesnuts takes enoumously long time (since they are wild, the size is very small and the inner skin is also going in the main fruit part) and peeling so many apples is also intensive. I actually have a skin problem and my hands are destroyed every year after this work. It is a dilemma: should I give up this hobby to save my skin, or I just sacrifise my skin for my hobby?




The best solution could be train my children to do it for me.